Directory trunk/arch/misc/Container/

Directory Created:
1999-03-28 23:46
Directory Deleted:
2006-09-19 02:24
Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:


Lines of Code

trunk/arch/misc/Container/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 397 (100.0%) 397 (100.0%) 1.0
temitchell 24 (6.0%) 199 (50.1%) 8.2
cvs 39 (9.8%) 65 (16.4%) 1.6
peterm 16 (4.0%) 46 (11.6%) 2.8
mwedel 216 (54.4%) 25 (6.3%) 0.1
mikeeusa 15 (3.8%) 25 (6.3%) 1.6
avogl 3 (0.8%) 13 (3.3%) 4.3
uid200 71 (17.9%) 10 (2.5%) 0.1
garbled 7 (1.8%) 7 (1.8%) 1.0
ryo_saeba 5 (1.3%) 6 (1.5%) 1.2
darth_bob 1 (0.3%) 1 (0.3%) 1.0

Most Recent Commits

mwedel 2006-09-19 02:24 Rev.: 4942

make branche directories, delete old trunk.

0 lines of code changed in 174 files:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: attache.arc (del), attache.base.111.png (del), bag.111 (del), bag.111.png (del), bag.111.xpm (del), bag.arc (del), bag.base.111.png (del), bookshelf.111 (del), bookshelf.111.png (del), bookshelf.111.xpm (del), bookshelf.arc (del), bookshelf.base.111.png (del), cauldron.111 (del), cauldron.111.png (del), cauldron.111.xpm (del), cauldron.arc (del), cauldron.base.111.png (del), cauldron_open.111 (del), cauldron_open.111.png (del), cauldron_open.111.xpm (del), cauldron_open.base.111.png (del), chest_1.111 (del), chest_1.111.png (del), chest_1.111.xpm (del), chest_1.arc (del), chest_1.base.111.png (del), chest_2.arc (del), chest_green_1.base.111.png (del), chest_jade_1.base.111.png (del), close_attache.base.111.png (del), close_bag.111 (del), close_bag.111.png (del), close_bag.111.xpm (del), close_bag.base.111.png (del), close_dbox.111 (del), close_dbox.111.png (del), close_dbox.111.xpm (del), close_dbox.base.111.png (del), close_keys.111 (del), close_keys.111.png (del), close_keys.111.xpm (del), close_keys.base.111.png (del), close_pouc.111 (del), close_pouc.111.png (del), close_pouc.111.xpm (del), close_pouc.base.111.png (del), close_quiv.111 (del), close_quiv.111.png (del), close_quiv.111.xpm (del), close_quiv.base.111.png (del), close_rsack.111 (del), close_rsack.111.png (del), close_rsack.111.xpm (del), close_rsack.base.111.png (del), close_sack.111 (del), close_sack.111.png (del), close_sack.111.xpm (del), close_sack.base.111.png (del), closechest.111 (del), closechest.111.png (del), closechest.111.xpm (del), closechest.base.111.png (del), closemail.111 (del), closemail.111.png (del), closemail.111.xpm (del), closemail.base.111.png (del), depositbox.111 (del), depositbox.111.png (del), depositbox.111.xpm (del), depositbox.arc (del), depositbox.base.111.png (del), desk.arc (del), desk.base.111.png (del), desk_cw.arc (del), desk_cw.base.111.png (del), dresser.arc (del), dresser.base.111.png (del), dresser2.base.111.png (del), dresser2_cw.base.111.png (del), dresser_cw.arc (del), dresser_cw.base.111.png (del), forge.arc (del), forge.base.111.png (del), forge.base.112.png (del), forge.base.113.png (del), jeweler_bench.arc (del), jeweler_bench.base.111.png (del), key_ring.111 (del), key_ring.111.png (del), key_ring.111.xpm (del), key_ring.arc (del), key_ring.base.111.png (del), luggage.111 (del), luggage.111.png (del), luggage.111.xpm (del), luggage.112 (del), luggage.112.png (del), luggage.112.xpm (del), luggage.113 (del), luggage.113.png (del), luggage.113.xpm (del), luggage.114 (del), luggage.114.png (del), luggage.114.xpm (del), luggage.115 (del), luggage.115.png (del), luggage.115.xpm (del), luggage.116 (del), luggage.116.png (del), luggage.116.xpm (del), luggage.117 (del), luggage.117.png (del), luggage.117.xpm (del), luggage.118 (del), luggage.118.png (del), luggage.118.xpm (del), luggage.arc (del), luggage.base.111.png (del), luggage.base.112.png (del), luggage.base.113.png (del), luggage.base.114.png (del), luggage.base.115.png (del), luggage.base.116.png (del), luggage.base.117.png (del), luggage.base.118.png (del), mailbox.111 (del), mailbox.111.png (del), mailbox.111.xpm (del), mailbox.arc (del), mailbox.base.111.png (del), pouch.111 (del), pouch.111.png (del), pouch.111.xpm (del), pouch.arc (del), pouch.base.111.png (del), present_box.arc (del), present_box_1.base.111.png (del), present_box_2.base.111.png (del), present_box_3.base.111.png (del), present_box_4.base.111.png (del), present_box_5.base.111.png (del), present_box_6.base.111.png (del), quiver.111 (del), quiver.111.png (del), quiver.111.xpm (del), quiver.arc (del), quiver.base.111.png (del), r_sack.111 (del), r_sack.111.png (del), r_sack.111.xpm (del), r_sack.arc (del), r_sack.base.111.png (del), sack.111 (del), sack.111.png (del), sack.111.xpm (del), sack.arc (del), sack.base.111.png (del), sack.clsc.111.png (del), sarcophagus.base.111.png (del), sarcophagus_container.arc (del), schest.base.111.png (del), schest_2.arc (del), scrollcase.arc (del), stove.arc (del), stove.base.111.png (del), stove.base.112.png (del), stove.base.113.png (del), tanbench.arc (del), tanbench.base.111.png (del), thaumaturg_desk.arc (del), thaumaturg_desk.base.111.png (del), wizdesk.base.111.png (del), workbench.arc (del), workbench.base.111.png (del)
mikeeusa 2005-12-26 16:09 Rev.: 4211

