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Lines Of Code for potion/

Commits for potion/ (per author)

AuthorRevisionsLines of CodeAdded Lines of CodeLines of Code per Change
mwedel155 (39.5%) -4 (-0.7%) 51 (7.0%) -0.03
uid20056 (14.3%) 186 (31.3%) 186 (25.7%) 3.32
ryo_saeba47 (12.0%) 255 (42.9%) 280 (38.7%) 5.43
mardahl29 (7.4%) 0 (0.0%) 2 (0.3%) 0.00
darth_bob24 (6.1%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0.00
avogl23 (5.9%) 53 (8.9%) 93 (12.8%) 2.30
jec19 (4.8%) 19 (3.2%) 19 (2.6%) 1.00
cvs18 (4.6%) 28 (4.7%) 28 (3.9%) 1.56
mikeeusa17 (4.3%) 58 (9.7%) 58 (8.0%) 3.41
peterm4 (1.0%) 0 (0.0%) 7 (1.0%) 0.00

Commit Log

10/15/05 12:14 PMmikeeusa
CVS: Added empty coffee cups (1 Files changed, 20 Lines changed)
potion/emptybottles.arc 1.4 (+20 -0)
10/15/05 11:16 AMmikeeusa
CVS: Added empty wine glass (1 Files changed, 20 Lines changed)
potion/emptybottles.arc 1.3 (+20 -0)
10/10/05 7:52 PMmikeeusa
CVS: arch: potions updated to yeild empty potion bottles on use (15 Files changed, 18 Lines changed)
potion/potionstr.arc 1.6 (+1 -0)
potion/potioncol.arc 1.8 (+2 -0)
potion/potionpow.arc 1.6 (+1 -0)
potion/potionhero.arc 1.6 (+1 -0)
potion/potionhea.arc 1.6 (+1 -0)
potion/potionfir.arc 1.8 (+2 -0)
potion/potionimp.arc 1.6 (+1 -0)
potion/potiondex.arc 1.6 (+1 -0)
potion/potionrstr.arc 1.8 (+1 -0)
potion/potionmag.arc 1.6 (+1 -0)
potion/potioncha.arc 1.6 (+1 -0)
potion/potionwis.arc 1.6 (+1 -0)
potion/potioninv.arc 1.9 (+2 -0)
potion/potioncon.arc 1.6 (+1 -0)
potion/potionint.arc 1.6 (+1 -0)
10/9/05 3:34 AMryo_saeba
Use on_use_yield field instead of inventory for item dropping. Remove unused treasure list (2 Files changed, 7 Lines changed)
potion/vials.arc 1.3 (+7 -7)
potion/empty_bottles.trs 1.2 removed
7/15/05 3:04 PMryo_saeba
Remove empty bottles that cause issues. (15 Files changed, 0 Lines changed)
potion/potioncon.arc 1.5 (+0 -1)
potion/potionhea.arc 1.5 (+0 -1)
potion/potionhero.arc 1.5 (+0 -1)
potion/potioninv.arc 1.8 (+0 -2)
potion/potionint.arc 1.5 (+0 -1)
potion/potionimp.arc 1.5 (+0 -1)
potion/potionmag.arc 1.5 (+0 -1)
potion/potionstr.arc 1.5 (+0 -1)
potion/potionpow.arc 1.5 (+0 -1)
potion/potioncha.arc 1.5 (+0 -1)
potion/potionwis.arc 1.5 (+0 -1)
potion/potiondex.arc 1.5 (+0 -1)
potion/potionfir.arc 1.7 (+0 -2)
potion/potionrstr.arc 1.7 (+0 -1)
potion/potioncol.arc 1.7 (+0 -2)
7/15/05 5:43 AMryo_saeba
Missing commit (1 Files changed, 40 Lines changed)
potion/emptybottles.arc 1.2 (+40 -0)
7/10/05 4:34 AMryo_saeba
Bottles now give empty bottle, pics & changes courtesy mikeeusa (17 Files changed, 25 Lines changed)
potion/potioncha.arc 1.4 (+1 -0)
potion/potiondex.arc 1.4 (+1 -0)
potion/potioncol.arc 1.6 (+2 -0)
potion/vials.arc 1.2 (+7 -0)
potion/potionhea.arc 1.4 (+1 -0)
potion/potioninv.arc 1.7 (+2 -0)
potion/potionmag.arc 1.4 (+1 -0)
potion/potionint.arc 1.4 (+1 -0)
potion/potioncon.arc 1.4 (+1 -0)
potion/empty_bottles.trs 1.1 added
potion/potionfir.arc 1.6 (+2 -0)
potion/potionrstr.arc 1.6 (+1 -0)
potion/potionhero.arc 1.4 (+1 -0)
potion/potionimp.arc 1.4 (+1 -0)
potion/potionpow.arc 1.4 (+1 -0)
potion/potionwis.arc 1.4 (+1 -0)
potion/potionstr.arc 1.4 (+1 -0)
4/17/05 9:16 AMryo_saeba
New empty bottles/vials courtesy mikeeusa (12 Files changed, 208 Lines changed)
potion/wbottle_empty.base.111.png 1.1 added 5
potion/vial_blue.base.111.png 1.1 added 5
potion/vial_magenta.base.111.png 1.1 added 4
potion/vials.arc 1.1 added 104
