version 1.1 | | version 1.2 |
| | |
#!/usr/bin/make -f | | #!/usr/bin/make -f |
| | |
# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode. | | # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode. |
#export DH_VERBOSE=1 | | export DH_VERBOSE=1 |
| | |
LIB_DIR = var/games/crossfire | | LIB_DIR = var/games/crossfire |
DATADIR = usr/share/games/crossfire | | DATADIR = usr/share/games/crossfire |
| | |
clean: | | clean: |
dh_testdir | | dh_testdir |
-rm -f build-stamp install-stamp | | -rm -f build-stamp install-stamp |
-rm -rf debian/server | | -rm -rf debian/crossfire-server |
-rm -rf debian/doc | | |
-rm -rf debian/crossfire-doc | | -rm -rf debian/crossfire-doc |
-rm -rf debian/edit | | -rm -rf debian/crossfire-edit |
| | |
# Add here commands to clean up after the build process. | | # Add here commands to clean up after the build process. |
-$(MAKE) clean | | -$(MAKE) clean |
| | -$(MAKE) distclean |
-rm -r -f Makefile | | -rm -r -f Makefile |
-find -name "Makefile" -print0 | xargs -0r rm | | -find -name "Makefile" -print0 | xargs -0r rm |
-rm config.cache | | -rm config.cache |
| | |
| | |
dh_clean | | dh_clean |
| | |
install: install-stamp | | install: |
install-stamp: build-stamp | | install: build |
dh_testdir | | dh_testdir |
| | dh_testroot |
dh_clean -k | | dh_clean -k |
| | dh_installdirs |
| | |
#install configuration files | | $(MAKE) -C common install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/crossfire-server |
install -m 755 -o root -g games -d debian/server/etc/crossfire/ | | $(MAKE) -C random_maps install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/crossfire-server |
install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/settings debian/server/etc/crossfire/settings | | $(MAKE) -C socket install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/crossfire-server |
install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/motd debian/server/etc/crossfire/motd | | $(MAKE) -C server install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/crossfire-server |
install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/dm_file debian/server/etc/crossfire/dm_file | | $(MAKE) -C include install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/crossfire-server |
install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/forbid debian/server/etc/crossfire/forbid | | $(MAKE) -C lib install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/crossfire-server |
install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/ban_file debian/server/etc/crossfire/ban_file | | $(MAKE) -C utils install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/crossfire-server |
install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/skill_params debian/server/etc/crossfire/skill_params | | $(MAKE) -C plugin install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/crossfire-server |
install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/spell_params debian/server/etc/crossfire/spell_params | | $(MAKE) -C devel install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/crossfire-server |
install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/exp_table debian/server/etc/crossfire/exp_table | | $(MAKE) -C utils uninstall-nodist_binSCRIPTS DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/crossfire-server |
| | |
#install data files | | $(MAKE) -C crossedit install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/crossfire-edit |
install -m 755 -o root -g root -d debian/server/var/log | | |
install -m 775 -o root -g games -d debian/server/var/log/crossfire | | dh_install |
install -m 755 -o root -g root -d debian/server/usr/share/lintian/overrides/ | | |
install -m 755 -o root -g games -d debian/server/var/games/ | | |
install -m 775 -o root -g games -d debian/server/$(LIB_DIR) | | |
install -m 770 -o root -g games -d debian/server/$(LIB_DIR)/players | | |
install -m 770 -o root -g games -d debian/server/$(LIB_DIR)/unique-items | | |
install -m 770 -o root -g games -d debian/server/$(LIB_DIR)/tmp | | |
install -m 755 -o root -g games -d debian/server/$(DATADIR)/help | | |
install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/animations debian/server/$(DATADIR)/animations | | |
install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/archetypes debian/server/$(DATADIR)/archetypes | | |
install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/artifacts debian/server/$(DATADIR)/artifacts | | |
# install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/ban_file debian/server/$(DATADIR)/ban_file | | |
install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/bmaps debian/server/$(DATADIR)/bmaps | | |
