Difference for doc/Developers/objects from version 1.3 to 1.4

version 1.3 version 1.4
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 This files so far only concernes how to make archetypes,treasure and NPC's.  
 The name in parantheses is the name as it should be used in the archetype  
 file.  This files so far only concernes how to make archetypes,treasure and NPC's
 Names (name, name_pl)  Sections:
   1. How to create new Archetypes and Bitmaps
   2  Things that are alive (monsters, npcs)
    A. Attack Types (attacktytpe)
    B. Immunity (immune) (protected) (vulnerable)
    C. NPC Movement (attack_movement)
    D. Picking up other items (pick_up)
    E. Using other objects (will_apply)
    F. Treasure lists (randomitems)
    G. Usage of certain flags for monsters
    H. NPC's and their life - behaviours
    I. NPC's Speak out - messages
   3. Objects in general
    A. Names (name, name_pl)
    B. Types (type)
    C. Client Types (client_type)
    D. editable field (editable)
    E. Animations (anim - mina) (facings)
           F. Material types (material)
    G. Item Power (item_power)
    H. Body Location
    I. Meaning of certain attributes for certain items:
    A. MAPS
    E. BOWS & ARROWS -missile weapons
    F. Creators -object creating objects
    G. Player Movers
    H. Magical Walls  -walls that cast spells
    I. Containers
    J. Mood Floors
    K. Altars, Triggers, Detectors and other connected items
    L. Signs
   5. Flags & specifications for objects
   7. Misc change description
    0) Determine if you really need a new archetype.  Archetypes are only needed
       if you are adding new images, or the archetype you are creating will be
       of general interest.  Don't make a new arch if all you really need to do
       is customize an existing archetype.
    1) Figure out which directory/category the object will belong to.  This
       will determine the appropriate location for it inside the 'arch'
       directory.  For objects with many animations or that are very large,
       you may want to make a new subdirectory.
    2) Create a bitmap.  It must be dividable by 32 in both height and width.
       The file format should be .PNG 256 colour and use transparancy.
    3) create additional bitmaps if you want animation or directional facing.
    4) split the bitmaps up into 32x32 bitmaps and named according to the
       naming.doc conventions in the arch tar package.  Note, this
       is not really necessary at current time - non splitted images should
       work properly, but some older clients may have problems with it.
    (you can use the script "splitxbm" which is included below).
    5) Create an archetype entry.  The file should be called
       object.arc, where object is whatever the new object is.
       This is by far the most complicated step.  First read "crossfire.doc" for
       an introduction on how to create archetypes.
       Look at other similary archetypes to see how they have been done.
       If you only made one 32x32 bitmap, you will only need one archetype, but
       if you made a larger bitmap which is cut down to several 32x32 bitmaps,
       you will need to use "linked" archetypes.  To create a linked archetype,
       add a 'More' line filed by the next piece.  The X and Y coordinates in
       this next piece determine the offset from the head (first) object.
       When making multipart objects, they should be rectangular.  Non rectangular
       may work, but has not been tested.
       Note that for these multipart objects, in most cases, only the values
       in the head portion are used (eg, hp, damage, etc for monsters).
       See the section later in this document about animations.
    6) If your archetype is a creature or NPC you might want to give it
       abilities such as firebreathing or magical attacks.  You put these
       abilities into the treasures file in the appropriate entry as invisible
       objects.  This is also how you can give inventory like bows or swords
       as well.  Look at the other entries in the treasures file for the format.
       Note that if an existing entry in the treasures file does what you
       want, use it for your new archetype.  There is no requirement that
       each archetype has a unique treasure list.
   What is an archetype and what is an object?
   Objects are directly derived from archetypes.  Everything the player
   sees in the game is an object.  The player never deals with archetypes.
   Archetypes are the master objects.  All objects have an archetype that they
   are derived from.  When an object is created, the archetype is used for
   all the default values in the object.  When an object is saved, the code
   looks at the differences between the archetype and the object it is saving,
   and only changes the different values.
   Archetypes are the entries in the 'arch' directory.  The fields for
   archetypes and objects are generally the same.
   Note that by using this archetype model, it means an archetype can get
   updated and all objects that are derived from it will get updated -
   this is very useful when new fields are added - the archetypes can get
   updated, and all objects in maps, player save files, wherever, get
   this new value.
   2. Things that are alive
   The name in parantheses after a flag description is the name as it should be
   used in the archetype file.  For example:  Attack type (attacktype)
   A. Attack Types (attacktype)
   Attack types   bit description
   Physical 1  Basic attacktype.
   Magic 2  All magic spells, but not prayers
   Fire 4  Can ignite objects
   Electricity 8  Can also ignite objects
   Cold 16  Can freeze objects into ice cubes
   Confusion 32  Movement/attack directions become random
   Acid 64  Random equipped item gets -1 to magic attribute
   Drain 128  Victim loses 2% exp, attacker gains half of that
   Weaponmagic 256  Direct damage: Special, use with care
   Ghosthit 512  Attacker dissolves (obsolete)
   Poison 1024  Some damage each turn thereafter
   Slow   2048  Speed is reduced
   Paralyze 4096  Speed is reduced to zero
   Turn undead 8192  Like Fear, but for undead only
   Fear 16384  Like Turn Undead, but for living only
   Cancellation 32768  Removes magic (+/-) from items
   Depletion 65536  Lose one point from one stat (can be restored)
   Death 131072  Chance of instant death, otherwise nothing
   Chaos 262144  None by itself, uses random other types
   Counterspell 524288  Cancels magic spells
   Godpower    1048576  Adds relevant god's attacktype
   Holy Word    2097152  Enemies: X5, Undead: X1 -unless friends, others: none
   Blind       4194304  Blinds victim
   Note that one archetype can have multiple attack types by adding
   these values together.  Thus, something with an attacktype of 65
   would attack with both acid and physical.
   B. Resistances
   Creatures can have various resistances.  If a creature has a resistance
   value for a particular attacktype of 100, it is said to be immune
   to that attacktype.  The amount of resistance directly reduces
   damage.  A creature that has 25% resistance to fire only takes 75%
   of the damage.  A creature 99% resistant only takes 1% of the damage.
