Difference for lib/artifacts from version 1.37 to 1.38

version 1.37 version 1.38
Line 1015
Line 1015
 ac 1  ac 1
 resist_physical 10  resist_physical 10
 end  end
   # This one is amazingly rare, I would be surprised if I ever saw one!
   Allowed high_shield
   chance 1
   difficulty 10
   Object holy light
   type 33
   magic 3
   value 1200
   weight 90
   Cha 5
   ac 4
   reflect_spell 1
   resist_physical 50
   resist_drain 100
   resist_ghosthit 60
   resist fire 25
   resist cold 25
   glow_radius 1
   face holyshield.111
     Passed down from one of the elder
     this shield is amazing. Its soft glow
     hides a deep power which you feel
     you can almost taste. It soon dawns
     on you that this must be one of the
     most prized shields of all the lands.
 #  #
 Allowed all  Allowed all
 chance 3  chance 3
Line 1048
Line 1076
 value 5  value 5
 end  end
 #  #
   Allowed all
   chance 8
   Object Gnarg
   type 33
   magic 1
   value 12
   Cha -1
   ac 1
   resist_physical 10
 #  #
 # Gauntlets / Gloves  # Gauntlets / Gloves
 #  #
Line 1083
Line 1124
 value 10  value 10
 end  end
 #  #
   Allowed all
   chance 20
   Object bladed steel
   type 100
   resist_physical 10
   dam 2
   weight 125
   value 40
   Allowed gauntlets
   chance 20
   Object the Titans
   type 100
   resist_physical 10
   dam 8
   weight 2500
   value 40
   Allowed gloves
   chance 20
   Object marksmanship
   type 100
   resist_physical 2
   wc 4
   weight 95
   value 40
   Allowed gloves
   chance 20
   Object oiled leather
   type 100
   resist_acid 25
   cha -4
   dex -2
   weight 115
   value 40
 # Armour  # Armour
 #  #
 Allowed all  Allowed all
Line 2420
Line 2503
 end  end
 #  #
 #  #
   #Artifact boots!
   Allowed low_boots
   chance 1
   difficulty 15
   Object Invisibility
   type 99
   value 800
   weight 60
   material 256
   ac 1
   Str -10
   Dex -12
   Con -10
     These shoes prevent others from seeing
     your movements. Bewarned however that
     they slow you down and draw strength
     from you. Not only this but some
     enemies can still see you with magic!
   make_invisible 1
   face low_boots.111
   stand_still 1
   Allowed !sandals
   chance 20
   difficulty 2
   Object granite
   type 99
   value 60
   weight 1000
   material 256
   ac 5
     What strange boots, they look very
     protective, but amazingly heavy.
     There also doesn't appear to be
     any laces, you wonder how you're ever
     going to take them off.
   face high_boots.111
   stand_still 1
   cursed 1
   Allowed !high_boots
   chance 40
   difficulty 1
   Object mobility
   type 99
   value 50
   weight 80
   material 256
   resist_confusion 25
   resist_slow 20
   resist_paralyze 20
   resist_fear 50
   speed 2
     These sure look like useful boots.
     They feel alittle lighter and appear
     abit sleeker.
   stand_still 1
   Allowed all
   chance 40
   difficulty 1
   Object clawing
   type 99
   value 50
   weight 120
   material 256
   dam 2
     These boots have sharpened claws at the
     tips, which look like they would aid
     greatly in combat.
   stand_still 1
   Allowed all
   chance 40
   difficulty 1
   Object of steel
   type 99
   value 50
   weight 110
   material 256
   ac 1
   resist_physical 10
     The metal exterior provides alittle
     extra resistance.
   stand_still 1
 #Artifact gems!  #Artifact gems!
 #  #
 Allowed diamond  Allowed diamond

line(s) removed in v.1.37 
line(s) changed
 line(s) added in v.1.38

File made using version 1.98 of cvs2html by leaf at 2011-07-21 18:39