November 2002 Commit Log

Number of Commits:
Number of Active Developers:
mwedel 2002-11-30 22:52 Rev.: 1858

common/player.c: Break out some of the extended commands into there
own function to make the extended_command function more readable.
Alphabetize strcmps in extended_command. Add special processing
for the 'take' command so that it handles open containers properly.
gtk/gx11.c: Add version information to the About dialogue box.
gtk/key.c: Fix bug in that extended commands (') didn't work right and
would crash the client if not entered in info window. Entering
these now works properly, and crashes are removed. Clean up formatting
of affected function keyfunc().
help/about.h: Add extra newline to text to make it look better with
the version string above.
MSW 2002-11-30

229 lines of code changed in 5 files:

mwedel 2002-11-30 22:46 Rev.: 1857

common/object.c, include/object.h: Add INS_BELOW_ORIGINATOR flag to
insert_ob_in_map - this is used for treasure chests so the
treasure is put below the player. Also fix insertiong of items
on spaces that block view - put them in proper order, and not just
directly above the floor
server/apply.c: Tell player what level they need to be if they are not
of sufficient level to improve armor. Modify apply_treasure to
use INS_BELOW_ORIGINATOR flag, clean up some of the other logic
in apply_treasure.
server/c_object.c: Modify command_take to use the container inventory
when doing a pickup, and not the container itself.
MSW 2002-11-30

165 lines of code changed in 5 files:

temitchell 2002-11-30 11:36 Rev.: 1856

changed the material type from wood(?) to iron on these

3 lines of code changed in 2 files:

temitchell 2002-11-30 11:20 Rev.: 1855

-changed name field to snow on these

2 lines of code changed in 2 files:

mwedel 2002-11-30 02:57 Rev.: 1854

Add '' script which will update unique maps -
both per player and global. The script should do it all - update the
exits on the map, as well as rename it if appropriate. Update README
to document the existence of this file.
MSW 2002-11-29

393 lines of code changed in 2 files:

temitchell 2002-11-30 00:31 Rev.: 1853

-fixed the transparency on the evergreen2 image

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

temitchell 2002-11-30 00:29 Rev.: 1852

working on the snow again

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

mwedel 2002-11-29 23:17 Rev.: 1851

TODO: Updated with dm 'follow' command.
common/loader.l: Rebuilt.
common/map.c: Fix up some formatting - no code change.
include/player.h, server/apply.c, server/player.c, socket/info.c: Remove
chosen_item_spell field - isn't needed anymore as that information
is determined each time player fires wand/rod/horn. This fixes
those items firing magic bullets if they were equipped when player
saved and rejoined. Some additional cleanup done in rangetostring() -
mostly formatting changes, but minor code changes.
MSW 2002-11-29

94 lines of code changed in 7 files:

temitchell 2002-11-29 00:07 Rev.: 1850

-touched up outpost tower pic

14 lines of code changed in 4 files:

temitchell 2002-11-28 23:31 Rev.: 1849

-did not totally fix the mine secret doors but improved their look a bit anyway

0 lines of code changed in 36 files:

temitchell 2002-11-28 23:28 Rev.: 1848

- a forge animation, some desks and dressers, a workbench pic

116 lines of code changed in 11 files:

garbled 2002-11-26 20:51 Rev.: 1847

Add yet another table and function. plant_a_garden(). Allows for herb
(and whatnot) growth on the map.

122 lines of code changed in 3 files:

garbled 2002-11-26 18:25 Rev.: 1846

Add a document describing the weather system.. Not perfect, but gives a
really good overview for programmers and DM's alike.

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

garbled 2002-11-26 17:13 Rev.: 1845

Add comments to most of weather.c's functions to make it.. well..

100 lines of code changed in 1 file:

garbled 2002-11-26 16:53 Rev.: 1844

Change singing_in_the_rain and let_it_snow to use a table lookup, rather
than embedding the names of all the special arches used to make it snow/rain.

Add my name to this file's copyright, as I think I deserve it. :)

160 lines of code changed in 2 files:

garbled 2002-11-26 05:00 Rev.: 1843

Change avoid_weather() to use a table lookup located at the beginning of
weather.c, rather than a mess of ifs/elses.

42 lines of code changed in 2 files:

garbled 2002-11-26 03:57 Rev.: 1842

Nuke #ifdef MAP_RESET

1 lines of code changed in 5 files:

garbled 2002-11-26 03:48 Rev.: 1841

Get rid of #ifdef PLUGINS (it is on by default, I didn't take out gros's

5 lines of code changed in 14 files:

garbled 2002-11-26 03:37 Rev.: 1840

get rid of #ifdef NO_AUTO_SKILL_SWITCH

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

garbled 2002-11-26 03:33 Rev.: 1839

Nuke USE_CHECKSUM. Done in a way that will not blow up on older playerfiles
with a checksum. This removes the function calculate_checksum.

