Difference for ./DEVELOPERS from version 1.11 to 1.12

version 1.11 version 1.12
Line 51
Line 51
  works with Peter Mardahl   works with Peter Mardahl
 "Eric A. Anderson" <eanders+@CMU.EDU> - general bug fixing  "Eric A. Anderson" <eanders+@CMU.EDU> - general bug fixing
 Michael Martin (martinm@millner.bevc.blacksburg.va.us) - Java client  Michael Martin (martinm@millner.bevc.blacksburg.va.us) - Java client
   From: Mark Wedel <mwedel@scruz.net>
   X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.76 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.14 i686)
   To: "crossfire-devel@lists.real-time.com"
   Subject: [CF-Devel] CVS repository moved.
   Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 21:21:31 -0800
    The cvs repository is now installed on sourceforge.
    If you do not have any changes in your checked out tree, the easiest thing to
   do is just do a new checkout.  See http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=13833
   for information on setup.
    If you want to reparent your tree, do the following:
   1) Create a /tmp/Root file with the new repository information.  The contents
   ofmine looks like:
    Everything but the login name (mwedel) should be the same for anyone else.
   2) Update all the Root entries in your cvs tree.  To do that, run
   find . -name Root -exec cp /tmp/Root {} \;
   This is best run from the the relevant directory (arch, crossfire, maps,
   client).  IF you have all those and nothing checked out in a common directory,
   you could run it from there.
   3) Update the repository information.  Use the perl script I provide - its
   useage is update_rp <dirname> - if run from the parent dir, it would be arch,
   crossfire, maps, client, as above.  If withing the arch, ... dirs, then just

line(s) removed in v.1.11 
line(s) changed
 line(s) added in v.1.12

File made using version 1.98 of cvs2html by leaf at 2011-07-21 16:51