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Re: More comments on cone spells (icestorm, paralyze,

> After running through the debugger I realize that the spells aren't really
> that overpowerful except in one respect.
> If you set them loose in a corridor they will travel the ENTIRE length of the
> corridor, damaging everything in it's way with a 4 damage fire * the length
> of the corridor. (or at least that's what it seems).
> There really should be some limit to the distance that a burning hands can
> travel (apply this to the other cone spells as well).  Perhaps the strength
> parameter could apply to the distance it travels?

The distance is currently 5 which is exactly the same as how far a player
can see.  If you run in the same direction you're casting the spell, you can
see that it stops (not recommended).

Also, soon it will become hard to discover the different spells (spellbooks),
and only those with high int (or high wis) will be able to learn the spells.

Not to mention the severe drawback that those who use spells to clear rooms
usually destroys half of the treasure they could otherwise have grabbed.

The saving throws of items is modified to be reasonable even when the
different spells keeps giving damage four or more times to the same square.