install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/bmaps.paths debian/server/$(DATADIR)/bmaps.paths | | |
# install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/crossfire.xpm debian/server/$(DATADIR)/crossfire.xpm | | |
# install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/crossfire.xbm debian/server/$(DATADIR)/crossfire.xbm | | |
# install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/crossfire.png debian/server/$(DATADIR)/crossfire.png | | |
install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/def_help debian/server/$(DATADIR)/def_help | | |
# install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/dm_file debian/server/$(DATADIR)/dm_file | | |
install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/faces debian/server/$(DATADIR)/faces | | |
# install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/forbid debian/server/$(DATADIR)/forbid | | |
install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/formulae debian/server/$(DATADIR)/formulae | | |
install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/messages debian/server/$(DATADIR)/messages | | |
# install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/motd debian/server/$(DATADIR)/motd | | |
install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/races debian/server/$(DATADIR)/races | | |
# install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/skill_params debian/server/$(DATADIR)/skill_params | | |
# install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/spell_params debian/server/$(DATADIR)/spell_params | | |
install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/treasures debian/server/$(DATADIR)/treasures | | |
install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/help/* debian/server/$(DATADIR)/help | | |
install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/image_info debian/server/$(DATADIR)/image_info | | |
install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/attackmess debian/server/$(DATADIR)/attackmess | | |
install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/crossfire.0 debian/server/$(DATADIR)/crossfire.0 | | |
install -m 644 -o root -g games lib/crossfire.1 debian/server/$(DATADIR)/crossfire.1 | | |
touch debian/server/$(LIB_DIR)/highscore | | |
chmod 664 debian/server/$(LIB_DIR)/highscore | | |
chown debian/server/$(LIB_DIR)/highscore | | |
| | |
#install server files | | |
# install -d debian/server/usr/sbin | | |
install -d debian/server/usr/games | | |
install -d debian/server/usr/share/man/man1 | | |
install -d debian/server/usr/share/doc/crossfire-server | | |
install -m 2755 -o root -g games server/crossfire debian/server/usr/games/crossfire | | |
install -m 644 doc/ debian/server/usr/share/man/man1/crossfire.1 | | |
install -m 644 debian/copyright debian/server/usr/share/doc/crossfire-server/copyright | | |
install -m 644 debian/override.Lintian debian/server/usr/share/lintian/overrides/crossfire-server | | |
install -m 644 README debian/server/usr/share/doc/crossfire-server/README | | |
install -m 644 TODO debian/server/usr/share/doc/crossfire-server/TODO | | |
install -m 644 ChangeLog debian/server/usr/share/doc/crossfire-server/changelog | | |
install -m 644 NEWS debian/server/usr/share/doc/crossfire-server/NEWS | | |
#install -m 644 CREDITS debian/server/usr/share/doc/crossfire-server/CREDITS | | |
install -m 644 DEVELOPERS debian/server/usr/share/doc/crossfire-server/DEVELOPERS | | |
| | |
#install editor files | | |
install -d debian/edit/usr/sbin | | |
install -d debian/edit/usr/share/man/man1 | | |
install -d debian/edit/usr/share/doc/crossfire-edit | | |
install -m 755 crossedit/crossedit debian/edit/usr/sbin/crossedit | | |
install -m 644 crossedit/README debian/edit/usr/share/doc/crossfire-edit/README | | |
install -m 644 crossedit/TODO debian/edit/usr/share/doc/crossfire-edit/TODO | | |
install -m 644 debian/copyright debian/edit/usr/share/doc/crossfire-edit/copyright | | |
install -m 644 crossedit/doc/ debian/edit/usr/share/man/man1/crossedit.1 | | |
| | |
#install doc files | | |
install -d debian/doc/usr/share/doc/crossfire-doc/playbook-html/fig/ | | |
install -m 644 debian/copyright debian/doc/usr/share/doc/crossfire-doc/copyright | | |
dh_installdocs -pcrossfire-doc -Pdebian/doc | | |
set -e ; for foo in appC chap2 chap3 chap4 chap5 chap6 handbook ; do \ | | |
install -m 644 doc/playbook-html/$$foo.shtml debian/doc/usr/share/doc/crossfire-doc/playbook-html/$$foo.html ; done | | |
install -p -D doc/playbook-html/fig/* debian/doc/usr/share/doc/crossfire-doc/playbook-html/fig/ | | |
