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Re: Shops

>From: Jonathan Roy <>
>You could design the shops to have specific items in them, with 4 or 5
>of each piled up on a space... :) Ie: The store stocks up to sell
>them to multiple people, or whatever, and they have the same
>inventory every time.

Well, piling would make some mess in the shop :) .

>Also, there should be a way to pick up and drop 1 of a given
>items. (50 food on ground, you want to pick up 2....)

Can't you do it by entering the number of amount and picking it up.

//   Petri Heinila   //   email:                  //
//                   //   mail:  Ainonkatu 2A                         //
//                   //          53100 Lappeenranta                   //
//                   //          Finland, Europe                      //