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Well my players and I have gotten too irritated at dying and losing everything
because of a stupid party member opening doors on dragons, or by doing
something inadvertantly... Soo, I decided to make death more paletable.  With
this patch #define'd death no longer kills you permanently.  Instead, you (and
your items) are whisked back to the start town, where you instantly lose 20% of
your experience, and one of your stats permanently.  Although this sounds
painless, it isnt!  20% of a million or more is LOTS, and HURTS!  In any case,
here's the changes if your interested:

    Charles Henrich     Michigan State University     

*** player.c	Thu Apr  8 05:50:46 1993
---	Fri Apr  9 11:23:18 1993
*** 1483,1488 ****
--- 1483,1616 ----
        sprintf(buf,"%s died.",op->name);
+ /****************************************************************************/
+ /* Patch: NOT_PERMADEATH                Author: Charles Henrich             */
+ /* Email:         Date  : April 9, 1993               */
+ /*                                                                          */
+ /* Purpose: This patch changes death from being a permanent, very painful   */
+ /*          thing, to a painful, but survivable thing.  More mudlike in     */
+ /*          nature.  With this patch defined, when a player dies, they will */
+ /*          permanently lose one point off of a random stat, as well as     */
+ /*          losing 20% of their experience points.  Then they are whisked   */
+ /*          to the start map.  Although this sounds very nice here, it is   */
+ /*          still REAL painful to die, 20% of a million is alot!            */
+ /*                                                                          */
+ /****************************************************************************/
+  /**************************************/
+  /*                                    */
+  /* Pick a stat, and steal on pt from  */
+  /* it...                              */
+  /*                                    */
+  /**************************************/
+     switch(RANDOM()%6)
+         {
+         case 0:
+             {
+             if(op->stats.Dex > 1) op->stats.Dex--;
+             op->contr->orig_stats.Dex=op->stats.Dex;
+             break;
+             }
+         case 1:
+             {
+             if(op->stats.Con > 1) op->stats.Con--;
+             op->contr->orig_stats.Con=op->stats.Con;
+             break;
+             }
+         case 2:
+             {
+             if(op->stats.Int > 1) op->stats.Int--;
+             op->contr->orig_stats.Int=op->stats.Int;
+             break;
+             }
+         case 3:
+             {
+             if(op->stats.Cha > 1) op->stats.Cha--;
+             op->contr->orig_stats.Cha=op->stats.Cha;
+             break;
+             }
+         case 4:
+             {
+             if(op->stats.Str > 1) op->stats.Str--;
+             op->contr->orig_stats.Str=op->stats.Str;
+             break;
+             }
+         case 5:
+             {
+             if(op->stats.Wis > 1) op->stats.Wis--;
+             op->contr->orig_stats.Wis=op->stats.Wis;
+             break;
+             }
+         }
+     tmp=arch_to_object(find_archetype("gravestone"));
+  /**************************************/
+  /*                                    */
+  /* Lets make up a gravestone to put   */
+  /* here... We put experience lost on  */
+  /* it for kicks....                   */
+  /*                                    */
+  /**************************************/
+     sprintf(buf,"%s's gravestone",op->name);
+     tmp->name=add_string(buf);
+     sprintf(buf,"RIP\nHere rests the hero %s the %s,\n"
+                 "who lost %d experience when killed\n"
+                 "by %s.\n",
+                 op->name, op->contr->title, (int)(op->stats.exp * 0.20),
+                 op->contr->killer);
+     tmp->msg = add_string(buf);
+     tmp->x=op->x,tmp->y=op->y;
+     insert_ob_in_map(tmp,op->map);
+  /**************************************/
+  /*                                    */
+  /* Move the player to the beginning   */
+  /* map....                            */
+  /*                                    */
+  /**************************************/
+     tmp=get_object();
+     EXIT_LEVEL(tmp) = first_map_level;
+     EXIT_X(tmp) = -1;
+     EXIT_Y(tmp) = -1;
+     enter_exit(op,tmp);
+     free_object(tmp);
+  /**************************************/
+  /*                                    */
+  /* Subtract the experience points,    */
+  /* if we died cause of food, give us  */
+  /* food, and reset HP's...            */
+  /*                                    */
+  /**************************************/
+     add_exp(op, (op->stats.exp * -0.20));
+     if(op-> < 0) op-> = 500;
+     op->stats.hp = op->stats.maxhp;
+  /**************************************/
+  /*                                    */
+  /* Repaint the characters inv, and    */
+  /* stats, and show a nasty message ;) */
+  /*                                    */
+  /**************************************/
+     draw_stats(op);
+     draw_all_inventory(op);
+     draw_info(op,"!!!!! YOU HAVE DIED, (HE HE HE :) !!!!!");
+     info_flush();
+     return;
+ #endif
  #endif /* SIMPLE_PARTY_SYSTEM */