   A few notes:  If a creature/object is immune to magic, then it will be
   immune to all damage from that attack, even if that attack type contains
   more than just magic.
   Otherwise, a creature needs to be immune to all attack types in order
   to take no damage (thus, a creature that is immune to physical, but
   getting hit by a weapon that does physical and fire would take normal
   damage).  The attack code goes through all the attacktypes, and
   calculates the damage that each will cause.  It uses the highest damage
   total that any of these attacktypes will use.
   For attacktypes that don't deal phyiscal damage but instead effect
   the creature in some way (drain, slow, paralyze, etc), the resistance
   in general reduces the effect (duration, amount drained, etc).
   C. NPC Movement (attack_movement)
   Set the variable attack_movement to one of the below (cut from define.h):
   /* Monster Movements added by kholland@sunlab.cit.cornell.edu                 */
   /* if your monsters start acting wierd, mail me                               */
   /* the following definitions are for the attack_movement variable in monsters */
   /* if the attack_variable movement is left out of the monster archetype, or is*/
   /* set to zero                                                                */
   /* the standard mode of movement from previous versions of crossfire will be  */
   /* used. the upper four bits of movement data are not in effect when the monst*/
   /* er has an enemy. these should only be used for non agressive monsters.     */
   /* to program a monsters movement add the attack movement numbers to the movem*/
   /* ment numbers example a monster that moves in a circle until attacked and   */
   /* then attacks from a distance:                                              */
   /*                                                      CIRCLE1 = 32          */
   /*                                              +       DISTATT = 1           */
   /*                                      -------------------                   */
   /*                      attack_movement = 33                                  */
   #define DISTATT  1 /* move toward a player if far, but mantain some space,  */
                      /* attack from a distance - good for missile users only  */
   #define RUNATT   2 /* run but attack if player catches up to object         */
   #define HITRUN   3 /* run to then hit player then run away cyclicly         */
   #define WAITATT  4 /* wait for player to approach then hit, move if hit     */
   #define RUSH     5 /* Rush toward player blindly, similiar to dumb monster  */
   #define ALLRUN   6 /* always run never attack good for sim. of weak player  */
   #define DISTHIT  7 /* attack from a distance if hit as recommended by Frank */
   #define WAIT2    8 /* monster does not try to move towards player if far    */
                      /* maintains comfortable distance                        */
   #define PETMOVE 16 /* if the upper four bits of move_type / attack_movement */
                      /* are set to this number, the monster follows a player  */
                      /* until the owner calls it back or off                  */
                      /* player followed denoted by 0b->owner                  */
                      /* the monster will try to attack whatever the player is */
                      /* attacking, and will continue to do so until the owner */
                      /* calls off the monster - a key command will be         */
                      /* inserted to do so                                     */
   #define CIRCLE1 32 /* if the upper four bits of move_type / attack_movement */
                      /* are set to this number, the monster will move in a    */
                      /* circle until it is attacked, or the enemy field is    */
                      /* set, this is good for non-aggressive monsters and NPC */
   #define CIRCLE2 48 /* same as above but a larger circle is used             */
   #define PACEH   64 /* The Monster will pace back and forth until attacked   */
                      /* this is HORIZONTAL movement                           */
   #define PACEH2  80 /* the monster will pace as above but the length of the  */
                      /* pace area is longer and the monster stops before      */
                      /* changing directions                                   */
                      /* this is HORIZONTAL movement                           */
   #define RANDO   96 /* the monster will go in a random direction until       */
                      /* it is stopped by an obstacle, then it chooses another */
                      /* direction.                                            */
   #define RANDO2 112 /* constantly move in a different random direction       */
   #define PACEV  128 /* The Monster will pace back and forth until attacked   */
                      /* this is VERTICAL movement                             */
   #define PACEV2 144 /* the monster will pace as above but the length of the  */
                      /* pace area is longer and the monster stops before      */
                      /* changing directions                                   */
                      /* this is VERTICAL movement                             */
   #define LO4     15 /* bitmasks for upper and lower 4 bits from 8 bit fields */
   #define HI4    240
   D.Picking up other items (pick_up)
   Pick Up specifiers (defined with pick_up)
   Nothing 1
   Wealth 2
   Food 4
   Weapon 8
   Armour 16
   All but those defined 32
   All 64
   Note also that if can_use_armor, can_use_weapon, can_use_ring,
   can_use_wand, can_cast_spell, can_use_bow are set, then the creature
   will pick up the matching items even if the pick_up element is not
   set to pick up those items.
   This only applies to monsters.  The player pickup method is much different.
   E. Using other objects (will_apply)
   specifiers    will apply this
      1    Handles
      2 Treasure (chests)
      4         Earthwall (tear down)
      8        Door      (open) */
   F. Treasure lists (randomitems)
    This determines what treasurelist to use for generating the objects
   treasures.  For archetypes, the default is none, but for other objects
   (like those loaded in maps), it will use the same treasure list as
   the archetype it descends from unless otherwise specified.  In the case
   of objects, "none" can be be used to make no items generated.
   The format of treasurelists is detailed further down in this file.
   Treasure lists are also used to give spell and skill abilities to creatures.
   G. Usage of certain flags for monsters
   Damage (dam)
   Damage determines the amount of damage the creature does.  The form this
   damage takes it determined by the attacktype the creature has.
   When determining damage, a number between 1 and the damage value is
   rolled.  Thus, even if you have a +6 damage bonus from strength, magic
   weapons, etc, a value of 1 could still be generated.  Thus, even with very
   high magical monsters or very high strength monsters, a low damage roll can
   result some of the time.
   Speed (speed)
   Speed.  A speed of 1.0 means it acts every tick, a speed of 0.1
   means it acts every 10 ticks.
   level (level)
   Int (int)
   gives monsters a modifying to find hidden/invisible creatures.
   Pow (pow)
   If the creature can cast spells, this is how many spell points
   are regenerated each move.
   Con (con)
   Monsters regenerate this many hit points each move.  This is each
   time the monster has a move (some for Pow).  So two monsters with the
   same Con can regenerate at different rates if their speeds are different.