potion/vial_yellow.base.111.png 1.1 added 4
potion/vial_red.base.111.png 1.1 added 5
potion/emptybottles.arc 1.1 added 60
potion/vial_empty.base.111.png 1.1 added 4
potion/vial_green.base.111.png 1.1 added 4
potion/potion_empty.base.111.png 1.1 added 4
potion/vial_water.base.111.png 1.1 added 5
potion/vial_cyan.base.111.png 1.1 added 4
9/12/03 11:38 PMmwedel
Updated for new spell + skill code. Many files moved about.
Main changes for weapons is to add what skill they use.
MSW 2003-09-12
(28 Files changed, 7 Lines changed)
potion/figurine_gen.base.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potion_resist.clsc.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potion_heal2.clsc.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potiongen.clsc.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potion_util.clsc.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potion_ishock.base.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/figurine_gen.arc 1.4 removed
potion/potion_shock.clsc.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potiongen.arc 1.4 removed
potion/potiongen.base.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potion_fire2.clsc.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potion_aether.base.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/dust_gen.arc 1.4 removed
potion/potion_freeze.base.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potion_resist.base.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potion_fire2.base.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/balm_gen.arc 1.4 removed
potion/potion_mimm.clsc.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potion_mimm.base.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potion_heal2.base.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/README 1.2 (+7 -4)
potion/potion_shock.base.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potion_util.base.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potion_freeze.clsc.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potion_aether.clsc.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/dust_gen.base.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/balm_gen.base.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potion_ishock.clsc.111.png 1.2 removed
5/30/02 10:52 PMmwedel
add name_pl, client_type information to objects that can get picked up.
Remove some duplicates, change poisonfood to use the same face as booze
so you can't tell simply by looking at it that it is bad food.
Change some of the names for the skill scrolls to put them more in line
with the skills they actually give you.
MSW 2002-05-30
(19 Files changed, 44 Lines changed)
potion/potionhero.arc 1.3 (+2 -0)
potion/potionmag.arc 1.3 (+2 -0)
potion/potionstr.arc 1.3 (+2 -0)
potion/figurine_gen.arc 1.3 (+2 -0)
potion/potionfir.arc 1.5 (+4 -0)
potion/potionpow.arc 1.3 (+2 -0)
potion/potionrstr.arc 1.5 (+2 -0)
potion/potionhea.arc 1.3 (+2 -0)
potion/potionimp.arc 1.3 (+2 -0)
potion/potiongen.arc 1.3 (+2 -0)
potion/potiondex.arc 1.3 (+2 -0)
potion/potioncol.arc 1.5 (+4 -0)
potion/potioncha.arc 1.3 (+2 -0)
potion/potionint.arc 1.3 (+2 -0)
potion/balm_gen.arc 1.3 (+2 -0)
potion/potionwis.arc 1.3 (+2 -0)
potion/potioncon.arc 1.3 (+2 -0)
potion/potioninv.arc 1.6 (+4 -0)
potion/dust_gen.arc 1.3 (+2 -0)
2/26/02 1:18 AMmwedel
Remove all the old xpm and xbm files. Hopefully I got them all.
