version 1.1 | | version 1.2 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
---------------------------------------------- | | ---------------------------------------------- |
| | |
| | |
1. Sketch of system | | 1. Sketch of system |
a. Initialization - how skills and experience are linked | | a. Initialization - how skills and experience are linked |
| | |
2. How to adjust skill parameters/links with experience objects | | 2. How to add new skills |
a. legal values for experience category | | |
b. legal values for associated stats | | |
| | |
3. How to add new skills | | |
a. creation of new skill: outline of needed steps | | a. creation of new skill: outline of needed steps |
b. important skills archetype values | | |
| | |
4. How to reconfigure the experience categories | | 3. Detail of skill archetype values. |
| | |
5. Appendices | | 4. Skill Tools |
a. glossary of terminology | | |
b. road map of likely routine calls in exp/skills code | | |
c. Known Bugs/Todo list | | |
| | |
| | 5. Skill Scrolls |
| | |
| | 6. Other Objects |
| | |
0. Introduction | | 7. Workings of the Skill System |
--------------- | | |
| | |
When crossfire is compiled with the ALLOW_SKILLS flag defined | | 8. Changes & Limitations |
the new skills/experience system is enabled. This system is coded | | |
with flexibility in mind so that the user may reconfigure the | | |
skills/exp code as they desire in a fairly easy way. In this | | |
document, a discussion of issues of interest to developers is | | |
presented. | | |
| | |
Corrections or comments on how to improve this document are | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
welcome. | | 0. Introduction |
| | --------------- |
-b.t. ( | | |
8/30/95 | | |
| | |
| | Skills were redone to a large extent in April 2003. This document has been |
| | updated to reflect how the skills work. |
| | |
| | The main change is that experience categories were removed from the game. |
| | Instead, experience goes to the skill itself. Thus. how good a player is at |
| | the skills is directly proportional to how good they are at that skill, and |
| | not the category itself. |
| | |
1. Sketch of system | | 1. Sketch of system |
------------------- | | ------------------- |
| | |
In the skills/experience code, players gain experience for the | | In the skills/experience code, players gain experience for the activities |
activities which they perform in the game ("You are what you do"). | | which they perform in the game ("You are what you do"). The activities a |
The activities a player may engage in are controlled by the skills | | player may engage in are controlled by the skills they possess. All players |
they possess. All players start with a basic set of skills which | | start with a basic set of skills which they may expand through adventuring. |
they may expand through adventuring. While monsters do not gain | | While monsters do not gain experience from the use of skills, they may use any |
experience from the use of skills, they may use any skills | | skills which exist in their inventory if they have the can_use_skill flag set. |
which exist in their inventory if they have the can_use_skill | | |
flag set. | | In the code, skills are objects which exist in the player/monster inventory. |
| | Both NPC/monsters and players use the same skill archetypes. Not all skills |
In the code, both experience and skills are objects which exist | | are however enabled for monster use. Check the Skills_players.doc for |
in the player/monster inventory. Both NPC/monsters and players | | available NPC skills. |
use the same skill archetypes. Not all skills are however enabled | | |
for monster use. Check the Skills_players.doc for available | | The experience one gets for a skill is greatly simplified. No longer |
NPC skills. | | is it weighted based on the stats of the player. Rather, the experience is |
| | based on what the skill was used for - opening a tough trap gets more |
| | exp than opening an easy trap. The stats the player has will improve |
a. Initialization - how skills and experience are linked | | the chances of success in most cases - this is bonus enough without also |
| | gaining additional experience. |
During initialization, the code binds skills and experience | | |
objects according to their shared stats (see link_skills_to_exp() | | The chracters total experience is no longer related to the sum of experience |
in skill_util.c). The skills[] array (in skillist.h) is used by | | in the players skills - A player could for example only of 1000 exp, but have |
the code to initialize the default parameters of the skills | | skills with 2500 exp, 300 exp, etc. Removing the tie between skills and total |
objects. After initialization, the code realigns the bindings and | | experience allows for reasonable skill advancement - you can allow a player |
