Difference for scorn/taverns/goths from version 1.4 to 1.5

version 1.4 version 1.5
Line 2277
Line 2277
 y 28  y 28
 end  end
 arch man  arch man
   @match mark|Mark
   Ya that's me, bugger off I'm on a roll here.
   O 47
   @match Amy|amy
   Ya my old lady, she's kind of
   mad at me right now...
   When I hit it big she'll sing
   a different tune though.
   @match goose|Goose|Esmeralda
   Ok, ok, don't hurt me.  I took her.
   Don't turn me in, if you did
   they'd take the goose for evidence
   and then you wouldn't get the reward.
   I hid the that bird at Amy's place.
   @match key|Key|door|door
   Ok, ok, the key's hidden at Swabbie's house
   Tell Chancy 'mumblypeg' and he'll fetch it.
   @match *
   go away I'm busy.
   N 15
 friendly 1  friendly 1
 x 9  x 9
 y 28  y 28
Line 2425
Line 2447
 x 10  x 10
 y 16  y 16
 end  end
   arch courier
   name Joey the scribe
   @match Mark|mark
   Mark loves to gamble, owes me a bunch.
   Always first in line to the bingo.
   @match joke|yes|Joke|Yes
   I never wanted to be a scribe,
   I always wanted to do stand-up.
   Did you hear the one about the Zombie and
   the princess?
   She always had a headache
   because he kept eating her brains!
   Hey, that's quality material buddy!
   @match job|Job|scribe|Scribe
   Ya I just rowed in from Lake Country
   and boy are my arms tired...
   That one killed them in Pupland...
   Take my wight...please.
   @match *
   Want to hear a joke?
   monster 0
   friendly 1
   stand_still 1
   x 10
   y 16
 arch woodfloor  arch woodfloor
 x 10  x 10
 y 17  y 17
Line 3673
Line 3727
 y 27  y 27
 end  end
 arch man  arch man
 friendly 1  msg
   @match *
 unaggressive 0  unaggressive 0
   friendly 1
 x 16  x 16
 y 27  y 27
 end  end

line(s) removed in v.1.4 
line(s) changed
 line(s) added in v.1.5

File made using version 1.96 of cvs2html by leaf at 2006-02-15 18:53