Directory Statistics for player/

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Lines Of Code for player/

Commits for player/ (per author)

AuthorRevisionsLines of CodeAdded Lines of CodeLines of Code per Change
cvs311 (64.1%) -10 (-37.0%) 3 (5.6%) -0.03
uid200158 (32.6%) 13 (48.1%) 13 (24.1%) 0.08
peterm6 (1.2%) 6 (22.2%) 20 (37.0%) 1.00
michtoen6 (1.2%) 18 (66.7%) 18 (33.3%) 3.00
mwedel4 (0.8%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0.00

Commit Log

7/14/02 11:38 PMmwedel
Update arcs to use body_info for equipping items.
Update armor to use gen_sp_armour instead of last_heal.
can_use_shield added to necessary arcs.
Add dev/scripts directory, which contains some handy scripts I wrote
for updating on the items.
Add item_power to the armours - needs to be done for rest of equippable
MSW 2002-07-14
(4 Files changed, 0 Lines changed)
player/PlayerForce.arc 1.2 removed
player/GenderForce.arc 1.2 removed
player/PlayerInfo.arc 1.2 removed
player/AlignmentForce.arc 1.2 removed
11/19/01 5:39 PMmichtoen
guild system forces, ignore when not used (3 Files changed, 0 Lines changed)
player/PlayerForce.arc 1.1 added
player/AlignmentForce.arc 1.1 added
player/PlayerInfo.arc 1.1 added
11/17/01 3:08 PMmichtoen
Add new force for ext2 system (3 Files changed, 18 Lines changed)
player/RankForce.arc 1.1 added 9
player/GenderForce.arc 1.1 added
player/GuildForce.arc 1.1 added 9
10/16/00 1:55 PMpeterm
Re-adding all the class/race stuff in the reorganized way. (1 Files changed, 9 Lines changed)
player/NoClassFaceChange.arc 1.1 added 9
10/16/00 1:47 PMcvs
cleaning up player hierarchy (234 Files changed, 0 Lines changed)
player/wraithp.111.xpm 1.2 removed
player/pl_half_orc.171.xpm 1.2 removed
player/viking.131.xpm 1.2 removed
player/ninja.151 1.2 removed
player/priest.131.xpm 1.2 removed
player/wraithp.131 1.2 removed
player/cleric.151 1.2 removed
player/pl_half_orc.111.xpm 1.2 removed
player/thief.151.xpm 1.2 removed
player/wraithp.151.xpm 1.2 removed
player/fireborn.333.xpm 1.2 removed
player/fireborn.333 1.2 removed
player/ninja.131 1.2 removed
player/dwarf_p.111.png 1.2 removed
player/priest.151.xpm 1.2 removed
player/fireborn.222.png 1.2 removed
player/monk.131 1.2 removed
player/thief.111.xpm 1.2 removed
player/elf.131.xpm 1.2 removed
player/swashbuckl.131.png 1.2 removed
player/elf.arc 1.2 removed
player/human.131 1.2 removed
player/mage.111.png 1.2 removed
player/barbarian.131 1.2 removed
player/dwarf_p.171.png 1.2 removed
player/quetzalcoatl.131 1.2 removed
player/swashbuckl.171.xpm 1.2 removed
player/cleric.111.png 1.2 removed
player/viking.151.png 1.2 removed
player/warrior.151.xpm 1.2 removed
player/dwarf_p.131.xpm 1.2 removed
player/thief.171.png 1.2 removed
player/quetzalcoatl.171 1.2 removed
player/halfling.111.png 1.2 removed
player/warrior.151 1.2 removed
player/mage.171.xpm 1.2 removed
player/quetzalcoatl.131.png 1.2 removed
player/warrior.171.xpm 1.2 removed
player/warrior.131.png 1.2 removed
player/cleric.171.xpm 1.2 removed
player/thief.131.png 1.2 removed
player/halfling.131.png 1.2 removed
player/warrior.171.png 1.2 removed
player/barbarian.111 1.2 removed
player/thief.171.xpm 1.2 removed
player/halfling.131 1.2 removed
