Difference for doc/Developers/protocol from version 1.13 to 1.14

version 1.13 version 1.14
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 Updated $Date: 2005/05/06 21:10:11 $ by $Author: tchize $:  Updated $Date: 2005/08/31 21:53:08 $ by $Author: akirschbaum $:
 Outline:  Outline:
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  to get updated, but if there was stuff on the floor, then that face   to get updated, but if there was stuff on the floor, then that face
  will also need to get cleared).  There may be cases where   will also need to get cleared).  There may be cases where
  transitioning from the blocked to empty space occurs, in which case   transitioning from the blocked to empty space occurs, in which case
  the client will send the floor as an empty space.   the server will send the floor as an empty space.
  The darkness value is a single byte - 0 is pitch black, while 255 is   The darkness value is a single byte - 0 is pitch black, while 255 is
  fully illuminated.  It is up to the client to figure out what it wants   fully illuminated.  It is up to the client to figure out what it wants
  to do with this (use masking to reduce visibility, or actually do a   to do with this (use masking to reduce visibility, or actually do a
  real light reduction on the image).   real light reduction on the image).
  the face values are 16 bit values, as before.  They will be sent   The face values are 16 bit values, as before.  They will be sent
  in MSB order of the flag (ie, floor, then intermediate, then   in MSB order of the flag (ie, floor, then intermediate, then
  top, presuming the bit in the flag is set that says that layer   top, presuming the bit in the flag is set that says that layer
  is being sent).  Blank faces may get sent if an object disappears -   is being sent).  Blank faces may get sent if an object disappears -
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Line 811
  (starting from upper left) will be used.   (starting from upper left) will be used.
  The server does remember the heads for out of normal map bounds.   The server does remember the heads for out of normal map bounds.
  However, these values are not shifted when the map scrolls.  Taking   However, these values are not shifted but cleared when the map scrolls.
  the example of an image at 27,20 above, if the player moves to the   Taking the example of an image at 27,20 above, if the player moves to
  east, the server will send the map scroll command, send the face at   the east, the server will send the map scroll command, send the face at
  26,20, and send either a clear or update for 27,20.  When the player   26,20, and send neither a clear nor update for 27,20.  When the player
  moves east again, the image is now on the normal map at 25,20, and   moves east again, the image is now on the normal map at 25,20, and
  will once again get sent, and a delete for 26,20 will be sent.   will once again get sent, no delete for 26,20 will be sent.
  Similarly, if the object was a living object and was partially off the   OTOH, if the object was a living object and was partially off the
  map when killed, an update removing that face for the object it was   map when killed, an update removing that face for the object it was
  standing on will be sent by the server.   standing on will be sent by the server.
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Line 928
  can be useful if the client or client player knows that the map   can be useful if the client or client player knows that the map
  is out of date/corrupted.   is out of date/corrupted.
   S->C: newmap
    This tells the client to clear the map state. This command will be sent
    only if negotiated by the newmapcmd option.
 S->C: magicmap <width> <height> <px> <py> <data>  S->C: magicmap <width> <height> <px> <py> <data>
  This gives the client information from a magic map command.   This gives the client information from a magic map command.
  <width> <height> and text integers of the size.  <px> <py> is   <width> <height> and text integers of the size.  <px> <py> is
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  newmapcmd (0/1)   newmapcmd (0/1)
      This tells the server if the client understands the newmap       This tells the server if the client understands the newmap
      protocol command.  This is used by the client in the fog       protocol command.  This is used by the client in the fog
      of war mode to clear the old data when the player changes       of war mode to receive newmap commands from the server each time
      maps.       the player changes maps.
  facecache (0/1)   facecache (0/1)
      Determines if the client is caching images (1) or wants the       Determines if the client is caching images (1) or wants the

line(s) removed in v.1.13 
line(s) changed
 line(s) added in v.1.14

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