Package com.realtime.crossfire.jxclient.util

Class Summary
DebugWriter Writer debug information to a log file.
DoubleMapping Maintains a bidirectional mapping from a set of integers to the same range of integers.
FilenameUtils Utility class for manipulating filenames.
Formatter Utility class for formatting values into strings.
HexCodec Utility class for en-/decoding hexadecimal strings.
Images Utility class for manipulating images.
Mapping Maintains a mapping from a set of integers to the same range of integers.
MathUtils Utility class for mathematical functions.
NumberParser Utility class for parsing strings into numbers.
Patterns Utility class containing useful Patterns.
Resolution Information about JXClient's screen/window resolution.
ResourceUtils Utility class for loading information from resources.
StringSplitter Utility class for splitting strings.
StringUtils Utility class for string manipulation.

Exception Summary
UnterminatedTokenException Exception thrown for unterminated quoted tokens.