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claus anyone?

Hi all,

we've been playing crossfire here for a while now, and we've got quite high-
level characters (38 is the highest).  We've just come across claus after
going down the well in Santa Dominion, and he's a bit hard.  He doesn't
appear in any of the spoiler files, so any tips for taking him on would be
gratefully received!  Also, we can't find any gauntlets, speed boots,
etc. anywhere.  Spellbooks of large icestorm are also elusive.  We've had
loads of the artifact weapons, but things certain ones like Excalibur haven't
come up yet. If anyone can tell me where to look for some of the really good
stuff, let me know.  And if you know of some really exciting places to go that
you think we might not have found yet, again drop me a line!



Simon N. McIntosh-Smith, PhD candidate    |  Email : 
Room M/1.36 Department of Computing Maths |  Phone : +44 (0)222 874000
University of Wales, College of Cardiff   |  Fax   : +44 (0)222 666182
PO Box 916, Cardiff, Wales, CF2 4YN, U.K. |  Home  : +44 (0)222 560522