Directory Statistics for Documentation/

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Lines Of Code for Documentation/

Commits for Documentation/ (per author)

AuthorRevisionsLines of CodeAdded Lines of CodeLines of Code per Change
tchize1 (33.3%) 573 (96.1%) 573 (95.5%) 573.00
ryo_saeba1 (33.3%) 23 (3.9%) 25 (4.2%) 23.00
akirschbaum1 (33.3%) 0 (0.0%) 2 (0.3%) 0.00

Commit Log

10/28/05 2:59 PMakirschbaum
Documentation/Scripting.html: Clarify the repeat parameter for the issue
(1 Files changed, 2 Lines changed)
Documentation/Scripting.html 1.3 (+2 -2)
4/6/04 4:32 PMryo_saeba
Windows now has script support (1 Files changed, 25 Lines changed)
Documentation/Scripting.html 1.2 (+25 -2)
1/29/04 4:06 PMtchize
First documentation on scripting interface (1 Files changed, 573 Lines changed)
Documentation/Scripting.html 1.1 added 573