Directory Statistics for resource/pickmaps/

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Lines Of Code for resource/pickmaps/

Commits for resource/pickmaps/ (per author)

AuthorRevisionsLines of CodeAdded Lines of CodeLines of Code per Change
avogl31 (73.8%) 4581 (87.1%) 9503 (73.2%) 147.77
temitchell10 (23.8%) 679 (12.9%) 3282 (25.3%) 67.90
tchize1 (2.4%) 0 (0.0%) 205 (1.6%) 0.00

Commit Log

1/9/05 4:06 PMtchize
Adding support for editor plugins
Those plugins are in beanshell language
An example plugin is provided
Consider as beta release.
Should not crash but some features not fully working
(1 Files changed, 205 Lines changed)
resource/pickmaps/exit 1.3 (+205 -205)
9/24/03 6:08 PMavogl
Updated pickmaps in regard to latest additions and
changes in the arches.
(4 Files changed, 902 Lines changed)
resource/pickmaps/food 1.3 (+299 -294)
resource/pickmaps/monster 1.4 (+4 -0)
resource/pickmaps/background 1.4 (+62 -69)
resource/pickmaps/treasure 1.4 (+537 -528)
5/5/03 8:35 PMtemitchell
- cleaning up the pickmaps, added in buildings (10 Files changed, 3282 Lines changed)
resource/pickmaps/weapon 1.3 (+333 -329)
resource/pickmaps/indoor 1.3 (+363 -287)
resource/pickmaps/background 1.3 (+415 -344)
resource/pickmaps/NPC 1.3 (+471 -455)
resource/pickmaps/supernatural 1.1 added 109
resource/pickmaps/wall special 1.3 (+88 -57)
resource/pickmaps/connected 1.3 (+436 -409)
resource/pickmaps/castles 1.1 added 66
resource/pickmaps/town 1.1 added 256
resource/pickmaps/monster 1.3 (+745 -722)
4/7/03 7:45 PMavogl
-- CFJavaEditor version 0.984: ---

I have now committed the code for scripting support in
the CFJavaEditor. I had put up a testversion with these
features long ago and there was no negative response yet.

To counter the fact that the code is now again slightly
more difficult to compile from command-line, I have created
an ANT build file for the latest setup.
I have also updated the existing batch script which can be
used on windows platforms.

As the size of the full jar file (CFJavaEditor.jar) is ever
growing and there are reliable build scrips now, I decided
to remove the jar from CVS.

Another thing maybe worth noting is that I have extended
the online docu of the editor to cover some basic topics
like "how to design your first map", or "what is a quest".
It's only a start though, a lot more could be written.

(13 Files changed, 4044 Lines changed)
resource/pickmaps/runes 1.2 (+140 -140)
resource/pickmaps/monster 1.2 (+722 -722)
resource/pickmaps/wall special 1.2 (+53 -15)
resource/pickmaps/background 1.2 (+344 -344)
resource/pickmaps/treasure 1.3 (+528 -528)
resource/pickmaps/weapon 1.2 (+329 -329)
resource/pickmaps/food 1.2 (+294 -294)
resource/pickmaps/NPC 1.2 (+455 -455)
resource/pickmaps/exit 1.2 (+205 -205)
resource/pickmaps/connected 1.2 (+409 -409)
resource/pickmaps/armour 1.2 (+1 -1)
resource/pickmaps/indoor 1.2 (+287 -287)
resource/pickmaps/river 1.2 (+277 -277)
8/29/02 12:25 PMavogl
Fixed flawless gems on the treasure pickmap
and updated CHANGES.txt file.
(1 Files changed, 26 Lines changed)
resource/pickmaps/treasure 1.2 (+26 -25)
8/29/02 11:45 AMavogl
--- New CFJavaEditor Version: 0.981 ---
Finally, I've implemented the concept of pickmaps
into the JavaEditor.

Users are now able to pick arches either from the
conventional arch-list, or from various pickmaps.
Both can be found in the archpanel to the left side.

Use of pickmaps saves a lot of time, as pickmaps can
show a lot more objects at once, in logical groups.
No more need to browse up and down in the arch-list
all the time. Moreover, pickmaps can contain customized
objects, in addition to default arches.
Unlike in Crossedit, the pickmaps here are seamlessly
integrated into the GUI.

Of course it is also possible to modify pickmaps or
create new ones: Pickmaps are stored in standard CF
map format in the directory "resources/pickmaps".
They can be modified (or created) like any other map.

(13 Files changed, 4531 Lines changed)
resource/pickmaps/food 1.1 added 294
resource/pickmaps/armour 1.1 added 271
resource/pickmaps/background 1.1 added 344
resource/pickmaps/river 1.1 added 277
resource/pickmaps/exit 1.1 added 205
resource/pickmaps/monster 1.1 added 722
resource/pickmaps/runes 1.1 added 140
resource/pickmaps/weapon 1.1 added 329
resource/pickmaps/treasure 1.1 added 527
resource/pickmaps/indoor 1.1 added 287
resource/pickmaps/connected 1.1 added 409
resource/pickmaps/NPC 1.1 added 455
resource/pickmaps/wall special 1.1 added 271