Difference for doc/Developers/protocol from version 1.6 to 1.7

version 1.6 version 1.7
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  on the previous set facemode to determine what facetype to send.   on the previous set facemode to determine what facetype to send.
  num is a plaintext integer.   num is a plaintext integer.
   S->C: smooth <facenbr> <sm000> <sm001> <sm010> <sm011> <sm100> <sm101> <sm110> <sm111>
    All parameters are space separated plain text integers.
    This command informs the client on how to smooth a face, when it will need it.
    Following are the facenbr of the different pictures involved in the
    smoothing algorithm. See doc on smoothing on how to use them. (TODO)
    This info may be send automatically from server but could also be
    requested by client using the asksmooth
   C->S: asksmooth <facenbr>
    Parameters is a plain text integer.
    Ask server to send a smooth sequence. Server will respond with a smooth command.
    <facenbr> is an integer telling server which face we want smooth informations on.
 ******************************************************************************  ******************************************************************************
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Line 787
  The string of data represents the space from left to right,   The string of data represents the space from left to right,
  then up to down.   then up to down.
   C->S: toggleextendedinfos <string1> <string2> .... <stringn>
    Ask the server to send some additionnal informations about the map.
    This command is followed by 1 or more strings. String are separated
    with spaces. Each string toggle an info. The server will respond
    with the command ExtendedInfoSet telling client what actual
    extended infos will be send to the client.
    Valid extended infos are as follow:
    send smoothing level informations to the client.
   S->C: ExtendedInfoSet <string1> <string2> .... <stringn>
    Tell client what actually are the extended infos server may
    send to the client when this is needed. All those infos will
    be related to the map and send through mapextended command.
    Each string represent an info which is enabled. Look
    at toggleextendedinfos and mapextended for details.
   S->C: mapextended <what><length><coord1>[data1a][data1b][data1c]<coord2>...
    This command is send from server when there is at least
    1 ExtendedInfo activated using toggleextendedinfos and
    the client called setup extendedMapInfos 1 (see setup command).
    Basically this command is made of a block telling what infos comes
    with this command, a block telling what length this info is and then
    the infos themselfes. Here is described more in details those blocks.
    <what> (uses N bytes)
    How to know N?
    In each byte, if the highest bit (bit 7) is set, this mean
    another byte will follow. This would allow easy extension of protocol
    without breaking client and needing a new command.
    Here is described, for each byte, the signifiance of the bits:
    Byte 0:
    bit 0 EMI_NOREDRAW
    Tells the client it's useless to redraw screen immediatly,
    another map command will follow.
    bit 1 EMI_SMOOTH
    Tells the client there is datas in the [datas] blocks about
    Tells the client to read the next byte as part of the <what>
    block too. See above signifiance of higher bit.
    <length> (uses 1 byte)
    A one byte info describing the size (in bytes) of each data block. So
    each data block may have a size of 0 to 255 bytes. Note that all data blocks
    send in one mapextended command have the same size but different
    mapextended commands may have different blocksize, even with same datas
    Following is a set of blocks made of a <coord> and 0 to 3 <data>
    <coord> (uses 2 bytes)
    This is the same as for the map1 and map1a commands, except the darkness bit
    is reserved for future use. If it is set to 1, the next byte will be part
    of the coords too (for larger visible map, but not used yet).
    <data> (uses <length> bytes)
    the coord block tells the client which square is concerned and which layers
    in this square are concerned. According to this there may be up to 3 <data>
    blocks following the <coord> block (same as for map1 and map1a). Ok, now
    what stand in those <data>?
    First each <data> block has a length determined by the <length> block. So
    if ther are parts of the data the client may not understand, it's ok, he will
    skip to the end of the <data> block, jumoing to the next. Should help add
    additionnal informations. Since the protocol evolved as on timeline basis.
    If a client can't understand a data type cause it is too old, he won't
    understand the next one too, etc, until the next <data> block is reached.
    So to prevent problem, the server take care to put informations in the data
    block following the order of protocol evolution. If server need to
    say to the client A BB C, assuming that A was defined in the
    protocol before BB was defined which was before C was defined, it would say
    ABBC and never ACBB. Now let's say later a developper want to extend BB to BBB,
    the server should put the datas in the following order: ABBCB  cause the last B
    is more recent in protocol than the 2 first BB and the C. All this make sure
    there will be no mistakes or conflict between different protocol versions.
    Ok, following is the informations which may be present in a <data> block if
    the corresponding flags are put.
    if EMI_SMOOTH is present in <WHAT>
    1 byte telling the smoothlevel of the object at <coord>
    see developper notes on smoothing to know what this means. (TODO)
    <data> stops here for now. Later there will be datas for sending text from
    a specific location, telling client to play special effects, etc.
    gime some time
 ******************************************************************************  ******************************************************************************
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      valid, the server returns the faceset the client will be       valid, the server returns the faceset the client will be
      using (default 0).       using (default 0).
    extendedMapInfos (0/1)
    Toggle sending from server of extended map informations.
    What lies in this extended info depended on what extended
    infos the client asked. See ToggleExtendedInfos command for details.
  All data in the setup command is in ascii text form.  options and   All data in the setup command is in ascii text form.  options and
  values can not have whitepace - the client and server use whitspace   values can not have whitepace - the client and server use whitspace
  to split the options and values.   to split the options and values.

line(s) removed in v.1.6 
line(s) changed
 line(s) added in v.1.7

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