MSW 2002-02-25
(54 Files changed, 0 Lines changed)
potion/potionint.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/potion_freeze.111 1.2 removed
potion/potionpow.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/potionmag.111 1.2 removed
potion/figurine_gen.111 1.2 removed
potion/potion_shock.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/potiondex.111 1.2 removed
potion/potion_heal2.111 1.2 removed
potion/potion_aether.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/potionimp.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/potionhero.111 1.2 removed
potion/potion_resist.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/potioncol.111 1.2 removed
potion/potiongen.111 1.2 removed
potion/potiongen.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/potionhea.111 1.2 removed
potion/potion_freeze.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/potionint.111 1.2 removed
potion/potionfir.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/figurine_gen.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/potionmag.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/potion_ishock.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/potioninv.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/potioncon.111 1.2 removed
potion/balm_gen.111 1.2 removed
potion/potion_heal2.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/potion_mimm.111 1.2 removed
potion/potiondex.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/potionstr.111 1.2 removed
potion/potionstr.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/potion_util.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/potion_util.111 1.2 removed
potion/potion_mimm.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/potioncol.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/potioncha.111 1.2 removed
potion/potionwis.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/potion_shock.111 1.2 removed
potion/balm_gen.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/dust_gen.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/potioncon.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/potion_aether.111 1.2 removed
potion/potionpow.111 1.2 removed
potion/potion_ishock.111 1.2 removed
potion/potionimp.111 1.2 removed
potion/potion_fire2.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/potionwis.111 1.2 removed
potion/potionfir.111 1.2 removed
potion/dust_gen.111 1.2 removed
potion/potioninv.111 1.2 removed
potion/potion_resist.111 1.2 removed
potion/potioncha.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/potionhero.111.xpm 1.2 removed
potion/potion_fire2.111 1.2 removed
potion/potionhea.111.xpm 1.2 removed
12/31/01 1:02 AMmwedel
Rename of files to include base in name - for multiple image set support
in the server. MSW 2001-12-30
(54 Files changed, 0 Lines changed)
potion/figurine_gen.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potion_heal2.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potion_heal2.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potionwis.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potioninv.111.png 1.3 removed
potion/potionmag.111.png 1.3 removed
potion/potion_mimm.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potiondex.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potionimp.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potion_freeze.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potionwis.111.png 1.3 removed
potion/potionstr.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potionhero.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/balm_gen.111.png 1.4 removed
potion/potion_util.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potion_freeze.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potiongen.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potionpow.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potioncha.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potioncol.111.png 1.3 removed
potion/potion_ishock.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/dust_gen.111.png 1.5 removed
potion/potionstr.111.png 1.3 removed
potion/potion_aether.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potionhea.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potionfir.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potion_shock.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potionhea.111.png 1.3 removed
potion/potionint.111.png 1.3 removed
potion/potionint.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potioncol.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potion_fire2.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potion_mimm.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potion_aether.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potion_ishock.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potion_util.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potion_resist.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/dust_gen.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potion_shock.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potion_resist.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/potionhero.111.png 1.3 removed
