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Sounds for SUN workstations (2)

Just a few things I forgot to mention in my previous mail :

- You may put the sound files wherever you want, as long as the full path to
  these files is in "rplay.conf".

- The sound files must be loadable from any host that uses rplayd.  You may
  put them in a NFS mounted directory, for example.

- In the file 'crossfire-0.89.2-sound-files.Z', a few sounds are not currently
  used by the game.  I put them in because I think that they may be used for
  other sound effects such as the fireball spells, icestorm, teleports, ...

- Yes, I know that there should be a lot more "sound events" (for example,
  one for each spell type).  This would be easier to configure the sounds just
  as you like them.

- There certainly are some bugs in my patches.  If you find them, please
  drop me a note.

- Look for other sound files on

- If you find other interesting sounds or if you have some comments/questions,
  please send me a mail ()

Have fun...

                                                Raphael Quinet