--- crossfire/lib ---

Protocol:pserver User:anonymous
Machine:crossfire.cvs.sourceforge.net CVSROOT:/cvsroot/crossfire

Filename: smooth
Revision 1.20mwedel 2006/02/07 01:31:40 +9 -0
Recollect archetypes - some new objects, some objects modified to include
move_.. fields.
MSW 2006-02-06
Show difference between Revision 1.19 and 1.20
Revision 1.19mwedel 2006/01/02 01:16:24 +4 -0
Recollect archetypes/images, since there has been a bunch of changes.
MSW 2006-01-01
Show difference between Revision 1.18 and 1.19
Revision 1.18bbotbuilder 2005/10/18 15:17:09 +7 -0
Recollect archetypes.
Show difference between Revision 1.17 and 1.18
Revision 1.17ryo_saeba 2005/10/09 03:52:46 +23 -0
Rebuild archetypes and such.
Show difference between Revision 1.16 and 1.17
Revision 1.16cavesomething 2005/09/17 19:01:06 +50 -0
Recollect archetypes, faces, etc
Show difference between Revision 1.15 and 1.16
Revision 1.15mwedel 2005/07/25 00:29:21 +18 -0
recollect archetypes.
MSW 2005-07-24
Show difference between Revision 1.14 and 1.15
Revision 1.14tchize 2005/05/21 12:35:30 +1 -0

Added support for readable subtypes in sign managements.
Added some documentation on readable subtypes in the form
Now signs should show nice on new clients (if you except my awful drawings)
Show difference between Revision 1.13 and 1.14
Revision 1.13mwedel 2004/10/26 00:16:09 +3 -0
collect & commit.
MSW 2004-10-25
Show difference between Revision 1.12 and 1.13
Revision 1.12tchize 2004/09/26 05:09:11 +40 -1

Colelcted archetypes from arch cvs
Show difference between Revision 1.11 and 1.12
Revision 1.11mwedel 2003/10/05 23:25:37 +6 -5
Recollect these. Various new arch's have been added.
MSW 2003-10-05
Show difference between Revision 1.10 and 1.11
Revision 1.10temitchell 2003/07/18 00:20:36 +8 -1
- update collection
Show difference between Revision 1.9 and 1.10
Revision 1.9tchize 2003/07/17 04:36:26 +6 -0

Debugged collect script so it won't put the 'smoothface' info inside archetypes file. Rebuild the
archetypes file accordingly
Show difference between Revision 1.8 and 1.9
Revision 1.8temitchell 2003/07/16 01:38:07 +25 -3
- update the collection with changes
Show difference between Revision 1.7 and 1.8
Revision 1.7tchize 2003/07/15 07:56:42 +36 -44

updated collect.pl to pickup smoothing info from archetype and regenerated the picture and
smoothing file using it.
Show difference between Revision 1.6 and 1.7
Revision 1.6temitchell 2003/07/12 19:22:23 +9 -4
- added seas
Show difference between Revision 1.5 and 1.6
Revision 1.5temitchell 2003/07/12 03:42:24 +38 -26
- add changes (first animated smoothie - lava)
Show difference between Revision 1.4 and 1.5
Revision 1.4tchize 2003/07/10 04:57:44 +10 -1

rebuild archetype files with smoothing and changed the smooth file since
there were mistakes in it.
Show difference between Revision 1.3 and 1.4
Revision 1.3temitchell 2003/07/08 21:48:26 +21 -32
- changed this to reflect my changes to the templates - still in
Show difference between Revision 1.2 and 1.3
Revision 1.2tchize 2003/07/08 07:45:27 +44 -12

Changed the way smoothing is done. Switched th smooth command to binary
mode, rebuild archetype files, added doc on smoothing, updated protocol
file. Changed a the "togglemapextended smoothing" to "togglemapextended
smooth" to prevent problem of compatibilities with previous cvs
smoothing release.
Show difference between Revision 1.1 and 1.2
Revision 1.1tchize 2003/06/19 05:59:33 None

Added support for smoothing to the client.
This will allow (i hope) better graphical results while using very
little bandwidth overhead.
Changes done follows:
- Added protocol command MapExtendedInfos and smooth commands to server
- Added a SetUp paramater in protocol for activating smoothing
(disabled by default) or more general Extended map infos
- Added file lib/smooth a text file containing some smoothing info a
client might ask the server about.
- Changed loader.l to be able to mark an object as 'smoothed' in
archetypes (the smoothlevel parameter) and rebuild loader.c
- Changed lib/Makefile.am to install lib/smooth file in shared folder
- Rebuild the Makefiles.am and the Configure script (using autogen.sh)

To be able to smooth, A client commit (the common part+ the gtk part)
will follow and an archetypes commit will also follow.

I will also detail changes to the protocol within a few days
Server has been tested with older client to check backward compatibility
First version

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