   Wis (wis)
   Determines how close a player needs to be before the creature wakes
   up.  This is done as a square, for reasons of speed.  Thus, if the wisdom is
   11, any player that moves within the 11x11 square of the monster will wake
   the monster up.  If the player has stealth, the size of this square is
   reduced in half plus 1.
   Spell points (sp)
   Number of spell points monster starts with
   maxsp (maxsp)
   Maximum spellpoints for monsters
   flying (flying)
   set flying to 1 if this can fly.
   See Invisible (see_invisible)
   See in the dark (can_see_in_dark)
   Spell reflection (reflect_spell)
   Very powerful, use carefully
   Pass through (can_pass_thru)
   Kamakaze attacks (one_hit)
   set to 1 if this creature disapates on attacking (like ghosts)
   Morale (run_away)
   Use objects (can_use)
   What objects the creature can use.  Note that this has largely been
   replaced with the body location information (see further down).
   The ones that should in general be used are can_use_shield, can_use_weapon,
   and can_use_bow.  the others are likely to be obsoleted.
   can_use_scroll 1
   can_use_skill 1
   can_use_wand 1
   can_use_rod 1
   can_cast_spell 1
   can_use_bow 1
   can_use_armour 1
   can_use_weapon 1
   can_use_ring 1
   Resistances (resist_x)
   The amount of resistance the object has to certain attack types or
   environmental effects.  Use negative numbers to make onjects more vunerable to
   the effects.
   resist_fire 60
   resist_cold -30
   The fields resist_*, armour, wc and dam can be
   set in map files to customize monsters.  However, if that monster can
   be equipped with items, and actually equips some, these values will
   get reset back to those in the clone archetype (normal values.)  Thus,
   if you want to put a wizard in that does dam 50, make sure can_use_armour,
   and can_use_weapon are set back to 0.  Otherwise, when items are equipped,
   all the above fields will be reset to standard values.
   H. Generators and creature spawning (generate) (other_arch)
   To make a monster spawn other monsters add the flags generate 1 and other_arch
   <arch> **The speed of generation is likely based on speed?**
   H. NPC's and their life:
   An NPC can have any combination of the following programs (flags):
   FLAGS: (They are checked in the following order:)
     - sleep               (will stand still until woken)
     - scared              (will run away)
     - random_movement     (move randomly)
     - friendly            (will attack enemies of the nearest player)
     - unaggressive        (don't attack until attacked)
     - stand_still         (don't ever move)
   sleep + (any)           = sleep until woken, then do any of the other things...
   neutral + random_movement = move randomly around all the time.
   neutral (alone)         = stand still until attacked, then attack and move.
   stand_still + (any)     = do anything except moveing
   In addition it can have run_away set to which percentage of full
   hit-points the npc will run away at.
   And then there is the NPC features made by Karl Holland  (see attack_movement)
   Note that scared creatures will become unscared at some point, so it
   is typically not useful to set this in maps or in archetypes.
   I. NPC's Speak out
   The message structure in a monster can contain:
   @match <key>|<key>[...]
   This identifies what the monster will say if talked to with a text
   which matches any keys.
   A key contaning '*' will match anything.
   An example of usage:
   @match hello|hi
   Welcome, good friend!
   @match bye
   @match *
   What did you say?
   Obviously this feature can be expanded extensively, so expect it
   to evolve till the next version.
   You might not want to put messages into archetype creatures, this feature is
   more for making special npcs for maps.  However, certain generic messages in
   archetypes might add to the general game ambiance a bit (by default: dogs
   would say "arf arf" guards would say "move along"...) - tm
   3. Objects in general
   The name in parantheses after a flag description is the name as it should be
   used in the archetype file.  For example:  editable field (editable)
   A. Names (name, name_pl)
 If no 'name' field is specified in the object, it will use the name from  If no 'name' field is specified in the object, it will use the name from
 the 'Object' field.  the 'Object' field.
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 have other per type specific information added in (spell contained  have other per type specific information added in (spell contained
 within the spellbook for example).  within the spellbook for example).
 Types (type):  
 Specified in defines.h.  It is used to group items together.  A type only  
 needs to be added for a new archetype if in some area of the program,  B. Types (type)
 it is actually used.  ===============
   Specified in defines.h.  A type determines how an item operates/ what it does.
   A type only needs to be added for a new archetype if in some area of the
   program, it is actually used.  Addition of new types is generally
   a rare event.
  For example, if adding a new monster, there is no need to add a new type   For example, if adding a new monster, there is no need to add a new type
 in defines.h if crossfire never checks the type element in the object  in defines.h if crossfire never checks the type element in the object
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  Most types are set for items that are applied, items that have special   Most types are set for items that are applied, items that have special
 properties.  properties.
  When adding a type, you might also need to update crossedit/Attr.c for  You should look at the include/defines.h file for the latest type
 what default fields should be displayed in the attributes menu.  information.  Note that within maps, you should almost never change
   the type field of an object - instead, you should start with an
   object of the appropriate type and change the fields of the object
   to appear as you want it.
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  C. Client Types (client_type)
 Client Types (client_type):  ==============================
 client type information in public information communicated to the client.  client type information in public information communicated to the client.
 Client type differes from the type in several ways:  Client type differes from the type in several ways:
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 1) It is more specific than the type information.  1) It is more specific than the type information.
 2) The numbers used for client type are more logically grouped (all armor  2) The numbers used for client type are more logically grouped (all armor
    related client_types are in the same range)     related client_types are in the same range)
 3) client type is does not have a functional component in the server - it  3) client type info does not have a functional component in the server - it
    only conveys information - the server does not determine what an object     only conveys information - the server does not determine what an object
    may or may not do based on this.  At current time, the server does not     may or may not do based on this.  At current time, the server does not
    even look at the client_type for any information.     even look at the client_type for any information.
 4) The client_type can be used to hide the real time of an item.  Eg,  4) The client_type can be used to hide the real type of an item.  Eg,
    items of client_type poison should never be sent - client_type should      items of client_type poison should never be sent - client_type should
    instead by booze so difficult for the client to know what the item     instead by booze so difficult for the client to know what the item
    really is.  similarly, special objects used in quests which appear     really is.  similarly, special objects used in quests which appear
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  client type so they group together.  Note that the map needs   client type so they group together.  Note that the map needs
  to be modified to change the client_type of the keys to do this.   to be modified to change the client_type of the keys to do this.