1 lines of code changed in 4 files:

garbled 2002-11-26 03:08 Rev.: 1838


0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

garbled 2002-11-26 02:57 Rev.: 1837

get rid of #ifdef LOSSY_ALCHEMY

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

garbled 2002-11-26 02:55 Rev.: 1836


0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

garbled 2002-11-26 02:48 Rev.: 1835


0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

garbled 2002-11-26 02:44 Rev.: 1834


0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

temitchell 2002-11-25 01:18 Rev.: 1833

fixed transparancy on this

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

temitchell 2002-11-24 16:19 Rev.: 1832

oops - is not a floor

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

temitchell 2002-11-24 15:41 Rev.: 1831

adding ice for weather effects

7 lines of code changed in 2 files:

mwedel 2002-11-20 03:19 Rev.: 1830

include/shstr.h: Update REFCOUNT_TYPE to be an int - seems to at least fix
the bug of server crashing when running around the bigworld - given the
size of the maps, quite possible that enough objects of the same name
would be in memory to overflow the size size of a short.
MSW 2002-11-19

7 lines of code changed in 2 files:

temitchell 2002-11-17 13:06 Rev.: 1829

touched up snow overlay, added snow5 - a lighter snow overlay

12 lines of code changed in 3 files:

gros 2002-11-14 06:56 Rev.: 1828

Added additional informations in the Python documentation.

(Gros - 14/11/02)

272 lines of code changed in 1 file:

gros 2002-11-14 06:00 Rev.: 1827

Back to work !

Added placeholders functions for weather support.

(Gros - 14/11/02)

61 lines of code changed in 2 files:

gros 2002-11-14 05:21 Rev.: 1826

Back to work !
Corrected a small typo in the Python docs

( - 14/11/02)

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

gros 2002-11-14 05:17 Rev.: 1825

Back to work !
Corrected typo in the Python plugin code preventing the use of an archetype name in CreateObject

( - 14/11/02)

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

gros 2002-11-14 05:13 Rev.: 1824

Back to work ! Minor correction in the Python documentation

(, 14/11/02)

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

garbled 2002-11-13 20:08 Rev.: 1823


1 lines of code changed in 2 files:

garbled 2002-11-13 20:03 Rev.: 1822

FULL_RING_DESCRIPTION is default. Nuke the define from orbit.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

garbled 2002-11-13 19:47 Rev.: 1821

Move stat_loss_on_death, use_permanent_experience, and balanced_stat_loss
from command line arguments to the lib/settings file. Document, and
clean up config.h

39 lines of code changed in 4 files:

garbled 2002-11-13 19:32 Rev.: 1820

Add a document describing some of the settings. At the same time, pull
most of the old setting cruft out of config.h, to avoid potential confusion.

72 lines of code changed in 2 files:

garbled 2002-11-13 19:19 Rev.: 1819

Nuke #ifdef ALCHEMY from orbit. If you don't want alchemy cp /dev/null

1 lines of code changed in 4 files:

garbled 2002-11-13 00:56 Rev.: 1818

Update the changelog. Add soemthing else to developers while I was in there.

18 lines of code changed in 2 files:

garbled 2002-11-13 00:53 Rev.: 1817

Update the settings file with all my new settings. wheeee.

6 lines of code changed in 1 file:

garbled 2002-11-13 00:49 Rev.: 1816

#define MOTD -> settings.motd
#define DM_MAIL -> settings.dm_mail

37 lines of code changed in 5 files:

garbled 2002-11-13 00:24 Rev.: 1815

#ifdef SPELLPOINT_LEVEL_DEPEND -> settings.spellpoint_level_depend
#ifdef EXPLORE_MODE -> settings.explore_mode
While I was here.. make explore mode actually *work*. It didn't even
have an entry in the commands array.

64 lines of code changed in 12 files:

garbled 2002-11-12 23:57 Rev.: 1814

#ifdef REAL_WIZ -> settings.real_wiz
#ifdef RECYCLE_TMP_MAPS -> settings.recycle_tmp_maps
Even found a cute bug while fixing up real_wiz.

52 lines of code changed in 9 files:

garbled 2002-11-12 20:17 Rev.: 1813

Missed a define for SPELL_ENCUMBRANCE

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

garbled 2002-11-12 19:55 Rev.: 1812

update with my work so far: RESURRECTION SET_TITLE SEARCH_ITEMS

6 lines of code changed in 1 file:

garbled 2002-11-12 19:49 Rev.: 1811

#ifdef CASTING_TIME -> settings.casting_time

116 lines of code changed in 11 files:

garbled 2002-11-12 19:26 Rev.: 1810

#ifdef SPELL_ENCUMBRANCE -> settings.spell_encumbrance
#ifdef SPELL_FAILURE_EFFECTS -> settings.spell_failure_effects

73 lines of code changed in 10 files:

garbled 2002-11-12 18:20 Rev.: 1809

#ifdef SEARCH_ITEMS -> settings.search_items

22 lines of code changed in 10 files:

garbled 2002-11-12 18:09 Rev.: 1808

SET_TITLE and RESURRECTION are now settings.

50 lines of code changed in 9 files:

garbled 2002-11-12 17:34 Rev.: 1807

convert #ifdef NOT_PERMADETH into settings.not_permadeth.