player/fireborn.222 1.2 removed
player/elf.151.png 1.2 removed
player/quetzalcoatl.131.xpm 1.2 removed
player/dwarf_p.111.xpm 1.2 removed
player/viking.111.png 1.2 removed
player/human.111.png 1.2 removed
player/wraithp.arc 1.5 removed
player/barbarian.151.png 1.2 removed
player/thief.131 1.2 removed
player/monk.151.xpm 1.2 removed
player/cleric.151.xpm 1.2 removed
player/priest.131 1.2 removed
player/halfling.171 1.2 removed
player/thief.151 1.2 removed
player/pl_half_orc.151.png 1.2 removed
player/thief.111 1.2 removed
player/ninja.131.xpm 1.2 removed
player/ninja.171 1.2 removed
player/elf.171.xpm 1.2 removed
player/mage.171.png 1.2 removed
player/mage.arc 1.2 removed
player/swashbuckl.131 1.2 removed
player/quetzalcoatl.171.png 1.2 removed
player/pl_half_orc.171 1.2 removed
player/swashbuckl.151.png 1.2 removed
player/swashbuckl.171.png 1.2 removed
player/barbarian.131.xpm 1.2 removed
player/mage.131.png 1.2 removed
player/pl_half_orc.131 1.2 removed
player/cleric.151.png 1.2 removed
player/elf.131.png 1.2 removed
player/ninja.111.xpm 1.2 removed
player/dwarf_p.171 1.2 removed
player/mage.151.png 1.2 removed
player/warrior.111 1.2 removed
player/halfling.171.xpm 1.2 removed
player/viking.171.png 1.2 removed
player/mage.111 1.2 removed
player/ninja.151.xpm 1.2 removed
player/priest.111 1.2 removed
player/wraithp.131.xpm 1.2 removed
player/fireborn.444.png 1.2 removed
player/dwarf_p.151 1.2 removed
player/viking.171 1.2 removed
player/ninja.arc 1.2 removed
player/monk.131.png 1.2 removed
player/cleric.131.xpm 1.2 removed
player/quetzalcoatl.132.xpm 1.2 removed
player/barbarian.151 1.2 removed
player/thief.arc 1.2 removed
player/monk.171 1.2 removed
player/wraithp.171 1.2 removed
player/cleric.131 1.2 removed
player/cleric.arc 1.2 removed
player/human.131.png 1.2 removed
player/human.arc 1.2 removed
player/fireborn.333.png 1.2 removed
player/priest.111.png 1.2 removed
player/dwarf_p.111 1.2 removed
player/human.171.xpm 1.2 removed
player/pl_half_orc.111 1.2 removed
player/wraithp.111 1.2 removed
player/ninja.171.png 1.2 removed
player/monk.151 1.2 removed
player/quetzalcoatl.172 1.2 removed
player/elf.171 1.2 removed
player/elf.111.xpm 1.2 removed
player/viking.arc 1.2 removed
player/wraithp.171.xpm 1.2 removed
player/cleric.111.xpm 1.2 removed
player/viking.111.xpm 1.2 removed
player/pl_half_orc.151 1.2 removed
player/human.151.png 1.2 removed
player/barbarian.171 1.2 removed
player/fireborn.arc 1.4 removed
player/monk.111.xpm 1.2 removed
player/dwarf_p.151.xpm 1.2 removed
player/monk.111.png 1.2 removed
player/fireborn.111 1.2 removed
player/ninja.151.png 1.2 removed
player/monk.111 1.2 removed
player/pl_half_orc.151.xpm 1.2 removed
player/priest.131.png 1.2 removed
player/viking.171.xpm 1.2 removed
player/mage.171 1.2 removed
player/swashbuckl.111.xpm 1.2 removed
player/halfling.131.xpm 1.2 removed
player/mage.131.xpm 1.2 removed
player/elf.171.png 1.2 removed
player/warrior.131.xpm 1.2 removed
player/cleric.171 1.2 removed
player/quetzalcoatl.172.png 1.2 removed
player/fireborn.444 1.2 removed
player/quetzalcoatl.132 1.2 removed
player/barbarian.arc 1.2 removed
player/warrior.arc 1.2 removed
player/barbarian.111.xpm 1.2 removed