 1000-1049 Readables  1000-1049 Readables
 1001 mage Spellbook (85)  1001 mage Spellbook (85)
 1002 cleric spellbooks (85)  1002 cleric spellbooks (85)
 1011 Armor improver (123)  1011 Armor improver (123)
 1016 weapon improver (124)   1016 weapon improver (124)
 1021 Skill scroll (130)  1021 Skill scroll (130)
 1041 Books & scrolls - information type objects (8)  1041 Books & scrolls - information type objects (8)
 1100-1149 Light emitting objects & lightables  
 1101 lighter (75)  
 1102 torch   
 1103 colored torches  
 2000-2049 Valuables - only real value is monetay  
 2001 money (36)  
 2005 gold nuggets   
 2011 gems (60) - this could be divided into more subtypes - probably better  
  for artifact gems to have a different type than worry about sorting  
  ruby, diamond, emerald, etc.  
 2030 Jewelery (60) - chalice, crystball  
 8000-8999 Misc - items of no specific use or can not easily be sorted.  
 8001 clock (9)  
 8002 furniture (15) - These can be used as weapons, but probably  
  shouldn't be.  
 8003 ten kilo  
 8006 bagpipe (24) - this is type key, probably shouldn't make it that obvious  
 8011 gravestone (38)  
 8012 boulders  
 8013 pillars  
 8015 flowers  
 8020 ice cubes  
 Attack types (attacktype):  
 Physical      1  Reduced by 1% per point of armor  
 Magic      2  All magic spells, but not prayers  
 Fire      4  Can ignite objects  
 Electricity      8  Can also ignite objects  
 Cold     16  Can freeze objects into ice cubes  
 Confusion     32  Movement/attack directions become random  
 Acid     64  Random equipped item gets -1 to magic attribute  
 Drain    128  Victim loses 2% exp, attacker gains half of that  
 Weaponmagic    256  Direct damage: Special, use with care  
 Ghosthit    512  Attacker dissolves (obsolete)  
 Poison   1024  Some damage each turn thereafter  
 Slow   2048  Speed is reduced  
 Paralyze   4096  Speed is reduced to zero  
 Turn undead   8192  Like Fear, but for undead only  
 Fear 16384  Like Turn Undead, but for living only  
 Cancellation 32768  Removes magic (+/-) from items  
 Depletion 65536  Lose one point from one stat  
 Death 131072  Chance of instant death, otherwise nothing  
 Chaos 262144  None by itself, uses random other types  
 Counterspell 524288  Cancels magic spells  
 Godpower       1048576  Adds relevant god's attacktype  
 Holy Word      2097152  Enemies: X5, Undead: X1 -unless friends, others: none  
 Blind          4194304  Blinds victim  
 Note that one archetype can have multiple attack types by adding  
 these values together.  Thus, something with an attacktype of 65  
 would attack with both acid and physical.  
 Immunity (immune), Protection (protected), and Vulnerable (vulnerable)  
 also use these values.  A creature that is immune will take no damage  
 from that type, a protected creature takes half damage, and a vulnerable  
 creature takes double damage.  
 A few notes:  If a creature/object is immune to magic, then it will be   
 immune to all damage from that attack, even if that attack type contains  
 more than just magic.  
  Otherwise, a creature needs to be immune to all attack types in order  
 to take no damage (thus, a creature that is immune to physical, but  
 getting hit by a weapon that does physical and fire would take normal  
  If an object is protected/vulnerable to just one of the attack types,  
 will still take full damage.  Thus, if something is protected from physical,  
 but the attack is fire and physical, the creature will still take normal  
 fire damage.  Whatever attacktype that would do the most damage is used.  
  Note that if the attack type is physical, then damage can be reduced by the  
 creatures armor.  
 Material types (material):  
 Paper      1  
 Iron      2  
 Glass      4  
 Leather      8  
 Wood     16  
 Organic     32  
 Stone     64  
 Cloth    128  
 Adamantite 256  
 The objects material affects how saving throws against an object affect it.  
 Thus, if paper is hit by fire, it tends to burn up, while iron does not.  You  
 can look in common/living.c to see the exact values.  Note that if the material  
 type is 0 (no material) or is Adamantite, the object can not be harmed in  
 any way.  
 An object can have multiple material types by adding these values together.  
 Pick Up specifiers (defined with pick_up)  
 Nothing 1  
 Wealth 2  
 Food 4  
 Weapon 8  
 Armour 16  
 All but those defined 32  
 All 64  
 Note also that if can_use_armor, can_use_weapon, can_use_ring,  
 can_use_wand, can_cast_spell, can_use_bow are set, then the creature  
 will pick up the matching items even if the pick_up element is not  
 set to pick up those items.  
 This only applies to monsters.  The player pickup method is much different.  
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  1100-1149 Light emitting objects & lightables
   1101 lighter (75)
   1102 torch
   1103 colored torches
   2000-2049 Valuables - only real value is monetay
   2001 money (36)
   2005 gold nuggets
   2011 gems (60) - this could be divided into more subtypes - probably better
    for artifact gems to have a different type than worry about sorting
    ruby, diamond, emerald, etc.
   2030 Jewelery (60) - chalice, crystball
 Will_apply specifiers (will_apply):  
    1    -       Handles  8000-8999 Misc - items of no specific use or can not easily be sorted.
    2 - Treasure (chests)  8001 clock (9)
    4    -       Earthwall (tear down)  8002 furniture (15) - These can be used as weapons, but probably
    8    -       Door      (open) */   shouldn't be.
    16   -       Food (eat it)  8003 ten kilo
   8006 bagpipe (24) - this is type key, probably shouldn't make it that obvious
   8011 gravestone (38)
   8012 boulders
   8013 pillars
   8015 flowers
   8020 ice cubes
 Meaning of editable field (editable):  D. editable field (editable)
 Editable sole meaning is for crossedit.  Crossedit uses editable to determine  Editable sole meaning is for crossedit.  Crossedit uses editable to determine
 what menu(s) the item should appear in.  Crossfire does not use it at all.  what menu(s) the item should appear in.  Crossfire does not use it at all.
