Directory Statistics for editor/picks/

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Lines Of Code for editor/picks/

Commits for editor/picks/ (per author)

AuthorRevisionsLines of CodeAdded Lines of CodeLines of Code per Change
mwedel24 (70.6%) 13070 (141.2%) 13121 (97.0%) 544.58
temitchell10 (29.4%) -3813 (-41.2%) 406 (3.0%) -381.30

Commit Log

8/15/04 8:57 PMtemitchell
- commit multipart notaiton fixes for editor and euthville (almost done
these now...anyone see any bugs yet)
(10 Files changed, 406 Lines changed)
editor/picks/outdoors 1.2 (+0 -225)
editor/picks/monsters2 1.2 (+155 -1201)
editor/picks/TownStaff 1.2 (+0 -197)
editor/picks/town 1.2 (+0 -212)
editor/picks/monsters 1.2 (+2 -180)
editor/picks/special 1.2 (+0 -15)
editor/picks/monsters3 1.2 (+248 -1307)
editor/picks/exits 1.2 (+0 -40)
editor/picks/alltown 1.2 (+0 -784)
editor/picks/shops 1.2 (+1 -58)
6/3/02 2:27 AMmwedel
Add navar_city maps.

Update background picks to include shallow sea, deep sea.

MSW 2002-06-02
(1 Files changed, 35 Lines changed)
editor/picks/background 1.2 (+35 -51)
12/18/01 1:09 AMmwedel
commit of editor picks. These are just copied from the main distribution,
but are useful so the editor can find something when editing the
MSW 2001-12-17
(23 Files changed, 13086 Lines changed)
editor/picks/monsters 1.1 added 602
editor/picks/outdoors 1.1 added 668
editor/picks/artifacts 1.1 added 470
editor/picks/rivers 1.1 added 690
editor/picks/background 1.1 added 476
editor/picks/readables 1.1 added 222
editor/picks/other 1.1 added 235
editor/picks/food-bparts 1.1 added 280
editor/picks/equipment 1.1 added 441
editor/picks/items 1.1 added 245
editor/picks/special 1.1 added 667
editor/picks/alchemy 1.1 added 257
editor/picks/exits 1.1 added 269
editor/picks/indoors 1.1 added 511
editor/picks/TownStaff 1.1 added 308
editor/picks/monsters3 1.1 added 2387
editor/picks/lakes 1.1 added 132
editor/picks/runes 1.1 added 124
editor/picks/classes 1.1 added 65
editor/picks/alltown 1.1 added 1055
editor/picks/shops 1.1 added 245
editor/picks/town 1.1 added 604
editor/picks/monsters2 1.1 added 2133