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Small bug in crossfire 0.87.5

Frank, Some unix systems will barf if you pass a null pointer to fclose.
What follows is a fix for that problem when it occurs in login.c.

--------------------------------cut here-----------------------------------
*** login.c.old	Tue Sep 22 14:01:29 1992
--- login.c	Tue Sep 22 13:50:05 1992
*** 263,269 ****
!   close_and_delete(fp); 
    op->contr->last_value= -1;
--- 263,270 ----
!   if(fp)
!     close_and_delete(fp); 
    op->contr->last_value= -1;
Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty --Anonymous
Argue for your limitations and sure enough they're yours --Richard Bach

Moonchilde/Amythyst/JT Traub ---