version 1.3 | | version 1.4 |
| | |
CheckMap() | | CheckMap() |
CheckInventory() | | CheckInventory() |
CreateObject() | | CreateObject() |
CanSeeInvisible() | | CanSeeInvisible(object who) |
CanRoll() | | Tests if the object "who" can see invisible things. |
CanPassThru() | | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
CanPickUp() | | |
CanCastSpell() | | CanRoll(object who) |
CanUseScroll() | | Tests if the object "who" can roll. |
CanUseWand() | | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
CanUseBow() | | |
CanUseArmour() | | CanPassThru(object who) |
CanUseWeapon() | | Tests if the object "who" has the 'pass through' ability. |
CanUseRing() | | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
CanUseSkill() | | |
CanUseRod() | | CanPickUp(object who) |
CanUseHorn() | | Tests if the object "who" can be pick up stuff. |
CanSeeInDark() | | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | CanCastSpell(object who) |
| | Tests if the object "who" can cast spells. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | CanUseScroll(object who) |
| | Tests if object "who" can read scrolls. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | CanUseWand(object who) |
| | Tests if object "who" can use a magical wand. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | CanUseBow(object who) |
| | Tests if object "who" can use a bow. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | CanUseArmour(object who) |
| | Tests if object "who" can wear armour. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | CanUseWeapon(object who) |
| | Tests if object "who" can use a weapon. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | CanUseRing(object who) |
| | Tests if object "who" can use rings. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | CanUseSkill(object who) |
| | Tests if object "who" can use skills. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | CanUseRod(object who) |
| | Tests if object "who" can use magical rods. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | CanUseHorn(object who) |
| | Tests if object "who" can use a horn (and other musical instruments) |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | CanSeeInDark(object who) |
| | Tests if object "who" has got infravision capabilities. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
D | | D |
Drop() | | Drop() |
DirectionN() | | DirectionN() |
| | Wrapper for the North direction. |
| | Return value: an integer representing the direction. |
| | |
DirectionNE() | | DirectionNE() |
| | Wrapper for the North-East direction. |
| | Return value: an integer representing the direction. |
| | |
DirectionE() | | DirectionE() |
| | Wrapper for the East direction. |
| | Return value: an integer representing the direction. |
| | |
DirectionSE() | | DirectionSE() |
| | Wrapper for the South-East direction. |
| | Return value: an integer representing the direction. |
| | |
DirectionS() | | DirectionS() |
| | Wrapper for the South direction. |
| | Return value: an integer representing the direction. |
| | |
DirectionSW() | | DirectionSW() |
| | Wrapper for the South-West direction. |
| | Return value: an integer representing the direction. |
| | |
DirectionW() | | DirectionW() |
| | Wrapper for the West direction. |
| | Return value: an integer representing the direction. |
| | |
DirectionNW() | | DirectionNW() |
| | Wrapper for the North-West direction. |
| | Return value: an integer representing the direction. |
| | |
DoKnowSpell() | | DoKnowSpell() |
| | |
E | | E |
| | |
GetSkillExperience() | | GetSkillExperience() |
GetMapPath() | | GetMapPath() |
GetMapObject() | | GetMapObject() |
GetMessage() | | GetMessage(object who) |
GetGod() | | Gets the message contained in the specified object. |
GetWeight() | | The message is what appears inside msg...endmsg tags. |
| | |
| | GetGod(object who) |
| | Gets the name of the god associated with the given object. |
| | Usually, this will be the god "who" is worshipping. |
| | |
| | GetWeight(object who) |
| | Gets the weight of the given object. |
| | |
GetMap() | | GetMap() |
GetNextObject() | | GetNextObject() |
GetPreviousObject() | | GetPreviousObject() |
GetFirstObjectOnSquare() | | GetFirstObjectOnSquare() |
GetQuantity() | | GetQuantity() |
GetExperience() | | GetExperience(object who) |
GetSpeed() | | Gets the amount of experience associated with the object. |
GetFood() | | |
GetGrace() | | GetSpeed(object who) |
| | Gets the speed of the given object. |
| | |
| | GetFood(object who) |
| | Gets the food level of the given object. |
| | |
| | GetGrace(object who) |
| | Gets the grace amount of the given object. |
| | |
GetReturnValue() | | GetReturnValue() |
GetDirection() | | GetDirection() |
GetLastSP() | | GetLastSP(object who) |
GetLastGrace() | | Gets the last_sp parameter value associated with the given object. |
| | |
| | GetLastGrace(object who) |
| | Gets the last_grace parameter value associated with the given object. |
| | |
GetAttackType() | | GetAttackType() |
GetDamage() | | GetDamage(object who) |
GetName() | | Gets the amount of damage associated with the given object. |
| | |
| | GetName(object who) |
| | Gets the 'clear name' of the given object. |
| | |
GetEventOptions() | | GetEventOptions() |
GetEventPlugin() | | GetEventPlugin() |
GetType() | | GetType(object who) |
| | Gets the type of a given object, as a numerical identifier. |
| | |
GetEventHandler() | | GetEventHandler() |
GetIP() | | GetIP() |
GetInventory() | | GetInventory() |
