Directory maps/branches/lalo-pupland/mlab/citydeclouds/apartment/

Directory Created:
2008-03-14 22:57
Total Files:
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Lines of Code:


Lines of Code

maps/branches/lalo-pupland/mlab/citydeclouds/apartment/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
rjtanner 22 (100.0%) 36608 (100.0%) 1664.0

Most Recent Commits

rjtanner 2013-10-01 18:13 Rev.: 19073

Merge from Trunk changes to mlab/citydeclouds - no python based guild in this region. The castle directory has numerous maps that still need closer examination, they do not exist in trunk.

59 lines of code changed in 8 files:

  • maps/branches/lalo-pupland/mlab/citydeclouds/apartment: cwdctownhaus1lvl1 (+7 -443), cwdctownhaus1lvl2 (+7 -443), cwdctownhaus2lvl1 (+8 -444), cwdctownhaus2lvl2 (+7 -443), cwdctownhaus3lvl1 (+8 -444), cwdctownhaus3lvl2 (+7 -443), cwdctownhaus4lvl1 (+8 -444), cwdctownhaus4lvl2 (+7 -443)
rjtanner 2008-03-17 20:06 Rev.: 8521

Fix broken keys and inventory checks for each town haus

9 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • maps/branches/lalo-pupland/mlab/citydeclouds/apartment: cwdctownhaus2lvl1 (+1 -1), cwdctownhaus2lvl2 (+2 -2), cwdctownhaus3lvl1 (+1 -1), cwdctownhaus3lvl2 (+2 -2), cwdctownhaus4lvl1 (+1 -1), cwdctownhaus4lvl2 (+2 -2)
rjtanner 2008-03-14 22:57 Rev.: 8512

Synchronize City de Cloud map changes between trunk, branches/1.x and branches/lalo-pupland

36540 lines of code changed in 8 files:

  • maps/branches/lalo-pupland/mlab/citydeclouds/apartment: cwdctownhaus1lvl1 (new 4587), cwdctownhaus1lvl2 (new 4548), cwdctownhaus2lvl1 (new 4587), cwdctownhaus2lvl2 (new 4548), cwdctownhaus3lvl1 (new 4587), cwdctownhaus3lvl2 (new 4548), cwdctownhaus4lvl1 (new 4587), cwdctownhaus4lvl2 (new 4548)
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