Difference for lib/settings from version 1.13 to 1.14

version 1.13 version 1.14
Line 201
Line 201
 # by not targeted things like walls, explosions, cone spells, disease, poison...  # by not targeted things like walls, explosions, cone spells, disease, poison...
 set_friendly_fire 5  set_friendly_fire 5
   # This deals with armor enchantment.
   # armor_max_enchant: maximum enchantments an armor will take.
   # default: 5
   # armor_weight_reduction (in percent) and armor_weight_linear control how weight is reduced:
   #  * when armor_weight_linear is TRUE, armor weight is
   #   'base weight - armor enchantment * armor_weight_reduction'
   #  * when armor_weight_linear is FALSE, armor weight is reduced by armor_weight_reduction %
   #   per enchantment.
   #   example:
   #    * with 10 and TRUE, if armor base weight is 100, it'll become:
   #      100 -> 90 -> 80 -> 70 -> 60 -> ...
   #    * with 10 and FALSE, it'll be:
   #      100 -> 90 -> 81 -> 73 -> 66 -> ...
   # Note that the code will enforce a minimum weight of 1, else players can't pick up armor.
   # default values: 10 and TRUE.
   # armor_speed_improvement and armor_speed_linear do the same for speed increase.
   # default values: 10 and TRUE
   #armor_max_enchant       5
   #armor_weight_reduction  10
   #armor_weight_linear     TRUE
   #armor_speed_improvement 10
   #armor_speed_linear      TRUE

line(s) removed in v.1.13 
line(s) changed
 line(s) added in v.1.14

File made using version 1.98 of cvs2html by leaf at 2011-07-21 19:03