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Line 740
 *6 (32) Special - directors, spinners, firewalls   *6 (32) Special - directors, spinners, firewalls
 *7 (64) Shop - All items needed in shops.  *7 (64) Shop - All items needed in shops.
 *8 (128) Normal objects - sacks, signs, gravestone, furnitures etc.  *8 (128) Normal objects - sacks, signs, gravestone, furnitures etc.
 *9 (256) False walls - Walls that can be destroyed or  *9 (256) False walls - Walls that C. Animations (anim - mina) (facings)can be destroyed or
  broken through.   broken through.
 10 (512) Walls - different walls, caves, dungeons etc.  10 (512) Walls - different walls, caves, dungeons etc.
 11 (1024) Equipments - mainly weapons and armours  11 (1024) Equipments - mainly weapons and armours
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Line 751
 together.  For example, a value of 544 (512+32) would show up in both the  together.  For example, a value of 544 (512+32) would show up in both the
 special and walls menu.  special and walls menu.
 Damage (applies to both players and monsters)  
  Damage determines the amount of damage the creature does.  The form this  
 damage takes it determined by the attacktype the creature has.  
  When determining damage, a number between 1 and the damage value is  
 rolled.  Thus, even if you have a +6 damage bonus from strength, magic  
 weapons, etc, a value of 1 could still be generated.  Thus, even with very  
 high magical monsters or very high strength monsters, a low damage roll can  
 result some of the time.  
  This determines what treasurelist to use for generating the objects  
 treasures.  For archetypes, the default is none, but for other objects  
 (like those loaded in maps), it will use the same treasure list as  
 the archetype it descends from unless otherwise specified.  In the case  
 of objects, "none" can be be used to make no items generated.  
 The format of treasurelists is detailed further down in this file.  
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  E. Animations (anim - mina) (facings)
 Animations:  =====================================
 This section will briefly try to explain how all the animation values  This section will briefly try to explain how all the animation values
 (anim_speed,last_anim, FLAG_IS_TURNING and FLAG_ANIMATE work together.)  (anim_speed,last_anim, FLAG_IS_TURNING and FLAG_ANIMATE work together.)
 In the archetype specification, there is a anim/mina sequence which lists  In the archetype specification, there is a anim/mina sequence which lists
 faces are used for animations.  An example for the big dragon follows:  faces are used for animations.  An example for the big dragon follows:
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Line 775
  Anything that is animated must have such a sequence.   Anything that is animated must have such a sequence.
  FLAG_ANIMATE is used to inform crossfire that this object should be constantly  FLAG_ANIMATE (anim, mina)is used to inform crossfire that this object should
 animated.  A case where an anim section as above is used but FLAG_ANIMATE  be constantly animated.  A case where an anim section as above is used but
 is not set is for arrows and other objects in which the anim field  FLAG_ANIMATE is not set is for arrows and other objects in which the anim
 is instead used to determine what face to draw for different facings of the  field is instead used to determine what face to draw for different facings of
 object.  the object.
 FLAG_IS_TURNING is used in conjunctin with FLAG_ANIMATE.  This is a states  facings is used in conjunctin with FLAG_ANIMATE.  This is a states
 that the object has 2 facings and is animated (big dragon is a case like  the number of facing the objects has (2, 4, or 8 - 1 is the default).
 this.)  The first half of the images will be used for one facing, the  the number of faces in the anim/mina sequence must be a multiple of
 second half of the objects for the other facing.  num facings..
   here is an example of using animation and facings:
   facings 2
   The facings go clockwise (1 north (up), 3 east (right), 5 south (down),
   If there are fewer than 8 facings (which is typical), the same rotational
   order is kept.  So with only 2 facings, the first half in the group will be
   used when the creature is pointing to the right, second half to the left.
 anim_speed is used to determine how often the object is animated.  IF  anim_speed is used to determine how often the object is animated.  IF
 anim_speed is 0, then the object is animated anytime it gets an action.  anim_speed is 0, then the object is animated anytime it gets an action.
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Line 816
  In terms of frequency of animations, 1/anim_speed = object speed.   In terms of frequency of animations, 1/anim_speed = object speed.
 Thus if an object has speed of 0.2, its anim_speed is effectively 5.  Thus if an object has speed of 0.2, its anim_speed is effectively 5.
   F. Material types (material)
   Material       bit
   Paper     1
   Iron 2
   Glass   4
   Leather   8
   Wood     16
   Organic     32
   Stone     64
   Cloth   128
   Adamantite 256
   The objects material affects how saving throws against an object affect it.
   Thus, if paper is hit by fire, it tends to burn up, while iron does not.  You
   can look in common/living.c to see the exact values.  Note that if the material
   type is 0 (no material) or is Adamantite, the object can not be harmed in
   any way.
   An object can have multiple material types by adding these values together.
   G. Item Power (item_power)
 item_power measures how powerful and item is.  This information is only  item_power measures how powerful and item is.  This information is only
 relevant for items that are equipped - one time use items, monsters,  relevant for items that are equipped - one time use items, monsters,
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Line 892
 effects an item has may reduce the item power.  Eg, a   effects an item has may reduce the item power.  Eg, a
 'sword +4 (str +2)(wis -3)' would really be 3 enchantments.  'sword +4 (str +2)(wis -3)' would really be 3 enchantments.
   Note: The enforcement of item power is currently not in use as of this
   writing (Aug 2002).  Further refinement is needed on the power rating
   for items.  However, if you are creating a new magic item, setting
   an appropriate item_power would save work later on.
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  H. Body Location
 Body Location:  ==================
 The body locations information determines where the item is equipped onto  The body locations information determines where the item is equipped onto
 the character.  If the character does not have the slot available,  the character.  If the character does not have the slot available,
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Line 958
 what goes in what location, or even what each location is called.  In  what goes in what location, or even what each location is called.  In
 fact, the location logic could even be done dynamically by a file.  fact, the location logic could even be done dynamically by a file.