Chest faces

25 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: chest_green_1.base.111.png (new 12), chest_jade_1.base.111.png (new 6), schest.base.111.png (+7 -4)
mikeeusa 2005-12-21 13:32 Rev.: 4178

Drew some present boxes and added them

0 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: present_box.arc (new), present_box_1.base.111.png (new), present_box_2.base.111.png (new), present_box_3.base.111.png (new), present_box_4.base.111.png (new), present_box_5.base.111.png (new), present_box_6.base.111.png (new)
mikeeusa 2005-10-02 19:57 Rev.: 3758

CVS: arch: added dresser_cw : furniture made of cherry wood is rather rare, it is never found in a commoner's home and almost never found in castles, very weathy merchants (high level merchants, who's houses are rather rare and have many nasty nasty nasty lvl 80+ creatures in them :P) may have one or two cherry wood furnishings, opulent palaces also would have such furnatuee (opulent palaces are also incredibly rare)... most rich don't bother to seek out these furnishings and instead opt to use high backed normal chairs though some do splurge

0 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: dresser2_cw.base.111.png (new), dresser_cw.arc (new), dresser_cw.base.111.png (new)
mikeeusa 2005-10-02 19:40 Rev.: 3757

CVS: arch: added desk_cw : furniture made of cherry wood is rather rare, it is never found in a commoner's home and almost never found in castles, very weathy merchants (high level merchants, who's houses are rather rare and have many nasty nasty nasty lvl 80+ creatures in them :P) may have one or two cherry wood furnishings, opulent palaces also would have such furnatuee (opulent palaces are also incredibly rare)... most rich don't bother to seek out these furnishings and instead opt to use high backed normal chairs

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: desk_cw.arc (new), desk_cw.base.111.png (new)
ryo_saeba 2005-07-10 04:41 Rev.: 3420

Added sarcophagus container courtesy Mikeeusa

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: sarcophagus.base.111.png (new), sarcophagus_container.arc (new)
ryo_saeba 2005-07-10 04:19 Rev.: 3414

Added grey chest courtesy mikeeusa

4 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: schest.base.111.png (new 4), schest_2.arc (new)
ryo_saeba 2004-11-25 13:33 Rev.: 2993

Apply patch #1063834

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: tanbench.arc (+2 -2)
mwedel 2003-02-21 02:52 Rev.: 2032

fix name_pl for desk - never got this change committed for some reason.
MSW 2003-02-20

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: desk.arc (+1 -1)
temitchell 2003-01-04 20:18 Rev.: 1916

-the witch tiles were offsize (funny they displayed fine in the DX client- I wonder what that means) and did not display in the cfclient.
-added stove and tanning bench for alchemy
-a 'classic' female elf

53 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: stove.arc (new 25), stove.base.111.png (new 2), stove.base.112.png (new 2), stove.base.113.png (new 2), tanbench.arc (new 19), tanbench.base.111.png (new 2), workbench.arc (+1)
garbled 2002-12-03 02:25 Rev.: 1867


1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: thaumaturg_desk.arc (+1 -1)
temitchell 2002-12-02 22:24 Rev.: 1866

-sorry bout that - one wizards desk.

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: wizdesk.base.111.png (new)
garbled 2002-12-02 21:28 Rev.: 1862

Add arches and images for thaumatugist's desk and jeweler's bench. Images
by temitchell.

