Directory src/gui/src/main/resources/resource/sounds/

Total Files:
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Lines of Code

src/gui/src/main/resources/resource/sounds/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
akirschbaum 30 (100.0%) 94440 (100.0%) 3148.0

Most Recent Commits

akirschbaum 2020-02-20 15:51 Rev.: 21113

Add some background music files

94062 lines of code changed in 8 files:

  • src/gui/src/main/resources/resource/sounds: navar.mp3 (new 31400), navar.txt (new 4), scorn.mp3 (new 29040), scorn.txt (new 4), scorncounty.mp3 (new 23691), scorncounty.txt (new 4), wilderness.mp3 (new 9917), wilderness.txt (new 2)
akirschbaum 2020-02-20 15:46 Rev.: 21112

Update license information for sound files

0 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • src/gui/src/main/resources/resource/sounds: burning hands.txt (changed), comet.txt (new), meteor swarm.txt (changed)
akirschbaum 2020-02-11 16:52 Rev.: 21098

Convert built-in sound files to mp3

378 lines of code changed in 16 files:

  • src/gui/src/main/resources/resource/sounds: burning hands.mp3 (new 132), burning hands.wav (del), comet.mp3 (new 63), comet.wav (del), death.mp3 (new 25), death.wav (del), level_up.mp3 (new 43), level_up.wav (del), magic bullet.mp3 (new 7), magic bullet.wav (del), meteor swarm.mp3 (new 94), meteor swarm.wav (del), poison_off.mp3 (new 8), poison_off.wav (del), poison_on.mp3 (new 6), poison_on.wav (del)
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