--- crossfire ---

Protocol:pserver User:anonymous
Machine:crossfire.cvs.sourceforge.net CVSROOT:/cvsroot/crossfire

Filename: run_win32.bat
Revision 1.5michtoen 2001/11/17 00:54:27 +1 -0
sorry for this stupid test, but my whole wincvs configuration was
blasted. May a lightning bolt hit the coders of wincvs.
Show difference between Revision 1.4 and 1.5
Revision 1.4michtoen 2001/11/17 00:49:39 +0 -5
no message
Show difference between Revision 1.3 and 1.4
Revision 1.3michtoen 2001/11/16 23:11:14 +5 -0
Show difference between Revision 1.2 and 1.3
Revision 1.2michtoen 2001/11/16 20:43:04 +0 -1
TEST ignore this!
Show difference between Revision 1.1 and 1.2
Revision 1.1michtoen 2001/06/13 08:51:01 None
run_win32.bat sets a SET system var for starting GUILE. MT 13-06-2001
First version

File made using version 1.98 of cvs2html by leaf at 2011-07-21 16:57