1 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: jeweler_bench.arc (new), jeweler_bench.base.111.png (new), thaumaturg_desk.arc (new 1), thaumaturg_desk.base.111.png (new)
temitchell 2002-11-30 11:36 Rev.: 1856

changed the material type from wood(?) to iron on these

3 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: cauldron.arc (+2 -2), forge.arc (+1 -1)
temitchell 2002-11-28 23:28 Rev.: 1848

- a forge animation, some desks and dressers, a workbench pic

116 lines of code changed in 11 files:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: desk.arc (new 54), desk.base.111.png (new 1), dresser.arc (new 50), dresser.base.111.png (new 1), dresser2.base.111.png (new 1), forge.arc (+4 -4), forge.base.111.png (new 1), forge.base.112.png (new 1), forge.base.113.png (new 1), workbench.arc (+1 -1), workbench.base.111.png (new 1)
garbled 2002-11-11 03:53 Rev.: 1803

prototypes for the forge and workbench items (for new alchemy). To do these
I simply reused the fireplace and table_4 graphics. It would be really nice
if someone would do real graphics for a forge and bowyer's workbench.

A room hanging off the armory and bowyer shop like the one in the alchemy
shop would be nice too.

5 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: forge.arc (new 4), workbench.arc (new 1)
temitchell 2002-11-03 01:35 Rev.: 1789

Fixed the mountain4 image (was not 8 bit), modified the glacier image,
added animation and glow effect to brazier and fireplace, added attache case,
added two more snow/mountain arches and a mountain5 (very high mountain)

27 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: attache.arc (new 25), attache.base.111.png (new 1), close_attache.base.111.png (new 1)
mwedel 2002-08-21 01:58 Rev.: 1683

Oops - forgot to add the new files.
Was also working from old archive that didn't have the winter terrain -
now added that.
MSW 2002-08-20

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: scrollcase.arc (new)
mwedel 2002-05-30 22:53 Rev.: 1604

add name_pl, client_type information to objects that can get picked up.
Remove some duplicates, change poisonfood to use the same face as booze
so you can't tell simply by looking at it that it is bad food.
Change some of the names for the skill scrolls to put them more in line
with the skills they actually give you.
MSW 2002-05-30

24 lines of code changed in 11 files:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: bag.arc (+2), bookshelf.arc (+2), cauldron.arc (+4), chest_1.arc (+2), chest_2.arc (+2), key_ring.arc (+2), luggage.arc (+2), pouch.arc (+2), quiver.arc (+2), r_sack.arc (+2), sack.arc (+2)
mwedel 2001-12-31 02:02 Rev.: 1487

Rename of files to include base in name - for multiple image set support
in the server. MSW 2001-12-30

0 lines of code changed in 29 files:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: bag.base.111.png (new), bookshelf.base.111.png (new), cauldron.base.111.png (new), cauldron_open.base.111.png (new), chest_1.base.111.png (new), close_bag.base.111.png (new), close_dbox.base.111.png (new), close_keys.base.111.png (new), close_pouc.base.111.png (new), close_quiv.base.111.png (new), close_rsack.base.111.png (new), close_sack.base.111.png (new), closechest.base.111.png (new), closemail.base.111.png (new), depositbox.base.111.png (new), key_ring.base.111.png (new), luggage.base.111.png (new), luggage.base.112.png (new), luggage.base.113.png (new), luggage.base.114.png (new), luggage.base.115.png (new), luggage.base.116.png (new), luggage.base.117.png (new), luggage.base.118.png (new), mailbox.base.111.png (new), pouch.base.111.png (new), quiver.base.111.png (new), r_sack.base.111.png (new), sack.base.111.png (new)
darth_bob 2001-12-28 00:46 Rev.: 1482

Mammoth commit here, just added alternate set (now called classic or clsc) to the archs. This is in preperation for support of arbitrary sets.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: sack.clsc.111.png (new 1)
avogl 2001-08-30 10:39 Rev.: 1274

Big bunch of new graphics for the standard png set.

Especially noticeable is the new picture for
the chinese dragon. Due to the special "importance"
of this dragon I had set up a poll weither the
image is appreciate, which turned out 7:3 in favour.
Note that the old image continues to exist both
in the xpm and alternate png set.


4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: close_sack.111.png (+4 -3)
peterm 2001-02-12 05:17 Rev.: 793

I reverted a lotof the objectionable "scaled" png set
to the xpm images centered but not scaled.

The results are not too bad.


46 lines of code changed in 16 files:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: close_bag.111.png (+3 -4), close_keys.111.png (+3 -4), close_quiv.111.png (+3 -4), closechest.111.png (+5 -4), closemail.111.png (+3 -3), depositbox.111.png (+4 -4), key_ring.111.png (+2 -6), luggage.111.png (+2 -2), luggage.112.png (+2 -2), luggage.113.png (+4 -1), luggage.114.png (+3 -5), luggage.115.png (+2 -6), luggage.116.png (+3 -5), luggage.117.png (+1 -3), luggage.118.png (+2 -2), r_sack.111.png (+4 -1)
avogl 2001-01-15 07:01 Rev.: 706

New pngs by MichToen.

