Difference for make_win32/plugin_python/plugin_python.dsp from version 1.9 to 1.10

version 1.9 version 1.10
Line 139
Line 139
 SOURCE=..\..\plugins\cfpython\include\cfpython_proto.h   SOURCE=..\..\plugins\cfpython\include\cfpython_proto.h
 # End Source File   # End Source File
 # End Group   # End Group
   # Begin Group "resources"
   # PROP Default_Filter ""
   # Begin Source File
   # End Source File
   # Begin Source File
   # End Source File
   # End Group
 # End Target   # End Target
 # End Project   # End Project

line(s) removed in v.1.9 
line(s) changed
 line(s) added in v.1.10

File made using version 1.98 of cvs2html by leaf at 2011-07-21 19:16