 Meaning of certain attributes for certain items:  I. Meaning of certain attributes for certain items:
 All objects have strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution,  All objects have strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution,
 charisma, experience, and spell points.  However, how each is used  charisma, experience, and spell points.  However, how each is used
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Line 988
 slaying  = The map which the exit leads to.  slaying  = The map which the exit leads to.
 hp,sp = (x,y) of the destination on the new map.  hp,sp = (x,y) of the destination on the new map.
   A. MAPS:
 see doc/map-technical for this information.  see doc/map-technical for this information.
 HOLY_ALTARS (re-done code by Mark Wedel)  
   (re-done code by Mark Wedel)
 Holy altars are altars for the various religions.  Praying at a  Holy altars are altars for the various religions.  Praying at a
 holy_altar will make you a follower of that god, and if you already follow  holy_altar will make you a follower of that god, and if you already follow
 that god, you may get some extra bonus.  Meaning of the fields  that god, you may get some extra bonus.  Meaning of the fields
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Line 1012
 title field that used to be used.  title field that used to be used.
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  C. DISEASES
 DISEASES by Peter Mardahl  ===========
   by Peter Mardahl
 The following describes some things about the archetype  The following describes some things about the archetype
 and implementation:  and implementation:
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Line 1109
 speed            speed of movement, from DISEASE  speed            speed of movement, from DISEASE
 other_arch = which archetype to convert into  other_arch = which archetype to convert into
 slaying    = which archetype to convert from  slaying    = which archetype to convert from
 sp         = how many other_arch to create  sp         = how many other_arch to create
 food       = how many items are needed to convert into <sp> other_arch  food       = how many items are needed to convert into <sp> other_arch
 Missile weapons  Missile weapons
 Missile weapons (type BOW) can be used to shoot missiles  Missile weapons (type BOW) can be used to shoot missiles
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Line 1149
 The other variables has their normal meanings.  The other variables has their normal meanings.
 object creating objects, by peterm:  
   F. object creating objects
   by peterm
 What a creator is, is an object which creates another object when it is  What a creator is, is an object which creates another object when it is
 triggered.  The daughter object can be anything.  (yet another way other  triggered.  The daughter object can be anything.  (yet another way other
 than runes to create surprise monsters, though runes are better for that,  than runes to create surprise monsters, though runes are better for that,
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Line 1172
 slaying the name the created object will bear  slaying the name the created object will bear
 level           the level the created object will have  level           the level the created object will have
 Player Movers, by peterm  G.Player Movers
   by peterm
 Player movers are objects which move objects above them.  These objects  Player movers are objects which move objects above them.  These objects
 must be alive.  They are directional, so players can be made to move in  must be alive.  They are directional, so players can be made to move in
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Line 1216
 however, while player movers only do living creatures (depending on how it  however, while player movers only do living creatures (depending on how it
 is set)  is set)
 Magical Walls  --  walls that cast spells  
   H. Magical Walls  --  walls that cast spells
 Magical walls are like other walls, except every now and then,  Magical walls are like other walls, except every now and then,
 they fire spells.  they fire spells.
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Line 1273
  set speed to 0 for best results.   set speed to 0 for best results.
   I. Containers
 container <xxx>         :  the maximum weight the container can hold  container <xxx>         :  the maximum weight the container can hold
    (stored internally in weight_limit)     (stored internally in weight_limit)
 Str <xx>                :  reduces the weight of the objects in the container  Str <xx>                :  reduces the weight of the objects in the container
                            0 == no reduction,   100 = weightless                             0 == no reduction,   100 = weightless
 Int: gives monsters a modifying to find hidden/invisible creatures.  
 Pow: If the creature can cast spells, this is how many spell points  
 are regenerated each move.  
 Con: Monsters regenerate this many hit points each move.  This is each  
 time the monster has a move (some for Pow).  So two monsters with the  
 same Con can regenerate at different rates if their speeds are different.  
 Wis: Determines how close a player needs to be before the creature wakes  
 up.  This is done as a square, for reasons of speed.  Thus, if the wisdom is  
 11, any player that moves within the 11x11 square of the monster will wake  
 the monster up.  If the player has stealth, the size of this square is  
 reduced in half plus 1.  
 maxsp:  Maximum spellpoints for monsters  
 The fields protected, vulnerable, immune, armour, wc and dam can be  
 set in map files to customize monsters.  However, if that monster can  
 be equipped with items, and actually equips some, these values will  
 get reset back to those in the clone archetype (normal values.)  Thus,  
 if you want to put a wizard in that does dam 50, make sure can_use_armour,  
 and can_use_weapon are set back to 0.  Otherwise, when items are equipped,  
 all the above fields will be reset to standard values.  
 Mood Floors ("Brian Thomas" <thomas@astro.psu.edu>)  
   J. Mood Floors
   ("Brian Thomas" <thomas@astro.psu.edu>)
 last_sp field is used to determine what will happen to the monster  last_sp field is used to determine what will happen to the monster
 when the floor is activated:  when the floor is activated:
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Line 1298
                                 who triggers the square. This setting                                  who triggers the square. This setting
                                 is not enabled for continous operation                                  is not enabled for continous operation
 Altars (and other objects that take sacrifices):  
   K. Altars, Triggers, Detectors and other connected items:
 Note: This is not quite complete documentation, but is correct as far  Note: This is not quite complete documentation, but is correct as far
 as it goes (0.92.1)  as it goes (0.92.1)
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Line 1331
 Quick summary of the different altars:  Quick summary of the different altars:
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  TRIGGERS:
 Triggers  ---------
 TRIGGERS are slightly different than normal buttons/pedestals/whatever in  TRIGGERS are slightly different than normal buttons/pedestals/whatever in
 that they reset after a short amount of time.  Thus, they can be used to  that they reset after a short amount of time.  Thus, they can be used to
 open a door for a short amount of time.  Triggers use stats.wc as  open a door for a short amount of time.  Triggers use stats.wc as
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Line 1357
 by reset - Hence, only ONE time per sacrifice.  by reset - Hence, only ONE time per sacrifice.
 TRIGGER (handle):  Pushes a trigger.  TRIGGER (handle):  Pushes a trigger.