skill parameters according to any entries in the skill_params file | | to easily get to level 20 in a skill without them now being level 20 player. |
(see below, and read_skill_param() in skill_util.c). If no skill | | |
is entered in the skill_params file, the default binding is used. | | Note also that the only tunables are now in the code or in the archetypes - |
| | if the exp for disarming is out of whack, the code would need to be changed |
| | to give more appropriate amounts. |
| | |
2. How to adjust skill parameters/links with experience objects | | |
--------------------------------------------------------------- | | |
| | |
Alteration of the skill_params file (in the lib directory) will | | |
change the default skills parameters (without recompiling the | | |
game). Each entry has the following format (for example): | | |
| | |
<skill name> | | |
int int int float int int int | | |
| | |
An example entry: | | |
| | |
set traps | | 2. How to add new skills |
2 5 3 2.0 5 1 99 | | |
| | |
Skill name is *not* changeable by the skill_params file, in fact | | |
it appears in the file only to identify the skill for which | | |
the skill_params file will alter the parameters. In order, the | | |
parameters which are changeable are the numerical values below | | |
the skill name: | | |
| | |
-associated experience category, see below for value (int) | | |
-time to use the skill, in ticks (int) | | |
-base experience to award for successful use (int) | | |
-level experience modifier (see calc_skill_exp()) (float) | | |
-primary stat of skill, see below (int) | | |
-secondary stat of skill, see below (int) | | |
-tertiary stat of skill, see below (int) | | |
| | |
| | |
a. legal values for experience category | | |
| | |
Numerical values of the experience categories is shown by using | | |
the 'crossfire -m5' command. Release code has "7" experience | | |
objects. A dump of the release code shows: | | |
| | |
exper_catgry str dex con wis cha int pow | | |
0-agility 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 | | |
1-personality 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 | | |
2-mental 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 | | |
3-physique 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 | | |
4-magic 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 | | |
5-wisdom 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 | | |
| | |
For example, the value for the "agility" experience object is | | |
'0'. The seventh experience category (not listed) is the "none" | | |
category. It always has the value of the last listed experience | | |
category plus one (in the above case, the "none" experience | | |
category is value '6'). In the skill_params file, setting the | | |
experience category to the value for the "none" experience object | | |
will make that skill a miscellaneous skill. | | |
| | |
| | |
b. legal values for associated stats | | |
| | |
The associated stats of a skill may be altered by inputing the | | |
value of the new stat (as given in living.h) : | | |
| | |
#define STR 0 | | |
#define DEX 1 | | |
#define CON 2 | | |
#define WIS 3 | | |
#define CHA 4 | | |
#define INT 5 | | |
#define POW 6 | | |
#define NO_STAT 99 | | |
| | |
In the above example (set traps), the associated skills are set | | |
to: | | |
| | |
-primary stat => Intelligence | | |
-secondary stat => Dexterity | | |
-tertiary stat => no stat | | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
3. How to add new skills | | |
------------------------- | | ------------------------- |
| | |
Adding a new skill to CF is not overly difficult, it is little | | Adding a new skill to CF is not overly difficult, it is little more difficult |
more difficult than adding new archetypes and a spell to the game. | | than adding new archetypes and a spell to the game. |
| | |
| | |
a. creation of new skill: outline of needed steps | | a. creation of new skill: outline of needed steps |
| | |
A number of steps are required to create a new skill. Below I | | A number of steps are required to create a new skill. |
outline the steps need to add a learned skill to the game. Note | | |
that in order to add a new skill you will need to acquire the | | |
appropriate CF archetype tarfile (crossfire-0.??.?.arch.tar.gz). | | |
| | |
1) Edit a new skills archetype. See below for appropriate para- | | |
meters. If you desire the skill to be a skill tool, edit a | | |
"face" for the new skill. If you want to have the skill to be | | |
learned via a skill scroll, edit a skillscroll for the skill. | | |
Place the new archetype(s) in the lib/arch/skills directory. | | |
Remember to name your new skill appropriately (ie skill_<new | | |
skill name>). | | |
| | |
