Author Statistics for darth_bob

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Author Details

Login: darth_bob
Fullname: darth_bob
Revisions: 120
Lines of Code: 239798
Added Lines of Code: 245415
Lines of Code per Change: 1,998.3

Author of the Month

Lines Of Code (per Author)

Lines Of Code for darth_bob (per module)


Commit Log

11/26/01 8:53 AMdarth_bob
just fixed the bracers msg alittle.. (1 Files changed, 213 Lines changed)
mak/giant/thirdfloor 1.4 (+213 -1562)
11/18/01 10:31 PMdarth_bob
Fixed more spelling mistakes, maybe powerful dwarf could be dragon domptuer? (2 Files changed, 196 Lines changed)
mak/MainFloor 1.6 (+1 -1)
mak/chaos/down1 1.2 (+195 -101)
11/18/01 9:53 PMdarth_bob
A couple of name changes and sign spelling/grammar fixes (2 Files changed, 18 Lines changed)
pup_land/nurnberg/reception/water2 1.2 (+8 -2)
pup_land/nurnberg/reception/water3 1.3 (+10 -5)
11/18/01 5:59 AMdarth_bob
Added a few \n's onto the WDS, just to make it more visually pleasing ;) (1 Files changed, 45 Lines changed)
pup_land/nurnberg/reception/water7 1.5 (+45 -173)
11/17/01 8:41 PMdarth_bob
Put in better tabbing, Looks silly all being on one line =\
(no need for date or name any more hurray!)
(1 Files changed, 15 Lines changed)
Lake_Country/Mwizard/MwizardT 1.6 (+15 -5)
11/10/01 2:13 AMdarth_bob
removed the table, bad bug.. will need to redo a whole bunch of arcs before I put it back in =\
dnh 10/11/01
(1 Files changed, 0 Lines changed)
city/shops/gemshop 1.5 (+0 -7)
11/6/01 10:37 PMdarth_bob
Typo in gemshop
dnh 7/11/01
(1 Files changed, 1 Lines changed)
city/shops/gemshop 1.4 (+1 -1)
11/6/01 10:48 AMdarth_bob
Added table to buy tooth charms, as tooth charms are start equip cost is irrelevent, this may change.
dnh 7/11/01
(1 Files changed, 146 Lines changed)
city/shops/gemshop 1.3 (+146 -117)
11/6/01 10:08 AMdarth_bob
New well map, nothing special except a slightly touched up spiked shield
dnh 7/11/01
(1 Files changed, 3588 Lines changed)
city/misc/drywell 1.1 added 3588
11/6/01 10:08 AMdarth_bob
New map, added to the dry well near mostrai
dnh 7/11/01
(1 Files changed, 404 Lines changed)
city/city 1.26 (+404 -1627)