install -m 644 doc/playbook-html/*.html debian/doc/usr/share/doc/crossfire-doc/playbook-html/ | | |
touch install-stamp | | |
| | |
# Build architecture-independent files here. | | # Build architecture-independent files here. |
binary-indep: build install | | binary-indep: build install |
dh_testdir -i | | dh_testdir -i |
# dh_installmenu -i | | # dh_installmenu -i |
dh_installdocs -i | | dh_installdocs -i |
dh_installchangelogs -i -Pdebian/doc | | dh_installchangelogs -i |
dh_compress -i -Pdebian/doc | | dh_compress -i |
dh_fixperms -i -Pdebian/doc | | dh_fixperms -i |
# dh_suidregister -i -Pdebian/doc | | # dh_suidregister -i |
dh_installdeb -i -Pdebian/doc | | dh_installdeb -i |
dh_gencontrol -i -Pdebian/doc | | dh_gencontrol -i |
dh_md5sums -i -Pdebian/doc | | dh_md5sums -i |
dh_builddeb -i -Pdebian/doc | | dh_builddeb -i |
| | |
# Build architecture-dependent files here. | | # Build architecture-dependent files here. |
binary-arch: build install | | binary-arch: build install |
dh_testdir -a | | dh_testdir -a |
| | dh_testroot |
# dh_installmenu -a | | # dh_installmenu -a |
dh_installinit -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/server | | dh_installinit -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/crossfire-server |
dh_installdocs -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/server | | dh_installdocs -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/crossfire-server |
dh_installdocs -pcrossfire-edit -Pdebian/edit | | dh_installdocs -pcrossfire-edit -Pdebian/crossfire-edit |
# dh_installdocs -pcrossfire-doc -Pdebian/doc | | dh_installman -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/crossfire-server doc/ |
dh_installchangelogs -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/server | | dh_installman -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/crossfire-server doc/ |
dh_installchangelogs -pcrossfire-edit -Pdebian/edit | | dh_installman -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/crossfire-server doc/ |
dh_strip -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/server | | dh_installman -pcrossfire-edit -Pdebian/crossfire-edit doc/ |
dh_strip -pcrossfire-edit -Pdebian/edit | | dh_installchangelogs -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/crossfire-server |
dh_compress -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/server | | dh_installchangelogs -pcrossfire-edit -Pdebian/crossfire-edit |
dh_compress -pcrossfire-edit -Pdebian/edit | | dh_strip -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/crossfire-server |
dh_installdeb -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/server | | dh_strip -pcrossfire-edit -Pdebian/crossfire-edit |
dh_installdeb -pcrossfire-edit -Pdebian/edit | | dh_compress -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/crossfire-server |
dh_installdebconf -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/server | | dh_compress -pcrossfire-edit -Pdebian/crossfire-edit |
dh_shlibdeps -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/server | | dh_installdeb -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/crossfire-server |
dh_shlibdeps -pcrossfire-edit -Pdebian/edit | | dh_installdeb -pcrossfire-edit -Pdebian/crossfire-edit |
dh_gencontrol -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/server | | dh_installdebconf -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/crossfire-server |
dh_gencontrol -pcrossfire-edit -Pdebian/edit | | dh_shlibdeps -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/crossfire-server |
dh_md5sums -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/server | | dh_shlibdeps -pcrossfire-edit -Pdebian/crossfire-edit |
dh_md5sums -pcrossfire-edit -Pdebian/edit | | dh_gencontrol -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/crossfire-server |
dh_builddeb -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/server | | dh_gencontrol -pcrossfire-edit -Pdebian/crossfire-edit |
dh_builddeb -pcrossfire-edit -Pdebian/edit | | dh_md5sums -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/crossfire-server |
| | dh_md5sums -pcrossfire-edit -Pdebian/crossfire-edit |
| | dh_builddeb -pcrossfire-server -Pdebian/crossfire-server |
| | dh_builddeb -pcrossfire-edit -Pdebian/crossfire-edit |
| | |
source diff: | | source diff: |
@echo >&2 'source and diff are obsolete - use dpkg-source -b'; false | | @echo >&2 'source and diff are obsolete - use dpkg-source -b'; false |
| | |
binary: binary-indep binary-arch | | binary: binary-indep binary-arch |
.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary | | .PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install |