2) Edit include files. Add a table entry for the skill in | | |
skillist.h. Add an index entry for the skill to skills.h. Bump | | |
up the value of NROFSKILLS in define.h by one. | | |
| | |
3) Edit skill_util.c. Add an entry for the skill in do_skill() (so | | |
that it may be used as a "long-range attack"). If the new skill | | |
is a hth attack take a look at the attack_hth_skills[] table in | | |
do_skill_attack() -- where does the hth attack rank? The most | | |
useful attacks should occur earlier in the table. | | |
| | |
4) Create the skill code. If you created a hth attack, you probably | | |
can get away with just using attack_hth. For other skills, put | | |
the skill code in skills.c. If your new skill is to be an | | |
"associated" skill, then make sure that it returns the value of | | |
calc_skill_exp(). | | |
| | |
5) Edit treasures/artifacts file as needed (esp. if your skill will | | |
become one of the starting skills, or will show up in shops.) | | |
| | |
| | |
b. important skills archetype values | | |
| | |
Several parameters must be present/set correctly in the skill | | |
archetypes or the new skill will not function properly. | | |
| | |
All skills must have: | | |
- "type" set to the value of SKILL in define.h | | |
- value of "sp" must equal table entry in skills.h | | |
| | |
Learned skills must have: | | |
- "invisible" and "no_drop" set to "1" | | |
| | |
Skill tools must have: | | |
- "face" set to archetype that displays the face. | | |
- "weight" and "value" set to reasonable values. | | |
| | |
Skill scrolls must have: | | |
- "type" set to value of SKILLSCROLL in define.h | | |
- "identified", "material", "nrof" set to "1" | | |
- "weight" and "value" set to reasonable values. | | |
- "slaying" value set to the *archetype* name of the skill that | | |
will be learned from reading the scroll. | | |
| | |
Skills that will do damage (ie hth attacks) require: | | |
- value of "dam" and "last_sp" set reasonably. | | |
| | |
There are in addition a number of other parameters that may be set | | |
in skills (and have effect in the game). Take a look at | | |
fix_player() in common/living.c and skill archs for more info. | | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
4. How to reconfigure the experience categories | | |
----------------------------------------------- | | |
| | |
The experience system is fairly flexible in the number of allowed | | |
kinds of experience. As each type of experience requires at least | | |
1 unique stat, the maximum number of experience objects is 8 (incl. | | |
the "none" category). Because the code in fix_player() currently | | |
requires that the "cleric experience object" (used for advancing | | |
grace) and the "wizard experience object" (use of advancing the | | |
amount of mana) are required to be different, the minimum number of | | |
experience objects is 3 (incl. the "none" experience object). | | |
Release skill/exp code has 7 experience objects enabled: physique | | |
(STR,CON), mental (INT), magic (POW), agility (DEX), wisdom (WIS), | | |
personality (CHA), and none (NULL). | | |
| | |
To reconfigure the experience system, all that is needed is to edit | | |
the stat values of the experience archetypes in lib/arch/skills. | | |
| | |
There are a couple of things that should be watched out for when | | |
reconfiguring: | | |
| | |
1- you will need to set once each of the stats in the | | |
experience objects. (ex Cha 1 must occur in one of the exp | | |
archetypes). | | |
| | |
2- No 2 experience archs may both have the same stat set. | | |
(ex. "Str 1" set in two or more exp. archs is bad news) | | |
| | |
3- "Pow 1" and "Wis 1" must occur in different experience | | |
archetypes. (Remember the requirement that wiz and cleric | | |
experience objects have to be different). | | |
| | |
| | |
Compile the new archs, and install the new fonts. Take a look at your | | |
new alignment by using the 'crossfire -m5' command. Make sure all | | |
associated skills have an experience category.(!) | | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
5. Appendices | | |
------------- | | |
| | |
| | |
a. glossary of terminology | | |
| | |
associated skill -- This is the term for a skill which can | | |
generate experience when used. | | |
Associated skills are linked (or | | |
'associated') with one kind of | | |
experience category. | | |
| | |
associated stat -- this is one of the stats associated with | | |
a particular skill (see skills[] array). | | |
The code uses these during initialization | | |
to determine the default bindings of | | |
skills to experience categories, and | | |
during play to know which player stats | | |
will alter the experience gained by using | | |
a particular skill. | | |
| | |
experience category This is one type of experience that it is | | |
