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Re: Something
- To: crossfire
- Subject: Re: Something
- From: Andreas Bringedal <>
- Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1992 5:47:52 +0100
Sorry Anderson, I think I sendt this mail to you personally.
Can you forgive me ?!?
>c. It takes a minimum difficulty of 5 to get onto the simple artifacts list
> (dragon_mail,bracers_ac) This actually includes most places.
>d. It takes a minimum difficulty of 8 to get onto the super artifacts list
> (excalibur, bonecrusher, etc.)
>e. Chances to get onto artifacts and super artifacts lists are increased
> if the difficulty is harder.
Ahhh!!! I've waited a long time for this. But how hard is a level 5 ?
Can someone give me an example ? Waiting in happy anticipation for a reply
This may mean that the game will be a lot more difficult, which means that
many levels have to be reworked(I know, I know Frank.They already do need
some patching). I really hope this will be implemented soon. I really hate
that one can find Holy Avenger in the Bakery.(But I kinda liked it when it
happened to me:)
>a. I made different helmets and shields have higher possible magic values.
> this makes a difference between the different types of helmets and
> shields, the higher the weight the higher the magic can be.
This might make the game easier, but then again it might mean that armour
will be of some use against the hard monsters(dragon,dread,titan). But
it would still be hard to get your AC down to -20...
As the game is now, one _removes_ ones armour before one goes to battle
with a tuff guy. Completely insane if you ask me.
Chinese(ice) dragon has a to thaco of -15. Big dragon of -20. Titan -20.
Demon Lord -30. Dread -20.
>b. Shops will no longer sell potions or artifacts. It seemed unreasonable
> to be able to just buy artifacts, it made it too easy. potions were
> eliminated because they chained to artifacts, and because they were too
> easy to buy and make yourself really powerful. This is somewhat balanced
> by an increased chance of potions appearing.
> Shops will sell the ring of nodrain which allows people to buy something
> which will protect them from grimreapers but not give them a mondo
> weapon easily.
It is already very hard to find artifacts in the shops nowadays, and they
cost a_lot_. We are talking about 60-70 thousand gold for excalibur.
(But maybe it still is a good bargain if the artifacts is less common)
Potions are no longer tied to artifacts when sold in shops. They also
cost about 6000 gold with charisma of ca 15. When one you start wading
around in gold, its usually as a result of you having good stats, good
equipment, many spells, ie you don't need money any more.
Which reminds me about one thing. We need a bank. What about a bank
that charges 10% of any deposit pr hour play. The money is of course
donated to the poor if the characker dies. The only problem is that
nobody is going to use the bank as long as one can make another charakter
and store the money with him. I wote for only one character pr player.
I do not however, like the idea of a nodrain ring. The grimreapers is
already to easy to kill.(Ever tried to be a first level character and
kill 20 grimreapers with 5 scrolls of destruction ?) Lets remove exp
for monsters killed with scrolls...(hehe)
PS Grimreapers is supposed to he tough(though,tought,thougth,tougth,tought)
Why can't anything be spelled straight forward in english !!!
>You can also specify if the difficulty of a map is not high
>enough whether to keep looking for a treasure or leave it empty.
If this means that you can spesify (in the editor) that this treasure
will give treasure(and not trash) even if there are no monsters, good.
But this may be misused by map-editors, as have happened to many other
feathures in the editor. (I'm an map-editor so I should know)
If this means lots of empty chests then I'll leave any comments to Frank.
End of comments...
Ever after the brace command has been introduced the game has been to
simple. What about doubling the hp for low level characters ?
And what about a new argument for crossfire ?
Crossfire -dm (1-5)
This will start up crossfire in dm-mode with a premade, standard character
number 1,2,3,4 or 5. One is a weak one. 5 is _powerful_. This doesn't need
much code. You only havce to save 5 characters and start them up in dm-mode.
This way I'll save much time boosting stats, exp, equipment etc when
testing the new levels I've made. This will hopefully mean that I(and others)
will playtest the levels before they are put in play.
Well I could make them myself and make a backup for them, if it still will
be allowed to have several characters that is. But I rather not. It's
better to leave the job to someone else, I beeing the lazy demanding type:)
Hopefully I'll roll a 01 on my charm Frank spell.
For the new one(and everybody else):
Some advertizing. EVERYBODY can have his personal monster fantasie come
trough in this amazing game !!! You have parhaps not notized that we still
lack a vampire, juggernaut, dark elf, evil priests, uruk-hai with poison
arrows, ents, dryads, balrog, uruk-hai-priests, spiders, giant spiders,
nazgul, lichs, nightshades, disenchanter bat, more dragons, pink elefants,
real trolls(not the lizards which are found now), gelantinous pudding(which
eats everything it finds), draconians(which turns to stone and won't let
go of your weapon(immune to magic parhaps...)), etc...etc...
All you have to do is make up your mind about what monster you want, and
follow this instruction.
To make a one square monster:
1. Make a bitmap of it. Size is 24x24 pixels.
2. Make more bitmaps of it. (You want it to move, yes ?)
Size is still 24x24 pixels.
3. Check it out. Can't have an orc who looks like a tree half
the time. (You figured that one out yourself huh ?)
4. Figure out how many hp, thaco, ac, protections(damage is halved)
immunities(damage is ignored), special attacks(breath, spells etc),
it has. Have I forgotten something ? Invisibility perhaps.
Stuff like that. Make your own special attacks. Frank loves to
have something new to implement. The more work the better.
Or maybe not. The less coding has to be done. The better chance
it has to be implemented in the next version.
If it has several squares the appropriate size must be invoked(wonderful word
isn't it! ...or maybe not?)
The giant is 24x48 pixels, the lizard(called troll) is 48x48. Easy huh ?
I think you need to splitt the bitmap into it's seperate pieces becouse
Frank is really good at it. But if you want to split it, well... go ahead,
make my day :)
Thats enough rambling for now. Thanks for the attention.
(Andreas leaves silently so as not to wake anybody)
Professor Cross.Med
Andreas Bringdal
PS If there are some people who have something to say conserning my abuse
of this foreign(to me) language, please tell me. But break the news a
bit carfully. I might have a nervous breakdown.
PSII Does anyone have a program to simulate hex walking. Err...How do I
explain this. I am trying to start a PBM game but need to have a line
of sight program. I want my players to move around in a hex world where
they can see 3-5 hexes in eash direction on a given map. The map must
be able to contain terrain, cities, people, items, buildings and players.
It should also save the map the player has seen on a given turn.
The reason I don't make it myself is that I'm lazy and demanding, and
when I think about it, not very good at programming.
(The rest of this post is only junk...You are warned !)
(Hmmm....If I use the Warhammer rules I think that there is a 5% chance
to find an uncommon item(the hex walking program) in a reasonable big city.
Since this mailing-list is availabil in 3175 cities, the chance is 15875%.
Maybe I should subtract some becouce not everyone knows about it. Lets
see...95% perhaps...That gives me 15875% x 0.05 = 768%. Maybe not everybody
cares to answer, -50%. 384%. Ho hum ho humm...Lets say 25% of the answers
is usable...91%. Ok. Lets roll the die...One round around the computer
(counterclockwise), clap my hands, rub my dies(to ten sided, one blue, one
red), calm my breath...consentrate...and...go! Blue two and red nine.
Hurray!!! Thats 29....or 92...I said the blue was first, honest, you heard
me..please..Don't make me beg...please...(sobbing noises in the background))