6 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: key_ring.111.png (+6 -3)
avogl 2000-11-18 22:16 Rev.: 508

In cooperation with Micheal T., I started to improve
the png-set. Correcting the worst flaws...
It�s looking better now but still needs lotsa work.

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: key_ring.111.png (+3 -2)
cvs 2000-06-28 00:57 Rev.: 357

door/Locked/key2.arc, misc/Container/bag.arc, misc/Container/bookshelf.arc,
misc/Container/cauldron.arc, misc/Container/chest_2.arc,
misc/Container/depositbox.arc, misc/Container/key_ring.arc,
misc/Container/mailbox.arc, misc/Container/pouch.arc,
misc/Container/r_sack.arc misc/Container/sack.arc: Remove the 'a' from the
objects name. The client adds it anyways, so you see 'a a bag' for example,
but also when using the commands like 'drop that match on an item name, having
to match against the 'a ' is a bit non intuitive. MSW 6/27/2000

10 lines of code changed in 10 files:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: bag.arc (+1 -1), bookshelf.arc (+1 -1), cauldron.arc (+1 -1), chest_2.arc (+1 -1), depositbox.arc (+1 -1), key_ring.arc (+1 -1), mailbox.arc (+1 -1), pouch.arc (+1 -1), r_sack.arc (+1 -1), sack.arc (+1 -1)
cvs 2000-05-31 02:15 Rev.: 284

Addition of PNG images. MSW 5/30/2000

55 lines of code changed in 29 files:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: bag.111.png (new), bookshelf.111.png (new), cauldron.111.png (new), cauldron_open.111.png (new), chest_1.111.png (new), close_bag.111.png (new 4), close_dbox.111.png (new), close_keys.111.png (new 4), close_pouc.111.png (new), close_quiv.111.png (new 4), close_rsack.111.png (new), close_sack.111.png (new 3), closechest.111.png (new 4), closemail.111.png (new 3), depositbox.111.png (new 4), key_ring.111.png (new 2), luggage.111.png (new 2), luggage.112.png (new 2), luggage.113.png (new 1), luggage.114.png (new 5), luggage.115.png (new 6), luggage.116.png (new 5), luggage.117.png (new 3), luggage.118.png (new 2), mailbox.111.png (new), pouch.111.png (new), quiver.111.png (new), r_sack.111.png (new 1), sack.111.png (new)
uid200 1999-03-28 23:46 Rev.: 2

Initial revision

10 lines of code changed in 71 files:

  • trunk/arch/misc/Container: bag.111 (new), bag.111.xpm (new), bag.arc (new 1), bookshelf.111 (new), bookshelf.111.xpm (new), bookshelf.arc (new 1), cauldron.111 (new), cauldron.111.xpm (new), cauldron.arc (new 1), cauldron_open.111 (new), cauldron_open.111.xpm (new), chest_1.111 (new), chest_1.111.xpm (new), chest_1.arc (new), chest_2.arc (new 1), close_bag.111 (new), close_bag.111.xpm (new), close_dbox.111 (new), close_dbox.111.xpm (new), close_keys.111 (new), close_keys.111.xpm (new), close_pouc.111 (new), close_pouc.111.xpm (new), close_quiv.111 (new), close_quiv.111.xpm (new), close_rsack.111 (new), close_rsack.111.xpm (new), close_sack.111 (new), close_sack.111.xpm (new), closechest.111 (new), closechest.111.xpm (new), closemail.111 (new), closemail.111.xpm (new), depositbox.111 (new), depositbox.111.xpm (new), depositbox.arc (new 1), key_ring.111 (new), key_ring.111.xpm (new), key_ring.arc (new 1), luggage.111 (new), luggage.111.xpm (new), luggage.112 (new), luggage.112.xpm (new), luggage.113 (new), luggage.113.xpm (new), luggage.114 (new), luggage.114.xpm (new), luggage.115 (new), luggage.115.xpm (new), luggage.116 (new), luggage.116.xpm (new), luggage.117 (new), luggage.117.xpm (new), luggage.118 (new), luggage.118.xpm (new), luggage.arc (new), mailbox.111 (new), mailbox.111.xpm (new), mailbox.arc (new 1), pouch.111 (new), pouch.111.xpm (new), pouch.arc (new 1), quiver.111 (new), quiver.111.xpm (new), quiver.arc (new), r_sack.111 (new), r_sack.111.xpm (new), r_sack.arc (new 1), sack.111 (new), sack.111.xpm (new), sack.arc (new 1)
Generated by StatSVN 0.7.0