possible for players to accumulate in the | | |
game. | | |
| | |
experience object -- This is an invisible object. Each | | |
experience object represents a different | | |
"experience category". Experience of a | | |
player in a particular experience | | |
category is recorded in a unique | | |
experience object which the player has | | |
in their inventory. | | |
| | |
learned skill -- This is a skill which is represented by | | |
an invisible skill object in the player | | |
inventory. | | |
| | |
miscellaneous skill This skill does not generate experience | | |
when it is used. Skill objects which | | |
represent miscellaneous skills are un- | | |
linked (not 'associated') to any | | |
experience category. | | |
| | |
skill object -- This may be either an invisible or | | |
visible object carried in the player or | | |
monster inventory. If the skill object is | | |
visible is is called a "tool" or "skill | | |
tool". If the skill object is invisible | | |
it is called a "learned skill". Players | | |
may pickup/drop skill tools. Each skill | | |
object represents a unique skill. Each | | |
skill object in the player inventory | | |
which represents an "associated skill" | | |
is linked to a unique experience object | | |
in the player inventory. Skill objects | | |
which represent "miscellaneous" skills | | |
remain unlinked to any experience | | |
object. | | |
| | |
skill tool -- This is a skill which is represented by | | |
a visible object in the player | | |
inventory. This object may be picked up | | |
or dropped by the player. | | |
| | |
| | |
b. road map of likely routine calls in exp/skills code | | |
| | |
In "road maps", horizontal branches are called first, then vertical. | | |
Note that not all routines may always be called (nor are all | | |
functions shown). | | |
| | |
Player using a readied skill | | |
---------------------------- | | |
fire() -> check_skill_to_fire() -> change_skill() -> chan_abil() | | |
| | | |
v | | |
do_skill() -> "skill fctn" -> calc_skill_exp() -> stat_mod_exp() | | |
| | | |
v | | |
add_exp() | | |
| | |
Player changing skill via "use_skill" command | | |
--------------------------------------------- | | |
change_skill() -> chan_abil() | | |
| | |
Player using a magic item (rod, wand, horn) | | |
------------------------------------------- | | |
| | |
fire() -> check_skill_to_fire() -> change_skill() | | |
| | | |
v | | |
cast_spell() | | |
| | |
Player running into a creature (and makes attack) | | |
------------------------------------------------- | | |
| | |
move_player_attack() | | |
| | | |
v | | |
skill_attack() -> do_skill_attack() -> hth_damage() | | |
| | | |
v | | |
attack_ob() -> add_exp() | | |
| | |
Player applies a skill tool | | |
--------------------------- | | |
| | |
apply() -> change_skill() -> chan_abil() | | |
| | |
Player readies an item that requires a skill to use (melee weapon, | | |
missile weapon, wand, rod, horn) | | |
----------------------------------------------------------------- | | |
| | |
apply() or apply_special() -> check_skill_to_apply() | | |
| | | |
v | | |
change_skill() -> chan_abil() | | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
c. Known Bugs/Todo list (some of which concerned w/ 2 magic | | |
system) | | |
| | |
A minor unusual bugs I know about: | | |
| | |
- kills made by summoned pet monsters send experience to the | | |
player's correct experience object (and modified correctly | | |
because set_owner() is now working right). BUT-If a summoned monster | | |
should ever pickup a skill tool, and apply it, then exp from | | |
that monster will no longer go to the player. I suppose I could | | |
fix this by preventing all "owned" creatures from using skill | | |
tools. | | |
| | |
- if a skill name is misspelled in skill_params file the program | | |
will fail to load (heh, crash that is :). This should have been | | |
taken care of in lookup_skill_by_name() but it apparently isnt. | | |
| | |
| | |
Several things might make the exp/skills code better. | | |
| | |
== add a spell patch for the cause wounds spells (right now its | | |
PATH_NULL). | | |
| | |
== creation of a "throwing skill" - allow players and NPC's to use | | |
| | |
== creation of a "set traps skill" - this would allow players to | | |
"create" traps anywhere as long as they have the skill and traps | | |
components (new archs) which should be able to acquire from | | |
disarming traps and find in "specialty" shops for sale. | | |
| | |
== more priest spells (that kill stuff, gain priest exp). | | |
| | |
== creation of a invisible "skills container" for player skills. | | |
currently the code just whips through the entire non-container | | |
inventory of the player to search for skills (cf change_skill() | | |
