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we're a new crossfire site at Cardiff, UK, and we'd like to know:

1. is there a FAQ to go with it?

2. is there a newsgoup, and if not, why not?

3. is there any more documentation to be found other than the sadly
   lacking offering that comes with the distribution?

4. is there a graceful way to kill a server started with crossfire -server
   when no-one is connected?  Can the server shut itself down when no-one
   is playing?

Thanks.  We're a bit puzzled about how such an obviously great game as
crossfire can be so unknown.  I've been subscribed to the mailing lists
for a couple of games and I've not had a single bit of e-mail yet - most
unlike any other mailing lists I'm on!  If anyone is out there, drop me
a line just to let me know I'm not on my own!



Simon N. McIntosh-Smith, PhD candidate    |  Email : 
Room M/1.36 Department of Computing Maths |  Phone : +44 (0)222 874000
University of Wales, College of Cardiff   |  Fax   : +44 (0)222 666182
PO Box 916, Cardiff, Wales, CF2 4YN, U.K. |  Home  : +44 (0)222 560522