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Re: CrossFire

> Greetings,
> 	I just grabbed the source, and compiled Crossfire on my DecStation
> last night, but I seem to have a couple problems.  First, although all
> seemed to go well during compilation (i.e. no error messages), most of the
> bit-maps don't appear to be working right.  Crossfire.snf did get built,
> and I was able to dump it out with showsnf, but in the game the player and
> most of the locations (like the "hut", the "house", etc.) just look like
> random bitmaps.  Any ideas?  I did do the mkfontdir, and the directory with
> crossfire.snf is in my font path via xset +fp.

I must admit I have had problems making the game work on our local
decstations.  It even crashed our X-servers...  Unfortunately I don't
have enough knowledge about the ways of Dec to find out what's wrong.
Hopefully I'll get in touch with someone who knows what goes wrong.

But I do know that Decstations doesn't use .snf but .bdf or .pcf.  If
you have bdftopcf, try to use it.

> Second, I am able to get to these locations (like the "hut", or goblin
> camp), but I can't seem to do anything once I get there.  Does this mean
> that my maps aren't installed right?

If you managed to enter the first levels, your maps are installed right.
Maybe it's just the fonts that fools you.

> Thanks for any help from my sketchy details.  The game really looks like it
> will be great!

I really hope to get a working DecStation version working someday.
Keep in touch.