player/thief.111.png 1.2 removed
player/viking.151 1.2 removed
player/human.111 1.2 removed
player/swashbuckl.171 1.2 removed
player/elf.111.png 1.2 removed
player/thief.171 1.2 removed
player/human.171.png 1.2 removed
player/mage.151 1.2 removed
player/warrior.111.xpm 1.2 removed
player/halfling.151 1.2 removed
player/mage.151.xpm 1.2 removed
player/wraithp.171.png 1.2 removed
player/halfling.arc 1.2 removed
player/quetzalcoatl.171.xpm 1.2 removed
player/cleric.131.png 1.2 removed
player/thief.131.xpm 1.2 removed
player/mage.131 1.2 removed
player/halfling.171.png 1.2 removed
player/priest.171 1.2 removed
player/priest.171.png 1.2 removed
player/swashbuckl.151 1.2 removed
player/barbarian.131.png 1.2 removed
player/fireborn.222.xpm 1.2 removed
player/swashbuckl.111.png 1.2 removed
player/ninja.111 1.2 removed
player/quetzalcoatl.132.png 1.2 removed
player/warrior.111.png 1.2 removed
player/halfling.111 1.2 removed
player/warrior.151.png 1.2 removed
player/dwarf_p.131 1.2 removed
player/human.151.xpm 1.2 removed
player/cleric.171.png 1.2 removed
player/monk.arc 1.2 removed
player/dwarf_p.131.png 1.2 removed
player/dwarf_p.arc 1.2 removed
player/priest.arc 1.2 removed
player/wraithp.131.png 1.2 removed
player/elf.111 1.2 removed
player/monk.151.png 1.2 removed
player/human.131.xpm 1.2 removed
player/barbarian.171.xpm 1.2 removed
player/swashbuckl.111 1.2 removed
player/mage.111.xpm 1.2 removed
player/fireborn.111.png 1.2 removed
player/pl_half_orc.arc 1.2 removed
player/ninja.131.png 1.2 removed
player/quetzalcoatl.172.xpm 1.2 removed
player/priest.171.xpm 1.2 removed
player/human.171 1.2 removed
player/warrior.131 1.2 removed
player/pl_half_orc.131.png 1.2 removed
player/thief.151.png 1.2 removed
player/swashbuckl.151.xpm 1.2 removed
player/viking.131 1.2 removed
player/dwarf_p.151.png 1.2 removed
player/pl_half_orc.131.xpm 1.2 removed
player/quetzalcoatl.arc 1.3 removed
player/monk.131.xpm 1.2 removed
player/monk.171.xpm 1.2 removed
player/viking.111 1.2 removed
player/cleric.111 1.2 removed
player/halfling.151.png 1.2 removed
player/swashbuckl.131.xpm 1.2 removed
player/priest.151.png 1.2 removed
player/wraithp.111.png 1.2 removed
player/priest.151 1.2 removed
player/swashbuckl.arc 1.2 removed
player/viking.131.png 1.2 removed
player/human.151 1.2 removed
player/viking.151.xpm 1.2 removed
player/pl_half_orc.171.png 1.2 removed
player/barbarian.111.png 1.2 removed
player/wraithp.151 1.2 removed
player/elf.131 1.2 removed
player/pl_half_orc.111.png 1.2 removed
player/halfling.111.xpm 1.2 removed
player/dwarf_p.171.xpm 1.2 removed
player/human.111.xpm 1.2 removed
player/ninja.111.png 1.2 removed
player/warrior.171 1.2 removed
player/barbarian.171.png 1.2 removed
player/priest.111.xpm 1.2 removed
player/wraithp.151.png 1.2 removed
player/elf.151 1.2 removed
player/halfling.151.xpm 1.2 removed
player/monk.171.png 1.2 removed
player/elf.151.xpm 1.2 removed
player/fireborn.444.xpm 1.2 removed
player/fireborn.111.xpm 1.2 removed
player/barbarian.151.xpm 1.2 removed
player/ninja.171.xpm 1.2 removed
10/6/00 1:19 AMpeterm
Made stats net neutral (except for Cha),
added undead 1 (immunity to disease, vulnerability to many holy word spells)
removed "protected physical".