routine in skill_util.c). This seems to be kinda inefficient when | | |
a player is carrying around massive amounts of crap. | | |
| | |
== Add exotic weapons attacks in attack_melee_weapon(). For example, | | 1) Edit a new skills archetype. See below for appropriate parameters. If |
a 'disarming' attack for player using Sai. | | you desire the skill to be a skill tool, edit a "face" for the new skill. |
| | If you want to have the skill to be learned via a skill scroll, edit a |
| | skillscroll for the skill. Place the new archetype(s) in the |
| | lib/arch/skills directory. Remember to name your new skill appropriately |
| | (ie skill_<new skill name>). Make sure you select a unique subtype |
| | for your new skill. |
| | |
| | 2) Edit skill_util.c. Add an entry for the skill in do_skill() (so that it may |
| | be used as a "long-range attack"). If the new skill is a hth attack take a |
| | look at the attack_hth_skills[] table in do_skill_attack() -- where does |
| | the hth attack rank? The most useful attacks should occur earlier in the |
| | table. |
| | |
| | 3) Create the skill code. If you created a hth attack, you probably can get |
| | away with just using attack_hth. For other skills, put the skill code in |
| | skills.c. If your new skill is to be an "associated" skill, then make sure |
| | that it returns the value of calc_skill_exp(). |
| | |
| | 4) Edit treasures/artifacts file as needed (esp. if your skill will become one |
| | of the starting skills, or will show up in shops.) |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | 3. Detail of skill archetype values. |
| | ------------------------------------ |
| | |
| | This section details the various object/archetype values. |
| | |
| | First, we detail skill objects: |
| | type: SKILL (43) |
| | subtype: subtype of skill |
| | invisible: 1 |
| | no_drop: 1 |
| | |
| | name: Name of the skill, used by things like 'use_skill', as well as output |
| | of 'skills' command. |
| | |
| | skill: Same as name - this simplifies code, so that we can look at |
| | op->skill for both skills and skill tools. It also means that if a skill |
| | named is passed, we can verify we have the matching entry. |
| | |
| | stats (Str, Dex, sp, grace, etc): These modify the abilities of the player, |
| | in a sense giving bonuses. |
| | |
| | expmul: this is the ratio of experience the players total should increase by |
| | when this skill is use. If this is zero, then experience only goes to |
| | to the skill. Values higher than 1 are allowed. Note that experience |
| | rewarded to the players total is in addition to that given to the |
| | skill. Eg, if player should get 500 exp for using a skill, and |
| | expmul is 1, the player will get 500 added to that skill as well as |
| | 500 to their total. |
| | |
| | exp: The exp the player has in the skill (object). If this is an archetype, |
| | this contains the base amount the player gets for using the skill. |
| | exp will be set to 0 when the skill is given to the player. |
| | |
| | level: Object: The level of this skill - this is just determined from the exp |
| | above based on the experience table. Archetype: This is a percentage value |
| | that determines how the level difference effects experience rewards (like |
| | the old lexp value). Basically, if it is set to 100, the ratio is normal |
| | (eg, if opponent is twice level of player, player would get twice as much |
| | normal exp). If level is 200, player would get 4 times. If level if 50, |
| | player would half normal. If level is 0, then we don't adjust exp reward |
| | based on level. |
| | |
| | can_use_skill (flag): If this is set, the player knows the skill natively |
| | (eg, does not need a skill tool, see below). If this is not set, |
| | then this skill object is acting as a container for experience. |
| | For example, if a player is using a holy symbol in order to get his |
| | praying skill, we still need to have skill_praying in the players |
| | inventory to store the experience in. However, the player can't |
| | use that praying skill without a holy symbole until they learn it from a |
| | skill scroll. |
| | |
| | |
| | 4. Skill Tools |
| | ----------------- |
| | |
| | Skill tools are items that let a player use a skill they do not otherwise |
| | know. Skill tools may also have advantages, eg, spellpaths they grant to the |
| | caster, stat bonuses, etc. |
| | |
| | Most of the values for the skill tools are just like normal equipment |
| | (value, weight, face, body_..., ) fields. |
| | |
| | type: skill_tool (74) |
| | skill: Name of the skill this object allows the user of. |
| | |
| | Note - the old skill code used 'sp' to denote the skill to use. |
| | |
| | 5. Skill Scrolls |
| | ---------------- |
| | type: SKILLSCROLL |
| | skill: Name of the skill to be learned |