201 lines of code changed in 6 files:

garbled 2002-11-11 04:05 Rev.: 1806

Add myself to the Developers list. Put the alchemy changes in the changelog.

15 lines of code changed in 2 files:

garbled 2002-11-11 04:01 Rev.: 1805

Update this file to be compatible with the new alchemy code. All
arrow/bow formulae were moved to bowyer/workbench. All weapon/armor
formulae were moved to smithery/forge. Please feel free to fiddle this
file, alot more can probably be done with it by someone creative.

337 lines of code changed in 1 file:

garbled 2002-11-11 03:59 Rev.: 1804

New alchemy code, as discussed on the developer list. Now recipies include
two new tags: skill and cauldron. With skill, you can set which skill
activates this recipie, and the cauldron, corresponds to the arch name of
the facility you will use when creating the item. In this way, item
creation is now more generalized than just alchemy, and specific formulae
can be written to utilize different skills, or perhaps special formulae
would require a hard-to-find cauldron.

Functionally, the alchemy, or alchemy-like-skills are now activated by
the use_skill command. The secondary use of the alchemy spell has been
withdrawn, so now it functions in the way it was originally intended again.

161 lines of code changed in 5 files:

garbled 2002-11-11 03:53 Rev.: 1803

prototypes for the forge and workbench items (for new alchemy). To do these
I simply reused the fireplace and table_4 graphics. It would be really nice
if someone would do real graphics for a forge and bowyer's workbench.

A room hanging off the armory and bowyer shop like the one in the alchemy
shop would be nice too.

5 lines of code changed in 2 files:

temitchell 2002-11-09 17:56 Rev.: 1802

added some lighting to lake country area (very little), Santo D., Darcap, stoneville

225 lines of code changed in 5 files:

garbled 2002-11-08 03:54 Rev.: 1801

Add new command "weather". Displays the current weather conditions to the
player. TODO: make it dump the weathermap data for a wiz.
Add rain. Touch up snow a bit, and hunt down and kill a few minor bugs.
All that is left to do for basic visual weather is hail and fog, and then
messages to the player expressing conditional changes.
Rain and snow only occur at dynamiclevel >= 2.

330 lines of code changed in 4 files:

garbled 2002-11-08 03:50 Rev.: 1800

Add glue for weather_effect from server/weather.c
Make decay_objects stop destroying all my snow and puddles. Lower the
ferocity of this function a bit as well.
in ready_map_name, we call weather_effect, so that as a player enters a
worldmap tile, he will immediately see the current weather conditions.

14 lines of code changed in 3 files:

garbled 2002-11-08 03:45 Rev.: 1799

Move the weather defines into tod.h. Add a function pointer for the
weather_effect command, so it can be called from ready_map.

46 lines of code changed in 4 files:

garbled 2002-11-08 03:42 Rev.: 1798

Add puddles, to display rain effects. Images excellently drawn by:
Meegwun South.

0 lines of code changed in 10 files:

garbled 2002-11-08 03:40 Rev.: 1797

New gfx for wooded areas, transparent, rather than having grass on the image.
Graphics kindly provided by: Meegwun South

0 lines of code changed in 6 files:

temitchell 2002-11-06 19:19 Rev.: 1796

fixed number of anim frames - was generating warning message.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

garbled 2002-11-06 04:49 Rev.: 1795

Add snow4 arc and snow4 image. Image provided by Todd Mitchell

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

garbled 2002-11-06 04:47 Rev.: 1794

Better handling for snow. Now when snowing on cobblestones, we use a
see-through image, so we don't obscure the paths. Provide handling for
upgrading and downgrading snow. Actually melt glaciers. Create a new
flag, FLAG_FLOOR_OVERLAY. When set in an overlay map, this item is
loaded INS_ABOVE_FLOOR_ONLY, so we can load the see-through-snow over
cobblestones without obscuring things like signs and walls.

67 lines of code changed in 4 files:

temitchell 2002-11-03 23:20 Rev.: 1793

Forgot about this- fixed added in lights and made this a outside map Now the illusion is complete

40 lines of code changed in 1 file:

temitchell 2002-11-03 18:11 Rev.: 1792

modified inn lighting (removed redundant lights)
added streetlights to Navar
fixed map tiling info for Navar and Scorn
finished up the river in Navar

3201 lines of code changed in 9 files:

temitchell 2002-11-03 02:05 Rev.: 1791

Added streetlights to Scorn

148 lines of code changed in 2 files:

temitchell 2002-11-03 02:04 Rev.: 1790

Added lighting to the scorn gatehouses

282 lines of code changed in 2 files:

temitchell 2002-11-03 01:35 Rev.: 1789

Fixed the mountain4 image (was not 8 bit), modified the glacier image,
added animation and glow effect to brazier and fireplace, added attache case,
added two more snow/mountain arches and a mountain5 (very high mountain)

105 lines of code changed in 24 files:

temitchell 2002-11-02 01:43 Rev.: 1788

dded in some lamposts and a braizer variant with animation

1 lines of code changed in 7 files:

garbled 2002-11-01 02:54 Rev.: 1787

Forgot to commit this for the rainfall stuff. Sorry everyone.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

October 2002 »

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