--- crossfire/debian ---

Protocol:pserver User:anonymous
Machine:crossfire.cvs.sourceforge.net CVSROOT:/cvsroot/crossfire

Filename: changelog
Revision 1.7tanner 2004/03/17 13:20:03 +1 -1
crossfire-server-dbg requires crossfire-server to be installed
Show difference between Revision 1.6 and 1.7
Revision 1.6tanner 2004/03/15 17:06:37 +3 -1
Changed version to cvs date.
Show difference between Revision 1.5 and 1.6
Revision 1.5tanner 2004/02/19 18:14:33 +2 -0
First attempt at fixing the bugs and wishlist items listed here:


My debian build box is an old sparc20, so it takes a very long time
for it to do a QA build, but I'll check this in for people to look at.

Big changes are adding the crossfire-server-common and crossfire-server-dbg
Show difference between Revision 1.4 and 1.5
Revision 1.4tanner 2004/02/16 18:13:59 +5 -0
First part of fixing http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=232421
Show difference between Revision 1.3 and 1.4
Revision 1.3tanner 2004/02/04 18:22:59 +1 -0
Small change to changelog.
Show difference between Revision 1.2 and 1.3
Revision 1.2tanner 2004/02/04 02:37:05 +11 -0
First attempt at adjusting the changelog for 1.5.x builds.

I give the official debian maintain full rights to change whatever they need to to make this stuff get back into the official debian repository.
Show difference between Revision 1.1 and 1.2
Revision 1.1tanner 2004/02/03 21:47:47 None
Put Jaakko Niemi's debian stuff into cvs.

Will take these files rel-1-4-0 after this commit.
First version

File made using version 1.98 of cvs2html by leaf at 2011-07-21 17:03