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GURPS, getting the latest version, and other random mumbles.

Moving to a GURPS-like character development method would suit crossfire quite
well.  Really, calling it GURPS-like is a misnomer, since the idea of spending
character points on whatever you want is older than GURPS.

The character generation sequence would be better if instead of rolling dice
you got N points and could spend them on abilities.  In GURPS, for example,
you start out with 100 pts and 10s in four abilities; strength, dexterity,
intelligence, and health.  By spending 10 pts you can raise your strength to
11, for example.  To start with a 12 strength, you'd need to spend 20 pts. 
Lowering your dex to 9 gains you 5 pts.  The actual tables GURPS uses to do
this aren't so useful in the case of crossfire, since you'd want to change
them all around anyway.  On the whole, moving to this sort of a system would
be good because it would mean each player started out with a character of
basicly equal power to all other new characters.  

The really cool thing about GURPS-like RPG systems is that you don't get
awarded experience pts, rather, you get more pts which you can put toward your
four stats, or other skills.  This would be much more difficult to incorporate
into crossfire, I would imagine, since the experience point system is already
firmly in place.  But, it does have the advantage of making it so that a
player is not tied to the abilities and restrictions of a character class --
as is the case in D&D.

                                --- *** ---

I'm hearing about things like cooler containers and such on this list.  Is
there a release later than 87.8 that I'm not aware of?  Or is the stuff just
so new that it's not really useful yet?

                                --- *** ---

I've made some bitmaps for a set of maps I'd like to put into the local
crossfire map set we have here.  I think I read here at some point that
someone knew how to split up large bitmaps into the little ones crossfire
wants in its font.  Any pointers on how to do this?




WARNING: class has only private members and no friends.