potion/balm_gen.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potioncon.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potionmag.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potionfir.111.png 1.3 removed
potion/potionimp.111.png 1.2 removed
potion/figurine_gen.111.png 1.4 removed
potion/potionpow.111.png 1.3 removed
potion/potioncha.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potiondex.111.png 1.3 removed
potion/potioncon.111.png 1.3 removed
potion/potion_fire2.base.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potiongen.111.png 1.3 removed
potion/potioninv.base.111.png 1.1 added
12/27/01 11:46 PMdarth_bob
Mammoth commit here, just added alternate set (now called classic or clsc) to the archs. This is in preperation for support of arbitrary sets. (24 Files changed, 0 Lines changed)
potion/potion_freeze.clsc.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potioncol.clsc.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potion_aether.clsc.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potion_resist.clsc.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potionhea.clsc.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potion_heal2.clsc.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potionstr.clsc.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potion_util.clsc.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potionmag.clsc.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potion_ishock.clsc.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potion_fire2.clsc.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potionhero.clsc.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potioncon.clsc.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potion_mimm.clsc.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potionwis.clsc.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potion_shock.clsc.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potionpow.clsc.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potiondex.clsc.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potiongen.clsc.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potioncha.clsc.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potionimp.clsc.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potionint.clsc.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potionfir.clsc.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potioninv.clsc.111.png 1.1 added
4/20/01 4:35 AMmardahl
Magic immunity potion images. (3 Files changed, 0 Lines changed)
potion/potion_mimm.111.xpm 1.1 added
potion/potion_mimm.111 1.1 added
potion/potion_mimm.111.png 1.1 added
4/20/01 4:24 AMmardahl
Changed the face. (2 Files changed, 2 Lines changed)
potion/potionrstr.arc 1.4 (+1 -1)
potion/potioninv.arc 1.5 (+1 -1)
4/20/01 4:18 AMmardahl
New potion images. (Same as before in the default set...) (24 Files changed, 0 Lines changed)
potion/potion_util.111.xpm 1.1 added
potion/potion_fire2.111.xpm 1.1 added
potion/potion_freeze.111.xpm 1.1 added
potion/potion_shock.111 1.1 added
potion/potion_aether.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potion_heal2.111 1.1 added
potion/potion_shock.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potion_aether.111.xpm 1.1 added
potion/potion_heal2.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potion_util.111 1.1 added
potion/potion_aether.111 1.1 added
potion/potion_resist.111 1.1 added
potion/potion_ishock.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potion_ishock.111 1.1 added
potion/potion_fire2.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potion_freeze.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potion_heal2.111.xpm 1.1 added
potion/potion_ishock.111.xpm 1.1 added
potion/potion_resist.111.xpm 1.1 added
potion/potion_resist.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potion_freeze.111 1.1 added
potion/potion_util.111.png 1.1 added
potion/potion_fire2.111 1.1 added
potion/potion_shock.111.xpm 1.1 added
2/12/01 4:17 AMpeterm
I reverted a lotof the objectionable "scaled" png set
to the xpm images centered but not scaled.

The results are not too bad.

(1 Files changed, 1 Lines changed)
potion/dust_gen.111.png 1.4 (+1 -4)
1/15/01 6:00 AMavogl
New pngs by MichToen. (3 Files changed, 12 Lines changed)
potion/dust_gen.111.png 1.3 (+4 -1)
potion/figurine_gen.111.png 1.3 (+4 -2)
potion/balm_gen.111.png 1.3 (+4 -2)
1/14/01 9:38 AMavogl
New pngs by AndreasV. (13 Files changed, 30 Lines changed)
potion/potioninv.111.png 1.2 (+3 -1)
potion/potioncon.111.png 1.2 (+2 -3)
potion/potionfir.111.png 1.2 (+4 -1)
potion/potionhea.111.png 1.2 (+4 -1)
potion/potionstr.111.png 1.2 (+1 -1)
potion/potiondex.111.png 1.2 (+3 -2)
potion/potionmag.111.png 1.2 (+4 -3)
potion/potioncol.111.png 1.2 (+2 -3)
potion/potiongen.111.png 1.2 (+2 -2)
potion/potionint.111.png 1.2 (+2 -2)
potion/potionwis.111.png 1.2 (+1 -1)
potion/potionhero.111.png 1.2 (+1 -1)
potion/potionpow.111.png 1.2 (+1 -2)
12/15/00 5:48 AMavogl
I renamed the "potion of restoration" to "potion of life".
The restoration-spell and -potion have *nothing* in
common, so to prevent confusing ppl I renamed the latter.
(1 Files changed, 1 Lines changed)
potion/potionrstr.arc 1.3 (+1 -1)