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Re: CF: Needed feature: Server list

Michael Toennies wrote:
> Hi
> One problem we have is, that it is difficult to find a open server (with
> good connect).
> have a list, but it is always out of date.
> Why you don't set up a "server online" server?

 This could perhaps be done.  I remember there have been past discussions, and I
don't remember the overall outcome of those.  I know that some were more
ambitious in their design (moving players between servers, seperate worlds and
so on, which probably discouraged developement as it was not a simple change).

 For design, it is probably simplest to have th tracking server (TS) a simple
perl script, as it makes it simpler, but also easier to generate output of
whatever desired output.

 That said, I would think that using a connectionless protocol is probably a
better way to do this, as that probably keeps things simpler and you don't need
to worry as much about possible number of open sockets or the like on the TS.

 The server should probably just send a message to the TS that contains:

ip address 
free form text message (whatever the server admin decides to put in)
current users on the server (or maybe just number)

 To implement this on the server, probably add a value into config.h that
contains the TS - if that is not set, then consider this a private server and
not send messages.

 the TS should probably just present the above information as well as how long
it has last been since it received a message - some setting on the TS determines
when it actually removes it from its list.

 The server only needs to send a message to the TS when it starts up, every 5 or
10 minutes, or when its status changes (players join or leave - although maybe
just leave than in the every 5 or 10 minutes).  I don't see that the resolution
is needed much more than that - unless people are hitting the generated page and
constantly reloading, this is realy meant to be acting as a more up to date

 so now all someone needs to do is implement it.
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