(1 Files changed, 4 Lines changed)
player/wraithp.arc 1.4 (+4 -3)
10/2/00 3:30 AMpeterm
Wraiths now immune to poison. Undead shouldn't
be subject to poison.
(1 Files changed, 1 Lines changed)
player/wraithp.arc 1.3 (+1 -1)
9/26/00 6:26 PMpeterm
Removed "speed 0.5" (1 Files changed, 0 Lines changed)
player/wraithp.arc 1.2 (+0 -1)
9/26/00 6:22 PMpeterm
Took away "flying 1" from fireborn: made them unplayable.
Also, fixed some of the stat problems.
(2 Files changed, 6 Lines changed)
player/quetzalcoatl.arc 1.2 (+5 -6)
player/fireborn.arc 1.3 (+1 -3)
5/31/00 2:11 AMcvs
Addition of PNG images. MSW 5/30/2000 (72 Files changed, 0 Lines changed)
player/cleric.151.png 1.1 added
player/viking.171.png 1.1 added
player/barbarian.111.png 1.1 added
player/warrior.151.png 1.1 added
player/fireborn.222.png 1.1 added
player/priest.151.png 1.1 added
player/barbarian.131.png 1.1 added
player/human.131.png 1.1 added
player/monk.131.png 1.1 added
player/fireborn.333.png 1.1 added
player/wraithp.151.png 1.1 added
player/elf.151.png 1.1 added
player/monk.111.png 1.1 added
player/human.111.png 1.1 added
player/fireborn.444.png 1.1 added
player/quetzalcoatl.131.png 1.1 added
player/halfling.171.png 1.1 added
player/monk.151.png 1.1 added
player/ninja.111.png 1.1 added
player/halfling.131.png 1.1 added
player/viking.111.png 1.1 added
player/thief.111.png 1.1 added
player/quetzalcoatl.171.png 1.1 added
player/swashbuckl.131.png 1.1 added
player/barbarian.151.png 1.1 added
player/elf.111.png 1.1 added
player/pl_half_orc.111.png 1.1 added
player/cleric.111.png 1.1 added
player/dwarf_p.111.png 1.1 added
player/viking.131.png 1.1 added
player/warrior.131.png 1.1 added
player/swashbuckl.151.png 1.1 added
player/cleric.131.png 1.1 added
player/ninja.171.png 1.1 added
player/human.171.png 1.1 added
player/thief.151.png 1.1 added
player/fireborn.111.png 1.1 added
player/mage.171.png 1.1 added
player/cleric.171.png 1.1 added
player/dwarf_p.151.png 1.1 added
player/ninja.131.png 1.1 added
player/swashbuckl.171.png 1.1 added
player/mage.151.png 1.1 added
player/halfling.111.png 1.1 added
player/priest.131.png 1.1 added
player/thief.131.png 1.1 added
player/priest.111.png 1.1 added
player/warrior.111.png 1.1 added
player/thief.171.png 1.1 added
player/quetzalcoatl.132.png 1.1 added
player/wraithp.171.png 1.1 added
player/warrior.171.png 1.1 added
player/dwarf_p.131.png 1.1 added
player/dwarf_p.171.png 1.1 added
player/elf.171.png 1.1 added
player/monk.171.png 1.1 added
player/viking.151.png 1.1 added
player/pl_half_orc.131.png 1.1 added
player/halfling.151.png 1.1 added
player/wraithp.111.png 1.1 added
player/pl_half_orc.151.png 1.1 added
player/quetzalcoatl.172.png 1.1 added
player/ninja.151.png 1.1 added
player/wraithp.131.png 1.1 added
player/barbarian.171.png 1.1 added
player/elf.131.png 1.1 added
player/priest.171.png 1.1 added
player/pl_half_orc.171.png 1.1 added
player/human.151.png 1.1 added
player/mage.131.png 1.1 added
player/swashbuckl.111.png 1.1 added
player/mage.111.png 1.1 added
7/2/99 11:55 PMcvs
Initial revision (4 Files changed, 0 Lines changed)
player/quetzalcoatl.172 1.1 added
player/quetzalcoatl.171 1.1 added
player/quetzalcoatl.132 1.1 added
player/quetzalcoatl.131 1.1 added
6/26/99 5:58 PMcvs
These guys were intended to have high power and learn
spells easily. When the Pow stat was instituted, they
never got changed. --PeterM
(1 Files changed, 3 Lines changed)
