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Re: CF: volunteer to maintain java client wanted

 <> wrote 00-05-10 02.18:

> Can you GPL the source and put it in the CVS tree?  At least that
> way it can be updated in spots, and be picked up later without your direct
> involvement.
> On Tue, 9 May 2000, Philip Brown wrote:
>> I haven't been maintaining the java client as well as I should, and its a
>> shame to see the potential wasted.
>> Does anyone want to step up to the plate and take over the source from me?

I would love to lay my hands on the code and see what i can do with it. I
have coded quite a lot of java and most of it has been network stuff so that
is not new to me in any way. I also use java applications across
Un*x/Win/MacOS which is a plus if you want the client to be trully cross

I would however also like to see the source code made public. It doesnt need
to be GPL if the author doesnt want that, but having the sourcecode public
makes it possible for more than one developer to create his or her own
version of the client. That would benefit the users a lot since it will
speed up "evolution" when several versions "compete" with each other.

In any way, i would like to see the code. Can i please?

  Isak Styf
  Computer Science student at the University of Luleå - Sweden

  Vänortsvägen 26:66                 Tel : 0920 681 02
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