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Re: CF: Re: Proposed altar change

We should count the tempels/altars in the cities.
I remember some unused temples in brit, navar and santa domingos?

We should always have one tempel of one god in one of the major cities.

Also, i prefer to put the evil ones like devourer in a more hidden position.
They are the enemys of living and not be open present.

There is also a big tempel section in the adventurer guild in stoneville.
Gaea, devourer, lythander and mostrai are present there.


> On Wed, Apr 19, 2000 at 05:03:08PM +0200, Michael Toennies wrote:
> > So we always travel to the inn in brit to find a sorig altar.
> And the only altar of Ruggilli is in the dragon hangar in Stoneville,
> out of reach for most players.
> --
> Jan
> -
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