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Re: something

>I've thought about this.  I think I'd like a more gurps like system 
>than the D&D system that's in there now.

I agree with you wholeheartedly(spelling?). Gurps is way better.
Have to change the game a lot thou.

>I disagree it's not too easy.

Isn't too easy ?!?  I found Holy Avenger in the guardhouse just now.
Darkbalde and bracers +4 in the Bakery(The best place in the game)

In three hours play, I have gained 200 000 exp. My speed is 3.40
without speedboots. Weaponspeed is 4.09. Next level I get heal.
When I find dex-bracers, str-gauntlets, str-girdle and speedboots
My speed will be 3.90. My weaponspeed will be close to 6.00.
I will of course then have 25 in str and dex.
And not to forget helm of brilliance and a ring og int/speed.
I will then have 25 in int as well, with about 350 spellpoints.
At this rate I will have 6 000 000 exp in another 2-4 hours. 
Depends on finding the right stuff. But you only need to go to
The Old Mansion a couple of artifacts. TOO EASY !!!
Opinions anybody ? Flames welcome...

I have heard by Frank that he intends to make artifacts _very_ rare.
Lets say that in one of 10 characters played up to 10 level. One will
find a rare artifact like Darkblade, Excalibur or Holy Avenger.
Nowadays everybody finds them every time they play.
Potions shall stay horribly expencive !   :)

Deseases will be horrible. Stats will continue to go down until they
reach 0. Then you die. That is if you don't find the right cure :)

You won't find armour or weapon with more than +2 in the Bakery.
(well, it's one in a million that you find +3)

Brace will have some penalty. Maybe less exp or worse armour-class.

Well. That was only some of it. I'm trying to convince Frank to
let scorpions be as deadly as they were before(damage=1d1000).
And hopefully it won't be as easy to find protections from GRIMREAPERS

Any nasty suggestions will be appreciated !!!

PS Rustmonsters will be made, hopefully in the near future :)

Maybe we should make a new monster called 'Evil Andreas' which
lowers the max stats ?!? Kind of a vampire actually. Maybe it
should steal items as well...Haven't anyone thought about making 
a thief ?!?

Come on out there. Show your evil self !!!

Andreas the nice