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Re: suggestions (fwd)

> 1. Bank (suggestion)
> I've lost quite a few items tonight because of game crashes.  It's all very
> well for a crashing server to emergency-save the characters themselves, but
> that means you cannot stockpile items in the town (like food, or anything)
> without risking losing them.  You can, clearly, give them to another
> character whose purpose in life is to hold them, and you can put that
> character to sleep so that it doesn't use food -- so the functionality
> I suggest is there already; but it's clumsy.  What I would like to see
> on the top level is a Bank, perhaps similar to a shop, where you can
> deposit stuff you don't want to carry (especially if you are a wizard
> with Strength 8!) but NOT lose it if the game crashes.  It would be
> neat if it remembered what stuff belonged to what character and
> only let you take out the stuff you yourself had put in.  I think
> it would be OK to work off character name for that.

 This is something of a bummer. I've had the same problem once or twice as well.
Perhaps as we seem to be moving towards a server version we can solve this 
problem by having the server able to restart using maps stored in /tmp. I also
quite like the idea of a Bank to store stuff in.
> 3. Wearing items in shops (bug)
> It's ridiculous that you can't "try on" items in shops (armour, rings, etc.)
> and see what they do to your (e.g.) speed before you buy them.  Since the
> shops cannot be subverted anyway, and since there don't seem to be cursed
> items (you can always take them off again), there would seem to be no
> logical reason for the restriction.

Yes it would be nice to be able to try on items in shops, but we should also
have cursed items.
