Difference for doc/Developers/objects from version 1.7 to 1.8

version 1.7 version 1.8
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 3. Objects in general  3. Objects in general
  A. Names (name, name_pl)   A. Names (name, name_pl)
  B. Types (type)   B. Types (type) & Subtypes (subtype)
  C. Client Types (client_type)   C. Client Types (client_type)
  D. editable field (editable)   D. editable field (editable)
  E. Animations (anim - mina) (facings)   E. Animations (anim - mina) (facings)
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 B. Types (type)  B. Types (type) & Subtypes (subtype)
 ===============   ====================================
 Specified in defines.h.  A type determines how an item operates/ what it does.  Specified in defines.h.  A type determines how an item operates/ what it does.
 A type only needs to be added for a new archetype if in some area of the  A type only needs to be added for a new archetype if in some area of the
 program, it is actually used.  Addition of new types is generally  program, it is actually used.  Addition of new types is generally
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 object of the appropriate type and change the fields of the object  object of the appropriate type and change the fields of the object
 to appear as you want it.  to appear as you want it.
   Subtypes are related to types, in that it narrows down the scope of the
   type of object.  For example, the type may be the value for skill,
   with subtype being the different skill it uses.  Or for spell objects,
   subtype could be the spell identifier.
   Subtype is a new field as of April 2003.  It's use needs to be extended.
   As example of this is with all equipment items - they should get moved
   to be of type 'equipment', with subtype specifying exactly what it does
   (ring, helm, armor, etc).
   Note that the meaning of the subtype is specific to the type itself - they are
   not unique across all types.  For example, for type equipment, subtype 1 might
   be a helm.  But for type skills, subtype 1 might be smithery.  One should not
   rely on subtype to convey any meaningful information unless the type of the
   object is known or also examined.
   The question may then be asked - when making a new arch, how do I know
   if I need a new type, or if I should be the subtype of an existing type.
   When to add a new type:
   1) If code to support applying the object is completely different than
      what exists in apply.c (eg, not reusing existing functions), or
   2) If code to support movement of the type does not reuse existing
      functions (server/time.c)
   When to make a new subtype:
   1) Your behaviour is _close_ to that of an existing type, but you want it
      to be slightly different (eg, teleporters that don't work on players), or
   2) You need to be able to differentiate between objects of the same type.
      Eg, adding a new skill would add a new subtype, not a new type.
   If your not sure, drop a mail to the crossfire developers list.
   If there is a header file that contains all the other information related to
   the object type, the subtype should be defined there.  Otherwise, subtypes
   should be defined in define.h.  The subtype definitions should include be
   prefixed by what they are a subtype for.  Eg, SKILL_SMITHERY, SKILL_JEWELER,
   etc, and not just SMITHERY and JEWELER.  It is acceptable to abbreviate the
   prefix if it is very long.
 C. Client Types (client_type)  C. Client Types (client_type)
 ==============================  ==============================

line(s) removed in v.1.7 
line(s) changed
 line(s) added in v.1.8

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