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Re: fucking fix the fucking bugs!

> From: Scott Parks Gourley <>

> Hello?
> Fucking fix the bugs that we announce.
> This game is fucking stupid if you can't keep any inventory that you've
> slaved over to get!
> -Mike "VERY PISSED OFF" Juster

Jeez. Lose the frigging attitude. Crossfire is developed by people in their
limited free time. Frank has poured God knows how many hours to make, what I
believe is one of the best freely available games around. Numerous other
people have also contributed many hours to add features. Patches are released
quite often compared to much other PD software, but Frank isn't just sitting
around waiting to instantly hack up a patch for every bug that is found. 

For Christ's sake it is only a game. If it is so fucking important, fix it 
yourself, and post the patch to this list.

Rupert "Pissed off with every Net dickwad who wants premium service for _free_
software" Goldie