| | Rest of the values are per normal equipment (weight, value, identified, |
| | etc). |
| | |
| | |
| | 6. Other Objects |
| | ---------------- |
| | |
| | Many other objects will use the 'skill' field in their object to denote |
| | what skill is needed to use this object. Thus, for examples, readable |
| | objects have 'skill literacy' to denote that the literacy skill is |
| | needed to read them. Weapons have 'skill' values to denote what |
| | skill is needed to use the weapon. Same for spells. |
| | |
| | |
| | ------------------------------- |
| | 7. Workings of the Skill System |
| | ------------------------------- |
| | |
| | This section attempts to briefly explain how this all works. |
| | |
| | Due to the addition of the skill pointer, it is no longer required |
| | that a skill be in the ready_skill position to gain experience. |
| | |
| | Whenever a player tries to use skill either directly (ready_skill ..) |
| | or indirectly (cast a spell which requires knowledge of the skill), the |
| | code will examine the players inventory to see if they an in fact |
| | use the skill. This first checks to see if the player has the appropriate |
| | skill archetype in their object. If they do, and can_use_skill is set |
| | to 1, nothing more is done. If that is not the case, we then look for |
| | a skill tool. If none is found, we tell the player the can't use the |
| | skill. If one is found, we try to apply the skill tool - if this can not |
| | be done, we also error out. |
| | |
| | Only if the player explicitly activates a skill with ready_skill do |
| | we change the players range pointer. Otherwise, it will remain as is |
| | (but not that casting a spell might also change the range pointer). |
| | |
| | add_exp has been modified to take two additional parameters - |
| | skill_name and flag. |
| | |
| | skill_name is the skill to add the experience to. By passing this |
| | to add exp, a lot of the code no longer needs to change chosen_skill, |
| | then reset it back again. |
| | |
| | |
| | flag determines what to do if the player does not currently have the |
| | skill pointer in their inventory. This can arise if the player |
| | is using a skill tool, or part of a party. |
| | |
| | In the default case of flag being 0, if the player does not currently |
| | have the skill in their inventory, this is added (with can_use_skill 0). |
| | If flag is 1, we add the exp to the players total exp, but don't |
| | give them any in the skill. If it is 2, the player gets nothing. |
| | |
| | This fixes many of the abuses of party combat - if a member of your |
| | party is killing things with wizardry, you'll get wizardry exp. If |
| | you don't have wizardry, you'll get some general exp, but you can't |
| | funnel it into things like alchemy anymore. |
| | |
| | The effect of flag 1 to add exp is so that that a player can't have |
| | thousands of exp in a skill and never have used in themselves - for a player |
| | to have any exp in a skill, he will have had to use it at least once. Note |
| | however that a player could have used the skill just once (to say kill a |
| | kobold) and yet get a bunch more exp from party members that are actually good |
| | wizards. |
| | |
| | The handling of add_exp with skill_name is pretty simple. In most cases, we |
| | know immediately the skill that was used (eg, melee combat, search, disarm, |
| | etc). In cases of indirect death (spells), we set the skill in the spell |
| | object to the skill that it should get awarded to. |
| | |
| | ------------------------ |
| | 8. Changes & Limitations |
| | ------------------------ |
| | |
| | The old skill system had the idea of stats that effect the skill. There |
| | is no good way to do that within the new system - instead, the code |
| | the executes the skill will do this. This really isn't much worse |
| | than the old system anyways - the old code still did things like |
| | 'stat average * 3' or otherwise determine how important the stats are. |
| | |
| | In addition, this allows for more flexibility for multi faceted |
| | skills. For example, the identification portion of some skills should |
| | probably use int, but the creation portion should perhaps be dex and strength. |
| | |
| | There is no more SK_level function - while this could still be useful |
| | to replace code like |
| | |
| | level= op->chosen_skill?op->chosen_skill->level:op->level; |
| | |
| | the use of automatically de-referencing the op->chosen_skill is not |
| | suggested - the new skill system is much more lenient on passing the |
| | appropriate skill object to functions that need it, so calls to |
| | SK_level in most cases may not really be the right approach - in many |
| | cases, the chosen_skill may not be what the code is really expecting. |
| | |