GetInternalName() | | GetInternalName() |
GetAC() | | GetAC(object who) |
GetCha() | | Gets the Armor Class coefficient associated with the given object. |
GetCon() | | |
GetDex() | | GetCha(object who) |
GetHP() | | Gets the Charisma value of the given object. |
GetInt() | | |
GetPow() | | GetCon(object who) |
GetSP() | | Gets the Constitution value of the given object. |
GetStr() | | |
GetWis() | | GetDex(object who) |
GetMaxHP() | | Gets the Dexterity value of the given object. |
GetMaxSP() | | |
| | GetHP(object who) |
| | Gets the amount of Hit Points associated with the given object. |
| | |
| | GetInt(object who) |
| | Gets the Intelligence value of the given object. |
| | |
| | GetPow(object who) |
| | Gets the Power value of the given object. |
| | |
| | GetSP(object who) |
| | Gets the amount of Mana possessed by the given object. |
| | |
| | GetStr(object who) |
| | Gets the Strength value of the given object. |
| | |
| | GetWis(object who) |
| | Gets the Wisdom value of the given object. |
| | |
| | GetMaxHP(object who) |
| | Gets the Maximum amount of Hit Points the given object can get. |
| | |
| | GetMaxSP(object who) |
| | Gets the Maximum amount of Mana the given object can get. |
| | |
GetXPos() | | GetXPos() |
GetYPos() | | GetYPos() |
| | |
| | |
| | |
I | | I |
IsOutOfMap() | | IsOutOfMap() |
IsCanBePicked() | | IsCanBePicked(object who) |
| | Tests if "who" can be picked up. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
InsertObjectInside() | | InsertObjectInside() |
IsInvisible() | | IsInvisible(object who) |
IsAlive() | | Tests if the given object is invisible. |
IsWiz() | | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
IsApplied() | | |
IsUnpaid() | | IsAlive(object who) |
IsFlying() | | Tests if the given object is alive. |
IsMonster() | | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
IsFriendly() | | |
IsGenerator() | | IsWiz(object who) |
IsThrown() | | Tests if the given object is a DM. |
IsTurnable() | | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
IsUsedUp() | | |
IsIdentified() | | IsApplied(object who) |
IsSplitting() | | Tests if the given object is applied. |
IsUndead() | | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
IsScared() | | |
IsUnaggressive() | | IsUnpaid(object who) |
| | Tests if the given object is paid. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | IsFlying(object who) |
| | Tests if the given object is flying. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | IsMonster(object who) |
| | Tests if the given object is a monster. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | IsFriendly(object who) |
| | Tests if the given object is in friendly mode. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | IsGenerator(object who) |
| | Tests if the given object is a generator. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | IsThrown(object who) |
| | Tests if the given object can be thrown. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | IsTurnable(object who) |
| | Tests if the given object is Turnable. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | IsUsedUp(object who) |
| | Tests if the given object is used up. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | IsIdentified(object who) |
| | Tests if the given object is identified. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | IsSplitting(object who) |
| | Tests if the given object can split. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | IsUndead(object who) |
| | Tests if the given object is an undead. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | IsScared(object who) |
| | Tests if the given object is scared. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | IsUnaggressive(object who) |
| | Tests if the given object is in unaggressive mode. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
IsOfType() | | IsOfType() |
IsRunningAway() | | IsRunningAway(object who) |
IsUnique() | | Tests if the given object is running away. |
IsFloor() | | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
IsLifeSaver() | | |
IsSleeping() | | IsUnique(object who) |
IsConfused() | | Tests if the given object is unique. |
IsCursed() | | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
IsDamned() | | |
IsKnownMagical() | | IsFloor(object who) |
IsKnownCursed() | | Tests if the given object is a floor tile. |
IsBlind() | | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | IsLifeSaver(object who) |
| | Tests if the given object is a LifeSaver. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | IsSleeping(object who) |
| | Tests if the given object is sleeping. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | IsConfused(object who) |
| | Tests if the given object is confused. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | IsCursed(object who) |
| | Tests if the given object is cursed. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | IsDamned(object who) |
| | Tests if the given object is damned. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | IsKnownMagical(object who) |
| | Tests if the given object is known to be a magical one. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | IsKnownCursed(object who) |
| | Tests if the given object is known to be a cursed one. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
| | IsBlind(object who) |
| | Tests if the given object is blind. |
| | Return value: test result as an integer - 0 if and only if false. |
| | |
J | | J |
K | | K |