 Note:  At one time, there was a difference between triggers and buttons - they  Note:  At one time, there was a difference between triggers and buttons - they
 were considered different types for activation.  However, now they are all  were considered different types for activation.  However, now they are all
 the same - a button can push a trigger, and vice versa.  And of course,  the same - a button can push a trigger, and vice versa.  And of course,
 triggers can activate other triggers, and the same for buttons.  triggers can activate other triggers, and the same for buttons.
  These are sort of combo buttons & altars.  If the pedestals race matches   These are sort of combo buttons & altars.  If the pedestals race matches
 the slaying of an object on top (race of player matches any player), then  the slaying of an object on top (race of player matches any player), then
 push the connected objects.  By default, pedestals match players.  They  push the connected objects.  By default, pedestals match players.  They
 differ from buttons in that specific objects activate them (vs an amount of  differ from buttons in that specific objects activate them (vs an amount of
 weight.)  They are different from altars in that the object that  weight.)  They are different from altars in that the object that
 activates them does not disappear.  activates them does not disappear.
 Inventory checkers (64)  
   Inventory checkers (64)
 Inventory checkers passively check the players inventory to see if it  Inventory checkers passively check the players inventory to see if it
 contains some object.  Thus, you can make portals which you can't pass through  contains some object.  Thus, you can make portals which you can't pass through
 if you contain certain objects.  if you contain certain objects.
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Line 1395
 use the no_pass to 1, and put it in the space you want to control (probably  use the no_pass to 1, and put it in the space you want to control (probably
 makes sense to put a fake door or other object there to make it a little more  makes sense to put a fake door or other object there to make it a little more
 obvious what is going on.)  obvious what is going on.)
 DETECTOR:  This object samples the square its in, and if it finds an object  DETECTOR:
   This object samples the square its in, and if it finds an object
 named in the slaying field, it toggles its connected value.  Detectors are a  named in the slaying field, it toggles its connected value.  Detectors are a
 lot like pedestals - the only really difference is that they sample the  lot like pedestals - the only really difference is that they sample the
 space periodically, where as pedestals will get triggered the instant  space periodically, where as pedestals will get triggered the instant
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Line 1420
    sitting over it     sitting over it
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  MARKER:
 MARKER:    This object inserts a force into a player who stands on it.  This object inserts a force into a player who stands on it.
 This force does nothing except contain a string in its slaying field  This force does nothing except contain a string in its slaying field
 which can be discovered by a detector.    which can be discovered by a detector. 
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Line 1448
 Thus, when the spikes are activated, they push the boulder to the other  Thus, when the spikes are activated, they push the boulder to the other
 space, that then activates whatever is desired.  space, that then activates whatever is desired.
   L. Signs:
 msg: what to print when applied.  msg: what to print when applied.
 food: how many times the sign can be read.  food: how many times the sign can be read.
 last_eat: how many times the sign has been read (only used internally.)  last_eat: how many times the sign has been read (only used internally.)
 If food is zero, there is no limit on how many times the sign can be read.  If food is zero, there is no limit on how many times the sign can be read.
 stats.hp  Poison player or monster that applies this booze with stats.hp  stats.hp  Poison player or monster that applies this booze with stats.hp
           poison damage.            poison damage.
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Line 1467
 -stats.hp direct damage, but that has changed.  stats.hp <= 0 now means no  -stats.hp direct damage, but that has changed.  stats.hp <= 0 now means no
 damage at all, just loss of 25% food.  damage at all, just loss of 25% food.
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *******************************************************************************
 Flags & specifications: (usage: flag value)  5. Flags & specifications: (usage: flag value)
 Note: the flags are case sensitive.  Note: the flags are case sensitive.
 G = generator. O = object.  G = generator. O = object.
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Line 1537
 weight <no>             the weight for this O.  weight <no>             the weight for this O.
 carrying                sum of the weight of objects within this object.  carrying                sum of the weight of objects within this object.
 immune <no>             attack immunity for this O. (no dam) (see attacks)  
 protected <no>          protection for this O. (1/2 dam) (weaker than immunity)  
 attacktype <no>         type of attack from O. (see attacks)  attacktype <no>         type of attack from O. (see attacks)
 vulnerable <no>         special vulnerability of O. (2x dam) (see attacks)  
 invisible <1>           set if O is invisible.  invisible <1>           set if O is invisible.
 magic <no>              magic modifier of O. (bracers +3 has magic 3)  magic <no>              magic modifier of O. (bracers +3 has magic 3)
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Line 1545
 alive <1>               set if O is alive (can be attacked).  alive <1>               set if O is alive (can be attacked).
 applied                 set if object is readied/worn/etc.  applied                 set if object is readied/worn/etc.
 unpaid                  set if object is unpaid (internal)  unpaid                  set if object is unpaid (internal)
 need_an <1>             object must be prepended with "an" instead of "a".  
 need_ie <1>             In plural, object must be appended by "ie"  
                         instead of "y"  
 no_pick <1>             set if O can't be taken.  no_pick <1>             set if O can't be taken.
 no_pass <1>             set if O can't be passed. (eg, a closed door)  no_pass <1>             set if O can't be passed. (eg, a closed door)
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Line 1593
 pick_up <value>         Which items monster will pick up (see pickup (above))  pick_up <value>         Which items monster will pick up (see pickup (above))
   6. TREASURES (and Abilities)
  0) Figure out which directory/category the object will belong to.  This  
     will determine the appropriate location for it inside the 'arch'  
     directory.  For objects with many animations or that are very large,  
     you may want to make a new subdirectory.  
  1) create a bitmap.  It must be dividable by 24 in both height and width.  
  2) create additional bitmaps if you want animation.  
  3) split the bitmaps up into 24x24 bitmaps, if your bitmaps are larger.  
     (you can use the script "splitxbm" which is included below).  
  4) If possible, also create an X Pixmap file for each bitmap.  The  
     name of each XPM file is the same as the bitmap file, with .xpm  
  5) Create an archetype entry.  The file should be called  
     object.arc, where object is whatever the new object is.  
     This is by far the most complicated step.  First read "crossfire.doc" for  
     an introduction on how to create archetypes.  
