--- crossfire ---

Protocol:pserver User:anonymous
Machine:crossfire.cvs.sourceforge.net CVSROOT:/cvsroot/crossfire

Filename: AUTHORS
Revision 1.2mwedel 2006/02/25 03:08:51 +1 -1
Update some of the documentation - way out of date.
Update configure.ac for 1.9.0 release.
MSW 2006-02-18
Show difference between Revision 1.1 and 1.2
Revision 1.1mwedel 2002/09/14 23:56:36 None
Update for 1.4.0 release. Rename CREDITS to AUTHORS, add a NEWS file,
and remove utils/crossloop.tmpl which isn't need in CVS.
MSW 2002-09-14
First version

File made using version 1.98 of cvs2html by leaf at 2011-07-21 16:41