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RE: CF: Obsolete options

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Wedel
Sent: 9/18/99 5:48 PM
Subject: Re: CF: Obsolete options


> The motivation for reducing the experience gain based on level was to
> remove the cheat: Stock up on waybreads.  Brace yourself in a doorway.
> Hit towards the oncoming hordes which are continually popping out of
> the generators.  Go skiing for the weekend.  Come back to a high level
> (well, it was, those days) character.  BTW, this is why you get less
> experience when you kill something while standing braced, too.  Now,
> if we get rid of infinitely generating generators, this is not a
> problem anymore.

 If we also got rid of bracing, that would also make that method of exp
gain harder.

 I would also think that with skills, such an exp gain is less useful -
sure your phyiscal exp will be up there, but your other skills will suffer.
But in the old days, there was just one level which determined all spell
casting abilities and the like.

 Of course a clever programmer could write a client robot that basically
does the same thing (stands in the doorway, eats waybread, and casts burning
hands or whatever else in that direction once in a while).  Of course, all
that waybread doesn't come cheap.

 One thought on this would be the idea someone else had on reputation -
if that player is known as the great orc killer, then the orcs would not
come rushing towards him.  At minimum, monsters should perhaps take a rough
look at the player and make some simple judgement calls - those orcs, while
they may try to rush taht level 5 player hoping to overwhelm him, will
probably leave that level 10 person alone.  So if that is done, then such
method os exp really won't work, since the mosnters won't approach.

 Such a simple level comparision/run away is fairly easy to code -
certainly much easier than many of the other ideas that has been discussed.
-----Begin Response-----
Uhm, that AI enhancement is one of the ideas that has been discussed.  In a
series of at least 3 exchanges between me and Teoh.  I see Mr. Mardahl isn't
the only one who has decided to ignore me....

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