--- crossfire/lib/help ---

Protocol:pserver User:anonymous
Machine:crossfire.cvs.sourceforge.net CVSROOT:/cvsroot/crossfire

Filename: drop
Revision 1.1uid39786 2002/07/05 17:22:29 None
common/arch.c: Add 'unlocked' match for item_matched_string.
lib/help/drop, lib/help/dropall: Help files for these commands.
lib/Makefile.in: Update to include help commands above.
server/spell_effect.c: Fix formatting of summon_pet() function. Modified so
that it no longers sucks player spellpoints when casting it via scroll -
scrolls should not cast the player spellpoints. No idea why that code was
there - in fact, casting off a scroll used more sp than casting from
memory. Modify cast_cause_disease() function so that if the passed
direction is 0, we refer to the facing and cast in that direction - this
means spells of cause disease now work. Also perform some minor formatting
changes in the function.
TODO: Add not about inscription.
MSW 2002-07-05
First version

File made using version 1.98 of cvs2html by leaf at 2011-07-21 19:06