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Re: CF: oddity in the pup_land raffle #2

Raphael Quinet wrote:

> Hmmm...  I just though about another way to implement all this with
> the current objects and without requiring any scripting: set the
> weight of the monster so that it is very heavy.  Put lots of invisible
> buttons that keep the gates or exits closed as long as the monster is
> on them.  Make sure that the monster does not leave a heavy corpse
> when it dies.  Then as soon as the player kills the monster, some
> effect is triggered.  I don't know if it would really work in
> practice, but that may be an idea for implementing that effect without
> using an exit object in the monster's inventory.

 Another way, which works even better (in case some players are very heavy):

 Put some unique object in the monsters inventory.

 Set up altars/other objects that look for this object.

 When the monster dies, the altar finds this object and pushes some other
button.  Or you could not do an altar, and do something like a detector instead
if you want that item to stick around (although, if the party is being
teleported away, that may not be a big deal)

 Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems putting an exit in a monster only really
works when the player steps onto the exit (where the monster works).  This may
happen when players are doing hand to hand attacks, but strikes me would not
work if player are using spells/missile attacks.  On the other hand, if the exit
is invisible, the players would probably wander up to collect all the loot, and
get teleported as they reach that space.
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