Difference for make_win32/installwin32.bat from version 1.6 to 1.7

version 1.6 version 1.7
Line 14
Line 14
 md share\plugins   md share\plugins
 copy lib\*. share\*.*   copy lib\*. share\*.*
 copy lib\*.path share\*.path   copy lib\*.path share\*.path
 copy lib\crossfire.png share\*.*   copy lib\crossfire.0 share\*.*
   copy lib\crossfire.1 share\*.*
 copy lib\help\*.* share\help\*.*   copy lib\help\*.* share\help\*.*
 echo off   echo off

line(s) removed in v.1.6 
line(s) changed
 line(s) added in v.1.7

File made using version 1.98 of cvs2html by leaf at 2011-07-21 19:15