Difference for doc/Developers/objects from version 1.10 to 1.11

version 1.10 version 1.11
Line 43
Line 43
  J. Mood Floors   J. Mood Floors
  K. Altars, Triggers, Detectors and other connected items   K. Altars, Triggers, Detectors and other connected items
  L. Signs   L. Signs
    N. Duplicators
 5. Flags & specifications for objects  5. Flags & specifications for objects
Line 1539
Line 1540
 -stats.hp direct damage, but that has changed.  stats.hp <= 0 now means no  -stats.hp direct damage, but that has changed.  stats.hp <= 0 now means no
 damage at all, just loss of 25% food.  damage at all, just loss of 25% food.
   N. Duplicators:
   Duplicators copy or remove objects.  Duplicators are triggered objects.
   connected: Connected value for the duplicator.
   other_arch: Archetype that this copies - if the archetype on top of the
     duplicator doesn't match this, it isn't copied.  Note that it only
     matches the archetype - the object can then be further duplicated.  For
     example, if other_arch is sword, it will duplicate sword +4, different
     attacktypes, etc, and all of those are duplicated.  But it will not
     duplicate a dagger for example.
   level: The number of copies to make (1 means no changes).  If set to 0
     the object is removed.
   arch duplicator
   level 2
   other_arch sword
   connected 5
   Where 5 is connected to a lever.  When the lever is pulled, if a sword object
   is on top, its number is doubled.  If there is anything else on top, it is
   unaffected.  If the lever it is connected to is not pulled, it is also
 *******************************************************************************  *******************************************************************************
 5. Flags & specifications: (usage: flag value)  5. Flags & specifications: (usage: flag value)
 ******************************************************************************  ******************************************************************************

line(s) removed in v.1.10 
line(s) changed
 line(s) added in v.1.11

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