     Look at other similary archetypes to see how they have been done.  
     If you only made one 24x24 bitmap, you will only need one archetype, but  
     if you made a larger bitmap which is cut down to several 24x24 bitmaps,  
     you will need to use "linked" archetypes.  How to do this is not  
     documented yet, but try to study the other linked archetypes.  
     If you have several bitmaps that should be animated, use the  
     "anim" feature described in "crossfire.doc".  
 The treasures are kept in LIBDIR/treasures.  Their format is:  The treasures are kept in LIBDIR/treasures.  Their format is:
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Line 1652
 whenever such a monster is generated by generator, or when a map  whenever such a monster is generated by generator, or when a map
 containing such <monsters> is loaded for the first time.  containing such <monsters> is loaded for the first time.
   Adding in invisible objects like known spells and skills gives these abilities
   to the object.
   for example:
         treasure pirate
           arch skill_stealing
             chance 50
           arch skill_throwing
               arch skill_punching
           arch heart
              chance 5
           list standard
         treasure skeletalmage
           list standard_old
           arch ability_fear
           arch ability_frostbolt
             chance 67
 Treasure lists of gods are special.  See below.  Treasure lists of gods are special.  See below.
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Line 1810
 And on conversion to another religion, it is ALWAYS removed.  And on conversion to another religion, it is ALWAYS removed.
 Signs and forces and skills may not be given/taken this way.  Signs and forces and skills may not be given/taken this way.
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ***************************************************************************************
 NPC's and their life:  7. Misc change description:
 =====================  ***************************************************************************************
 An NPC can have any combination of the following programs (flags):  
 FLAGS: (They are checked in the following order:)  
   - sleep               (will stand still until woken)  
   - scared              (will run away)  
   - random_movement     (move randomly)  
   - friendly            (will attack enemies of the nearest player)  
   - unaggressive        (don't attack until attacked)  
   - stand_still         (don't ever move)  
 sleep + (any)           = sleep until woken, then do any of the other things...  
 neutral + random_movement = move randomly around all the time.  
 neutral (alone)         = stand still until attacked, then attack and move.  
 stand_still + (any)     = do anything except moveing  
 In addition it can have run_away set to which percentage of full  
 hit-points the npc will run away at.  
 And then there is the NPC features made by Karl Holland:  
 Set the variable attack_type to one of the below (cut from define.h):  
 /* Monster Movements added by kholland@sunlab.cit.cornell.edu                 /  
 /* if your monsters start acting wierd, mail me                              */  
 /* the following definitions are for the attack_movement variable in monsters */  
 /* if the attack_variable movement is left out of the monster archetype, or is*/  
 /* set to zero                                                                */  
 /* the standard mode of movement from previous versions of crossfire will be  */  
 /* used. the upper four bits of movement data are not in effect when the monst*/  
 /* er has an enemy. these should only be used for non agressive monsters.     */  
 /* to program a monsters movement add the attack movement numbers to the movem*/  
 /* ment numbers example a monster that moves in a circle until   
                    /* attack from a distance - good for missile users only */  
 #define RUNATT  2  /* run but attack if player catches up to object        */  
 #define HITRUN  3  /* run to then hit player then run away cyclicly        */  
 #define WAITATT 4  /* wait for player to approach then hit, move if hit    */  
 #define RUSH    5  /* Rush toward player blindly, similiar to dumb monster */  
 #define ALLRUN  6  /* always run never attack good for sim. of weak player */  
 #define DISTHIT 7  /* attack from a distance if hit as recommended by Frank*/  
 #define WAIT2   8  /* monster does not try to move towards player if far   */  
                    /* maintains comfortable distance                       */  
 #define PETMOVE 16 /* if the upper four bits of move_type / attack_movement*/  
                    /* are set to this number, the monster follows a player */  
                    /* until the owner calls it back or off                 */  
                    /* player followed denoted by 0b->owner                 */  
                    /* the monster will try to attack whatever the player is*/  
                    /* attacking, and will continue to do so until the owner*/  
                    /* calls off the monster - a key command will be        */  
                    /* inserted to do so                                    */  
 #define CIRCLE1 32 /* if the upper four bits of move_type / attack_movement*/  
                    /* are set to this number, the monster will move in a   */  
                    /* circle until it is attacked, or the enemy field is   */  
                    /* set, this is good for non-aggressive monsters and NPC*/   
 #define CIRCLE2 48 /* same as above but a larger circle is used            */  
 #define PACEH 64   /* The Monster will pace back and forth until attacked  */  
                    /* this is HORIZONTAL movement                          */  
 #define PACEH2  80 /* the monster will pace as above but the length of the */  
                    /* pace area is longer and the monster stops before     */  
                    /* changing directions                                  */  
                    /* this is HORIZONTAL movement                          */  
 #define RANDO   96 /* the monster will go in a random direction until      */  
                    /* it is stopped by an obstacle, then it chooses another*/  
                    /* direction.                                           */  
 #define RANDO2 112 /* constantly move in a different random direction      */  
 #define PACEV 128  /* The Monster will pace back and forth until attacked  */  
                    /* this is VERTICAL movement                            */  
 #define PACEV2 144 /* the monster will pace as above but the length of the */  
                    /* pace area is longer and the monster stops before     */  
                    /* changing directions                                  */  
                    /* this is VERTICAL movement                            */  
 The message structure in a monster can contain:  
 @match <key>|<key>[...]  
 This identifies what the monster will say if talked to with a text  
 which matches any keys.  
 A key contaning '*' will match anything.  
 An example of usage:  
 @match hello|hi  
 Welcome, good friend!  
 @match bye  
 @match *  
 What did you say?  
 Obviously this feature can be expanded extensively, so expect it  
 to evolve till the next version.  
 Misc change description:  
  The following area describes various comments about various pieces of   The following area describes various comments about various pieces of
 code.  In general, the information describes a basic idea of how things  code.  In general, the information describes a basic idea of how things
 work.  The following may not really be necessary, but I figure that it is  work.  The following may not really be necessary, but I figure that it is

line(s) removed in v.1.3 
line(s) changed
 line(s) added in v.1.4

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