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maps for 0.89.3?

Will map files for 0.89.2 work with version 0.89.3?  We've already got
about 8MB of maps for the old version, so I don't want to ftp another
load if I don't need to.  If I do need new maps, where can I find
some that will work with the new version of crossfire?



Simon N. McIntosh-Smith, PhD candidate    |  Email : 
Room M/1.36 Department of Computing Maths |  Phone : +44 (0)222 874000
University of Wales, College of Cardiff   |  Fax   : +44 (0)222 666182
PO Box 916, Cardiff, Wales, CF2 4YN, U.K. |  Home  : +44 (0)222 560522