player/fireborn.arc 1.2 (+3 -3)
3/28/99 11:00 PMuid200
Initial revision (158 Files changed, 13 Lines changed)
player/fireborn.333.xpm 1.1 added
player/mage.111.xpm 1.1 added
player/mage.151.xpm 1.1 added
player/swashbuckl.arc 1.1 added
player/barbarian.arc 1.1 added
player/elf.171.xpm 1.1 added
player/pl_half_orc.171 1.1 added
player/cleric.151.xpm 1.1 added
player/quetzalcoatl.132.xpm 1.1 added
player/monk.111 1.1 added
player/thief.171.xpm 1.1 added
player/barbarian.131 1.1 added
player/halfling.151.xpm 1.1 added
player/fireborn.arc 1.1 added
player/priest.131.xpm 1.1 added
player/pl_half_orc.131.xpm 1.1 added
player/halfling.111 1.1 added
player/swashbuckl.151.xpm 1.1 added
player/viking.151.xpm 1.1 added
player/mage.111 1.1 added
player/wraithp.arc 1.1 added
player/ninja.151 1.1 added
player/wraithp.111.xpm 1.1 added
player/cleric.131.xpm 1.1 added
player/fireborn.222.xpm 1.1 added
player/mage.131 1.1 added
player/viking.arc 1.1 added
player/elf.151 1.1 added
player/pl_half_orc.151.xpm 1.1 added
player/pl_half_orc.131 1.1 added
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player/halfling.131 1.1 added
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player/monk.131.xpm 1.1 added
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player/warrior.171 1.1 added
player/elf.131 1.1 added
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player/cleric.171 1.1 added
player/cleric.171.xpm 1.1 added
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player/fireborn.444 1.1 added
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player/fireborn.444.xpm 1.1 added
player/fireborn.222 1.1 added
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player/human.131.xpm 1.1 added
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player/thief.111 1.1 added
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player/pl_half_orc.111 1.1 added
player/halfling.131.xpm 1.1 added
player/dwarf_p.151.xpm 1.1 added
player/ninja.131.xpm 1.1 added
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player/quetzalcoatl.131.xpm 1.1 added
player/mage.arc 1.1 added
player/priest.151.xpm 1.1 added
player/ninja.171.xpm 1.1 added
player/pl_half_orc.151 1.1 added
player/cleric.131 1.1 added
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player/viking.131.xpm 1.1 added
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player/human.171 1.1 added
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player/warrior.151 1.1 added
player/human.151.xpm 1.1 added
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player/halfling.arc 1.1 added
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player/priest.111 1.1 added
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player/quetzalcoatl.171.xpm 1.1 added
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player/human.151 1.1 added
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player/human.arc 1.1 added
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player/barbarian.151.xpm 1.1 added
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player/thief.151.xpm 1.1 added
player/priest.131 1.1 added
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player/human.131 1.1 added
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player/warrior.131.xpm 1.1 added
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player/elf.131.xpm 1.1 added
player/barbarian.171 1.1 added