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Bug fix.

If a player type 'a' when he had nothing in his inventory, the game would
seg fault.  This patch fixes that problem.  It is diffed against .87.8
------cut here-----------------------------------cut here---------------
*** input.c.old	Fri Sep 25 17:23:22 1992
--- input.c	Fri Sep 25 17:26:08 1992
*** 1608,1616 ****
      case 'a':
!       if(!apply(op,op->inv)) {
!         sprintf(buf,"I don't know how to apply the %s.",query_name(op->inv));
!         draw_info(op,buf);
      case 'A':
--- 1608,1620 ----
      case 'a':
!       if(op->inv) {
!         if(!apply(op,op->inv)) {
!           sprintf(buf,"I don't know how to apply the %s.",query_name(op->inv));
!           draw_info(op,buf);
!         }
!       } else {
!         draw_info(op, "You have nothing to apply!");
      case 'A':
Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty --Anonymous
Argue for your limitations and sure enough they're yours --Richard Bach
Isn't humanity egocentric? Whenever we talk, we say "Here's my two cents
  worth," but we only offer "a penny for your thoughts." --

Moonchilde/Amythyst/JT Traub ---